So Smokescreen and Bumblebee are my new OTP and i have been drawing a lot of pictures of them(As cats). So i decided to write some fanfic's of these two based off of my pictures of them. This fanfic isn't exactly based off of any of my pictures. But the future ones probably will.

Title: Confessions Universe: Transformers Prime:Beast Hunters Characters: Bumblebee, smokescreen, ratchet, Mentions of others Pairings: BumblebeeXSmokescreen warnings: So OOC-ness.
Talking: Bumblebee- ("...") Com. link- /.../ Normal- "..."

Smokescreens P.O.V

It was early in the day and the base was almost empty. Optimus had gone off with Arcee and Ultra magnus, along with agent Fowler and Nurse Darby to collect the recent fossil that Ratchet had detected. Miko was out on patrol with Bulkhead, looking for any signs of the 'cons or fossils, and also keeping an eye out for wheeljack No one had seen him since he left after his mission with Ultra Magnus and Bulkhead. And Optimus couldn't afford to have anyone out looking for him. Jack and Raf were over on the platform next to Ratchet, talking to him and helping him when he needed it.

I was leaning against the wall of the base, doing nothing in particular but just standing around. There wasn't much to do here in this new base. I sighed and was about to go to my new room when a car engine was heard. Bumblebee came speeding in the base, stopping with a screech and transforming to his bi-pedal form. I watched as bee walked over to ratchet and started talking to him.

I looked at bee for a few minutes, before turning away, blushing slightly. I'm not going to lie, I've actually had a crush on bee for a while now. I started liking 'bee when we went out on patrol a while ago and i transformed in front of a human and threatened him. At that time i just brushed it off as nothing. But after our last mission, when we had our little chat, those feelings that i had pushed aside before, came back, stronger.

Now i don't know what to do. Every time i am around bee, my spark would race and i would become a little flustered. My dreams were literally plagued with images and made up scenes of me and the black and yellow mech. Whether it would be me and him just walking through a park holding servo's, or something a little more, explict.

I had been meaning to tell 'bee how i feel about him for a while now, but every time i go to tell him, i chicken out. It's not like i have a problem with telling him i like him, its just that i'm afraid of his response. I don't know what i would do if he didn't feel the same way as i did. haha. I guess i like him more than i thought. I thought to myself, but was soon brought out of my thoughts as I heard footsteps coming towards me.

I looked to see the mech himself. Bumblebee walked towards me. Even without a mouth, you could tell he was smiling.
("Hey smokescreen.") Bumblebee beeped stopping in front of me.
"Oh hey 'bee!" I smiled.
("Wanna go for a drive? maybe have a race?") Bumblebee asked. ("There really isn't much to do here.")
"Ya sure!" I pushed myself off the wall i was leaning on and walked over to the base entrance with 'bee. We both transformed into our vehicle mode and drove out of the base.

I was actually glad to be able to get out of the base. And even more glad that i was able to get out of the base with 'bee. We drove down a road that was close to the new base and was rarely ever busy. We have raced down here before, the tall rocks in the distance being our finish line. Bumblebee drove up next to me.

("Race ya to the rocks up ahead?")
"You bet!" I sped up, passing bumblebee. But it didn't take long for him to catch up to me. It didn't really surprise me that bumblebee caught up so easily.

Bee was a scout, which meant he was fast. He was probably the fastest one on our team. We both kept at the same speed, neither one of us passing each other, or falling behind. That was until, as if bee had some stored up energy, zoomed right pass me.

If you were able to see my face right then, it would have an expression of shock and surprise. I sped up as fast as i could, only about a couple of feet behind 'bee. The rocks up ahead were coming closer into view, and just like that bumblebee sped right past them. Bee made a small u-turn, trailing a cloud of dust behind him and transformed into his bi-pedal form. I drove as up a few seconds later and transformed in front of 'bee.

We were surrounded by a bunch of tall rocks so no humans would be able to see us unless they were to drive over to us, which i doubt will happen.
"That was a good race 'bee."
("Ya, especially since i beat you again for the, what? millionth time?") Bumblebee smirked.
"Hey i've beaten you before!"
("Ya but i've beaten you more than you've beaten me!") Bumblebee continued to gloat as we both began to walk.
"Ya ya."

We continued to walk for a few minutes. I didn't say anything after that last sentence, which was unusual for me since I rarely ever not talk when we walk around. But i didn't feel like talking right now. I was actually thinking back to my thoughts i had earlier. Bumblebee Noticed that i was awfully quiet and stopped walking to turn and look at me. I was staring off to the side, still thinking, until i realized that bumblebee had stopped walking. I looked back at him to see concern in his optics.

("Are you alright Smokey?") I blushed a little at the nickname.
"Uh ya. I'm fine." Bumblebee frowned.
("You don't seem fine.")
"What do you mean?" I asked, slightly confused.
("Well usually you would be talking or something. But you were just staring off into the you not want to talk to me?") Bumblebee's door wings drooped a little bit. I was shocked that bee would say that.

"No! of course I want to talk to's just that.. I've had a lot on my mind." Bumblebee looked at me with curious Optics.
("Whats been on your mind?") I froze a little at that question. I should've know that bee was going to ask me that.
"Oh you know...stuff." I couldn't tell 'bee what i was really thinking about. Bumblebee gave an annoyed sighed.
("What kind of stuff?")
"Uh, just stuff about the 'cons...and the everything's different now." I tried my best to hide the lying in my voice, but 'bee saw right through it. The black and yellow 'bot crossed his arms, giving me a 'i know your lying' look.

("Come on smokey. Tell me what you were thinking about.")
"I..I can't."
("Why not? Is it something bad?")
"no and i just can't!" I was becoming a little annoyed now.
("is it something personal?") Bee continued to ask.
("...Is it something perverted?") "W-what!?" My face plates heated up a little bit.
("Well you said it was something personal.")
"Not that kind of personal!" Even though i wasn't thinking anything perverted, I still felt embarrassed.
("Oh come on just tell me! I tell you about a lot of things i'm thinking about.") It is true that 'bee does tell me about a lot of stuff he's thinking about, but that still wasn't going to get me to tell him.

"Sorry 'bee but i can't say, ok? So just...drop it." Bumblebee gave a sad sigh, but didn't push on. We started to walk again.
A part of me was yelling at me for making been sad and was saying that i should just tell him how i feel. But another part of me was saying to not tell him how i feel about him, but to wait a little longer. My door wings drooped. I felt so conflicted right now. I turned and looked back at bee, who had his door wings down, and was looking off to the side. I could see a little sadness in his optics.

Maybe i should just tell him. It would be a lot easier to just get it out in the open so i can stop stressing about telling him. But, how would he react? Would 'bee like me back? Would he not like me back? Things would be awkward between us if 'bee didn't like me back. I sighed. I really wanted to tell him.

I stopped walking and looked back at 'bee again. You know what? I'm going to tell him. I clenched both of my fists and took a deep breath. I turned around to face bee, who almost bumped into me.

("uh..smokescreen?") Bumblebee asked, confused at why i stopped walking. I sighed again.
"Alright, you really want to know what I've been thinking about?" Bumblebee nodded his helm.
("Yes.. that's why i was asking you before.") I bit my lip. This was it.
"Ok...well you see...I.." I stopped myself. I could feel my spark beating faster and my core temperature rise.
("You what?") 'Bee raised an optic ridge at me.
"I...I.." I shifted my weight on both of my legs, bouncing nervously Ok maybe this wasn't such a good idea. Bumblebee looked at me with concern.
("If it's bothering you this much to tell me, then you don't-")
"No! no, I..I have to tell you. I've kept this hidden for way to long, and..I just need to tell you." I rambled on a little bit. But i had to tell him. Bumblebee stepped a little closer.

("Alright, then tell me.") Bumblebee's 'voice' was softer now. I took another deep breath.
"Alright...look I like you. Not just as a friend, but more. I have for a while now and i didn't want to tell you because I didn't know how you would react or if you would like me back." Bumblebee looked like he was about to say something, but i cut him off.
"I can't stop thinking about you. Weather i am dreaming or not, your literally all that fills my mind. Ya I know that sounds a little weird but i can't help it. I like basically everything about you. The way you look, how you talk, how we hang out together, everything. And...and I know that you probably don't feel the same way, but i had to tell you." I rambled on.

Bumblebee stared at me with wide optics, trying to process everything that I just told him. Bee was silent for a few seconds, which felt like an hour to me. I started to panic, realizing that bee wouldn't, and didn't like me back.

"You know what, j-just forget I said anything." I transformed into my alt mode, driving towards the base.
I could hear 'bee behind me.
("Wait smokescreen!") But I was already driving away. I didn't want to face the rejection. I just kept driving until I reached the base.

Wooh I am finally finished with this I've been writing this for about three days. I feel like I've repeated some stuff in this, but written in a different way.

Oh well. So ya Bumblebee and smokescreen are my new OTP. Come on, these two would make a good couple.

Review?No mean comments please.