A/N: How interesting to find myself actually adding a chapter of this sequel of my original story Tribulations. It really is a pain in the ass to make.

Eli: Don't think my life is a pain-in-the-ass! Screw you!

Me: Sorry, sorry. Let me just say that I'm adding another element to the story. I'll have to say that is the main point of this story being a pain-in-the-ass.

Jiru: Hello! Who is this Vaporeon?

Eli: You shall die!

Me: No... (holding Eli back while she trying to attack the Umbreon while staring out into space). I'm afraid that will have to wait.

Eli: Fine... Read and then I'll kill this bastard.

Prologue: Revisions

"It is obvious that my life was no walk in the park. As you can see, I had been in quite a few life-or-death situations, and worst of all, someone had betrayed me that I thought I could trust unconditionally. But in a sick sense, I don't actually regret that part of my life. It was just there, and I lived through it." The blue, aquatic feline named Eclipse explained to the hulking giant that loomed over her and the coming black and blue figure.

"Well, I know there were some… interesting speculations on your part as to why I acted the way I did." Enjiru, the Moon fox, tried to explain himself, and to his statement, Eclipse just gave him an annoyed look. "Well, it was not my fault. You know that."

"Yea~no." Eclipse sighed out as she shook her head in resignation. "Well, there is no point to arguing about it now. I guess we'll just start explaining the story together. That way, we can fill in any holes."

Well, people, that is the prologue. It is supposed to be a continuation of the first prologue. I was surprised to see that this story was tougher to do than I originally thought. For one thing, Eclipse and Enjiru are difficult characters that aren't supposed to be utterly insane. Please review on the prologue, and yes, I am now going to be narrating it from both Eclipse and Enjiru's point of views. I hope you have fun seeing the somewhat-psycho Vaporeon and eccentric (to put it nicely) Umbreon. This may seem like a completely separate story, but that is merely because my own insanity wants to mash everything into one stroy, so enjoy future chapter. Hope you have a nice day.