This is for you guys; anyone who's stuck with me since the very beginning. (When was that, the end of May? Wow.) it's been a very loonggg journey for me, and I feel like I've developed so much as a writer, and I'm so grateful that so many people bothered to read my story. I hope you guys enjoy this. Xoxo Luna


Four days later they packed up the car and drove down to the train station. Kurt was only hours away from the city of his dreams- he had been for his while life, technically, but it now seemed much more tangible. And he was on his way. The only thing, in fact, they could make this trip even better with the fact that his boyfriend was sitting right next to him.

After much begging and pleading on Kurt's part, Burt finally allowed Blaine to accompany them on their trip. Afterward, he cornered the boys while they were making out in the kitchen and proceeded to give Kurt one of the most embarrassing talks of his life. While Burt harangued them, he looked absolutely mortified but somehow managed to ask them if they were "using the things he bought" and "being responsible".

Blaine, ever the gentleman, was all serious nods and "Yes, of course, Sir," and even though Kurt wanted to crawl under the table and die. He was more or less surviving it, though, until Burt brought up The Couch. Apparently, the hospital staff felt guilty that Kurt had found a way to cut himself when he was supposed to be safe, and they were somewhat concerned that Burt might file a lawsuit. So they decided to drop the matter of the boys' salacious exploits, especially after Burt not-so-subtly informed them that he also held them accountable for letting Blaine and Kurt "get it on" while under their "inadequate supervision".

Then Burt allowed them to leave and Kurt started to help Blaine pack, making sure to include the condoms. Although Kurt had wanted to sink

through the floorboards, they all survived it.

And Kurt became better than ever; no longer withdrawing or becoming taciturn, even when he was hit by a bout of inexplicable sadness. Which wasn't often.

The best part of all, however, came when they arrived at the hotel. They stopped by the front desk upon entering, and the two boys were confused when they were given separate sets of room keys.

"What's going on?" Kurt asked Carole while Burt unloaded the bags from the car.

She smiled at him, and Blaine came to stand by Kurt's side, curious as well.

"You've been through a lot this year," she began. "So we've decided to let you share a room. You boys deserve to have some fun. And I reminded your father that he was a teenage too once. Besides, it's not like there's anything you haven't done before, judging from the phone call we received. Just don't break the bed," she finished with a wink, and Kurt was embarrassed beyond words. Blaine even had the decency to look ashamed; however, as soon as Carole was out of earshot, he leaned over to Kurt and whispered "I'm gonna fuck you into the mattress tonight," and Kurt shivered but told him yes, later, because they still had to go see the musical.

They had picked Wicked, and although they were seated kind of far to the right of the stage Kurt didn't care. The set alone was stunning, and when the curtain rose, he swore his heart stopped for a moment. He had Carole on one side and Blaine on the other, and even Burt had reluctantly decided to join them. They were all dressed up, Blaine was even wearing a tie, and Burt put a nice, non-flannel shirt on and everything was so classy and New York and Kurt loved the atmosphere there; bubbly and vibrant and lit up like a penny arcade*.

Then Galinda came down from above the stage in a metal circle and she might not have been Kristin but it was Broadway and of course she was fabulous. Kurt held his breath and squeezed Blaine's hand as the music began and Blaine squeezed back and everything was perfect.

Best of all, before even the second act Kurt was 100% certain that he would be on that stage someday, too.

Blaine and Kurt got in line for souvenirs during intermission, and Kurt was practically bouncing up and down, he was so excited.

"Calm down, beautiful," Blaine smiled, but Kurt just couldn't. He bought a poster and Blaine bought a t-shirt, and the sales lady didn't even look at them strangely, she just smiled at Kurt's enthusiasm. And even Blaine had to smile because they were in New York and they're in love and here, that's perfectly okay.

They even passed another gay couple on their way back into the theater, two handsome men in their late twenties, and Kurt smiled shyly and waved a little, and they grinned and waved back.

That's gonna be us in five years, Blaine thought giddily, and even he was bouncing slightly as they made their way back to their seats.

This was everything they have ever wanted, and as the lights came on at the end of the show Kurt had tear tracks on his face and Blaine frowned. "Are you okay, honey?" He asked, and Kurt giggled at the term of endearment. "Yes, of course, but, god, Blaine, that was so beautiful- For Good, and they say good-bye, but she gets Fiyero, and," Kurt paused to take a breath, Blaine kissed him sweetly. Burt and Carole tactfully wandered off in another direction, and when Kurt broke away he was smiling so wide his face hurt.

When they finally managed to catch a taxi, Kurt pulled out his phone and texted Ari.

"That was so perfect. I cried. I can't wait to tell you all about it when I get back"

Kurt texted, and Ari responded a moment later. It was kind of hard to text with only one hand, but Kurt's other hand was intertwined with Blaine's and he didn't really feel like letting go.

"Awesome. So happy 4 u. Hope u get laid tonight," Ari replied, and Kurt didn't tell her but yes, that was exactly what he would be doing.

They stepped out of the taxi rather ungracefully, and the air was warm and balmy, but thankfully the sun had gone down so it wasn't too hot.

"We should come back next year in June for the pride parade," Blaine mumbled absently, and Kurt agreed.

"Goodnight," he said to his father and Carole as they get off the elevator. Thankfully, the adults' room was on the opposite end of the hallway, so Kurt assumed it was safe to say they wouldn't hear him moaning, or the headboard smacking against the wall. Because Kurt Hummel gets what he wants, and right now he wanted Blaine.

They had to let go of each other for a moment so that Blaine could get the room key, and as soon as they entered the room Kurt clicked the lock shut.

Immediately, Blaine pressed him up against the door, kissing him fiercely.

"Jesus, Blaine, you're incorrigible." Kurt sighed.

"And your ass looks sexy in those jeans," Blaine deadpanned, staring shamelessly.

Kurt rolled his eyes in a way that was just a touch more fond than exasperated, but he allowed Blaine to kiss him, because he was a teenage boy after all, and Blaine was too damn attractive to deny.

"Fuck," Blaine moaned, breaking the kiss. Kurt was panting, his eyes alight with desire, and no one spoke for a moment, they just looked at each other.

"Bed," Kurt whispered, and Blaine nodded frantically, both boys stripping of their clothes as they went.

Blaine aided him in the removal of his shirt, which has far too many buttons (why did he have to wear the one with all the buttons?!) and they kissed roughly as they went.

"Jesus, Kurt, it's been weeks," Blaine muttered, and Kurt tried to reply but only a moan escaped his lips; Blaine had swirled his tongue around a nipple and it felt just toomuchsogood. His brain pretty much stopped processing anything but the intense jolts of pleasure shooting down his pale body.

"Have I ever told you how gorgeous you are?" Blaine asked, and Kurt whimpered in reply. Blaine broke away for a moment to ask Kurt's permission before slipping off his boxers and throwing them to the floor with the rest of the clothes. He then removed his own, and Kurt allowed himself to simply stare for a moment before leaning forward to kiss the hazel eyed boy.

Their cocks brushed accidentally and even the very brief friction was enough to make them both shudder. Kurt fell forwards, positioning himself so that he was straddling Blaine's hips. Kurt paused for a moment to lace their fingers together before he leaned over to kiss Blaine once more. Their tongues met, and Kurt allowed Blaine's tongue slip into his mouth, sucking on it lightly and taking pride in the moans he was eliciting from Blaine.

He thrust his hips lightly, not nearly enough to give them the release they so desperately needed, and, feeling bold, he pulled back for a moment.

"I was wondering," he began, and even that was hard work for his lust-addled brain, "If maybe I could fuck you... Instead."

He appraised Blaine, trying his best to look casual about it when in reality his hands were shaking.

Blaine's eyes widened, then narrowed, then widened again.

"Okay," he said simply, and Kurt frowned a little in surprise.

"A-are you sure?" He asks, feeling nervous.

"Positive," Blaine says with a kind smile, and Kurt felt the lust returning. "Good," he smirked, "because I really, really want to finger you."

Blaine moans again, and Kurt smiled, pleased with himself. He leans over once more, pressing soft, feather-light kisses to Blaine's jaw, re-memorizing his body after their weeks apart.

He then positioned himself between Blaine's spread legs, kneeling on the bed in front of him. Blaine watched Kurt as he lovingly, almost reverently poured lube on his fingers, stroking Blaine's dick a free times before sliding in two fingers at once. Blaine sighed in contentment.

"You know," Blaine muttered, grinding down on Kurt's fingers, "I've loved you since the day you walked into the library. You were looking, at me like I-like I had two heads or something. But I barely noticed. Your eyes, they were- Ah!" He gasped as Kurt's fingers reached his prostate. "Six different colors, and your face was so beautiful- the most- God, yes,- beautiful person I'd ever seen."

Kurt smiled, touched and amused. "I remember," he smiled. "I thought you might be a lunatic, the way you looked at me, smiling even though you'd never met me. You were wearing that Avenue Q shirt," he adds a third finger, "and for some reason I was intrigued. I couldn't stop thinking about you."

"Fuck," Blaine gasped as Kurt scissored his finger experimentally.

"Too much talking. I want you in me, n-now." he begged, breathing unevenly.

"Ok, honey," Kurt smiled, reaching on the nightstand for the box of condoms. He reached in and grabbed one, tossing the box on the floor. He opened in with his teeth, as he was still thrusting his fingers into Blaine's ass.

He then withdrew them, and Blaine whimpered at the loss, fisting his hands in the bedsheets.

"NOW," Blaine whined. "Jesus, Kurt."

"Okay, okay, Kurt rolled the condom onto his erection, slicking himself up with more lube than was probably necessary.

"Okay?" Kurt asked, positioning himself at Blaine's entrance.

Blaine nodded fervently.

Kurt exhaled shakily and pushed in, very slowly. Blaine tilted his head back, his hips jerking up to meet Kurt's until their bodies were flush against each other.

"Give me a minute," Blaine breathed, and Kurt nodded. He nodded, letting his hands rest against Blaine's hip ones. "I love you," Kurt breathed, leaning the last few inches to capture Blaine's mouth in a kiss. The shorter boy soon took control, thrusting his tongue against Kurt's in a way that made them both moan.

"Move, please, beautiful," Blaine groaned, kneading Kurt's ass with his hands.

"Yes, yes of course," Kurt whispered, pulling back and then thrusting into Blaine in slow, short strokes. He was about two seconds away from coming, but he kept going. It suddenly occurred to him that he was iNside Blaine- oh, hell, he was inside his gorgeous boyfriend. That made him want to fuck Blaine even harder. He thrust sharply, rhythmically, his balls slapping against Blaine's ass. "Yes," Blaine moaned, "There-harder. Ohh."

Kurt kissed him messily, his thrusts becoming less and less controlled as he felt himself coming closer to the edge. He leaned forward more, and they both gasped at the new angle. Blaine was so tight, and hot, and Kurt was falling apart in the best way possible. He looked absolutely wrecked.

Blaine reached down to grasp his cock, stroking once, twice, before he practically screamed. "Fuck, Kurt, Kuurttt, oh," Blaine gasped, coming suddenly. His eyes fluttered closed and his body shook with the effects of the orgasm, and Kurt could safely say that he had never seen something so beautiful in his entire life.

Kurt came soon after; the pressure was too good, too intense, to resist a second longer. He thrust into Blaine, four, quick strokes, and then he was coming, so hard his vision blurred. He slumped over on top of Blaine, breathing heavily. He could feel his heart beating wildly, adrenaline corsihg through his body. He had a brief flash of panic- the last time he had come with Blaine, it had inadvertently led to hospitalization.

But he was so much more than that, than the boy who cuts. Now he was becoming the boy who sang, the boy who laughed, the boy who loved the theatre, the boy who had a loving boyfriend.

They got cleaned up, took a brief shower together, and threw on their pairs of boxers before snuggling into bed and pulling up the covers.

"Love you," Kurt muttered with a yawn. "Oh, I'm soooo tired," Kurt mumbled sleepily.

Blaine laughed. "Post-orgasm Kurt is even more adorable than I imagined."

"Almost as fabulous as during-orgasm Kurt?" Kurt giggled, pretending to bat his eyelashes.

"Mm, yes, you're so beautiful when you come," Blaine muttered against Kurt's neck. Kurt felt his lips quirk upward into a smile.

"I could say the same for you, I suppose," Kurt teased.

Then both were silent for a few moments. The silence was pleasant rather than uncomfortable.

Kurt sighed peacefully, listening to the sound of Blaine's breathing.

"Kurt?" Blaine asked after a while.


"You wanna live here after you graduate, right?"


"Well," Blaine rolled onto his side to face Kurt, "Can I maybe... Come with you? And live together?"

Kurt laughed easily.

"Of course, silly! I want you with me for as long as possible," Kurt smiled, reaching over to hold hands with Blaine.

"Thought so," Blaine grinned back. "Just making sure."

"I love you," Kurt whispered, gazing into Blaine's honey-colored eyes.

Blaine leaned in to kiss him in response. It seemed there weren't adequate words to express how deeply they loved each other.

Kurt and Blaine fell asleep listening to the sounds of traffic outside, moonlight streaming in through the window. It illuminated the thin pink scar on Kurt's left wrist. It had healed. Everything was changing for the better.

* This is a reference to the song N.Y.C from Annie.

Okay, so hopefully that was an adequate ending for you all! I know I haven't updated in forever (three week as) and I'm sorry for the wait but I wanted too make sure that this chapter was as detailed and lovely as possible. Yes, AITWOINBTS (terrible acronym right, I need to work on my titles) is finally over.

On a positive note, I have begun working on a new story or two. The first one is called You Can Have Manhattan and is going to be very AU, and possibly a little darker than this one but I can promise it will have a happy ending. That will probably be my Christmas gift to you all (or if you celebrate something different or nothing at all, well, you're getting a gift regardless.)

I am also working on what is currently a one shot but might evolve into a longer fic depending on if anyone likes it. It is called Locks And Keys.

So, follow/favorite me to be informed when the new fics are posted, and have a great Halloween/Thanksgiving/Autumn everybody.

À bientôt!

- Luna