A/N I know, I know….. its been forever and Im totally sorry :/ but I thank you for the continued support, reviews, and reminders to get it in gear LOL! So without further ado, I present the beginning of the end pt. 1 This is dedicated to the reviewers who told me to update now to bball21, and a to my Lost Girl fans (there's a treat in this chapter for you)! By the way, this chapter and the next will have locations because all of these things are happening at the same time…. I hope you enjoy :D

Secret location, Montreal

"How can you just sit there!?"

Thor paced the floor of the, what could only be described as rundown, shack furiously. It bothered him to no end that the war of the worlds, of Orson Welles proportions, was taking place and he was hundreds of miles away.

"I can't take this. Do you not feel useless?"

This time yesterday the former god had not a care in this world or the next. His only issue was what bar wench, (wait bartender…. He always forgets that they don't take kindly to the word wench any more) he was going to bed in efforts to avoid his extensive tab. But today is different. Today he worries for the fate of every living creature; in particular one whom he just found out was his sister, and another who is his sister's mate. Suddenly the muscular blonde is hit with the realization that he just, cares. He at one point thought his father to be foolish. What kind of God would sacrifice his own eye just to keep a protective watch over beings that were beneath him, that were meant to serve him. Now he understands that his father was not a fool, but courageous. He understands that sometimes to be a great leader you must make great sacrifice, rather it be an eye… or your own son if you thought it was for the betterment of all. With this new understanding it occurs to Thor that he would sacrifice his life to help save this world, his world, and all others from demise; to help his sister, to stop his brother, and to live up to the example of his father. This realization comes with fear, pride, and a sudden burning sensation his blood, an increasing throbbing in his head. He rubs his temples to relive some of the pressure.

"Blasted eternal life in a human vessel, my father surely had a sick sense of humor" he gripes as his headache increases from a throb to a thunder. "Would you stop tapping away at that computer for five minutes?"

"You know being a grumpy grape, which could probably be considered a raisin, is not helping the situation. Freyja and Rossi said that you needed to be in as safe as a place as we could find, and Hotch ordered me to set up shop with you, so that is what we are going to do. Stay here, as safe as can be, and like always I will tap away on this computer trying any and every way possible to help out my family, who AGAIN are in the center of a shit storm as I sit back and worry!" Garcia stops and takes a deep unnecessary breath "oh my gods, this is like New York all over again, only epically worse. If we make it out alive I am making Emster buy me the most expensive bottle of V ever!"

Thor is almost positive that the colorful vampire's rant just made his headache worse and his skin prickle "I should be in Boston, in the battle. I should be fighting for Asgard as a warrior, a god, even as a powerless human. I should not be here, hiding for my safety, with an odd vampire who uses more words in ten seconds than I ever could in all my lifetimes; and an even odder woman who uses words that I don't even think exist! How do we even know we can trust her?" Thor gestures dramatically towards the door in which their mysterious host had disappeared through some time ago.

"Hale and Dyson said we can trust her, so that's what we are going to do"

"We don't even know what species she is. We know nothing about her!"

"We know she has nice shoes. Besides, what does it matter what species she is? They trust her, and she has been nothing but super nice, and has provided us with safe harbor" Garcia responds to the frantic blonde without even lifting her eyes from her laptop.

"Safe? I would hardly call this rundown space of splinters and asbestos safe" The former god remarks as his eyes gaze around the badly rundown room. "this place should be condemned"

"HEY HEY HEY! Lay off of clubhouse Jr. here Mr. Antsy pants. This place has its own je ne sais quoi; you just have to learn to appreciate its character. Reminds me a lot of clubhouse senior, you never forget your first you know. It was toats amazeballs, and was rather conveniently located close to this bar that had the most adorbs wittle bartender. He would kill me if he knew I called him that. That's actually were I first met D-man and Sir Fedora. Ahhhhh the good old days! And don't knock humans, arm and hammer, I used to be human before absorbing some freaky kitsune fae… oh excuse me, I think the PC term is subhuman…mojo. Any who chillax before your brain explodes! Sheesh, you Nordic legends are all so tense, you remind me Tam Tam"

Thor stares with pained eyes at the almost gothic looking icy eyed brunette in front of him. The pain behind his eyes increases as he thinks to himself that staying in a room with Garcia and this Russian mad woman may actually be more deadly to him than the battle itself. "Look, Smirnoff, I have nothing against you, humans, or this place even. I just need to be out there, I feel like I should… I need to hel-" Thor is unable to finish his thought as he nearly collapses to the floor. Luckily the well-worn couch was close enough in reach for him to brace himself. The vampire and the kitsune were at his side immediately to help stabilize him. Realizing that the man was sweating profusely, Penelope ran off in search of a towel while the Russian helped to guide him into a seated position.

Once settled the brunette sat on the coffee table in front of him and looked him in the eyes "Look, I know you want to help. I hated watching all my friends throw themselves into these doomsday scenarios as I was left to watch on the sidelines. But the truth of the matter is that I would only have been in the way. But I had my part; even as a human I had a role. You have a role in all of this too, sledge hammer, but until it is time, all you can do is wait and hope that those you care about can do what they have to do."

"You are very wise, even for an over chatty gothic kitsune" Thor acknowledges to the woman before him

The Russian woman sits up and dusts off her leather jacket in a display ofswagger "Well what can I say, I am pretty amazing! But you can just call me Kenzi"


Trophy hall of the warehouse, Boston

Jafar stands, albeit a bit stiffly, before the black stony statutes of Loki's trophy room. Each statue a depiction of fear, of final moments, of species kneeled with their hands up trying to stop their souls from being ripped out of their bodies. All are cowering in absolute fear except one, the stony figure of Shota, which is laid prone as if in a deep slumber. Jafar wonders to himself if Loki stole her soul as she was slept. Each petrified body before him reminds him of the words Shota hand said , that he would be used as another vessel for Loki to feed from. NO… he would not end up as an empty statue in Loki's hall. The best thing about knowing the future is that you can change it if it doesn't fit your desired outcome. A grin crosses the dark sorcerer's face. Oh well, so Loki didn't pan out, there are other powerful alliances to be made. Ones that will get him what he wants in the end.

"So this is where you went to sulk. What's wrong Jafar? Still pouting because teacher's pet had to kneel with the rest of the class?" His thoughts were interrupted by Tisiphone as she enters the hall. She had noticed that Jafar was quite disgruntled during devotions, and suspected it had to do with being made to bow down along with the rest of Loki's followers. Jafar felt he was above this strengthening ceremony, and she would love to rub it in his face that he was made to do so, however she was sent to look for the sorcerer because the battle that is taking place outside the warehouse had taken a turn in favor of the opposition. Loki had called for more reinforcements. "Look I would love nothing more than to watch you cry over having to step off your high horse, but the master is ready for you to call to Persephone. He needs more back up, now! They are threatening to breach the barrier."

Hearing the word 'master' was the last straw for Jafar, no one was his master. No one was going to use him without giving him something in return. An evil grin cuts across the sorcerer's face. He never really got on with Tisiphone, so what he was about to do next would kill the proverbial two birds with one stone. His eyes remained set on the stone figures with his back to the Fury, he coaxes his voice into a nonchalant tone.

"You are truly a loyal concubine to so readily kneel outside, and inside of the bedchamber to your master. I do hope all that time spent on your knees is well repaid after Sire's marriage" Jafar can already feel a shift in the temperature of the room. He doesn't even need to turn around to know that wings of fire are raging from the woman's back.

"What did you call me, sorcerer?" The Fury bit out angrily "how dare you call me a concubine? Once I am married to Loki I will be your master too, so I'd advise you to watch what you say old fool"

The laugh that emitted from Jafar was deep, mocking and menacing "I, the fool? No, dear, I believe you to be the fool. I wasn't speaking of marriage to you. I have no idea how you have gotten such a silly notion in your head. I meant when he is wed to your mistress, Persephone" The look on Tisiphones's face was all Jafar needed to encourage him on, the look of pure rage and confusion. "Oh dear…. You didn't know did you? They too are betrothed, a marriage of business I'm sure, however a marriage indeed." Jafar pauses to finally turn around and face the Fury. With ample amusement he continues "you know I thought it strange that you both would find such an arrangement acceptable. I know Furies are not great with sharing, and well Persephone hardly seems the type to allow one of her followers to bed her husband, but Loki kept yammering on and on about how you know your place, it wouldn't be a problem, yada yada yada…. Soooo I assumed- oh my, if you didn't know, then I guess Persephone is unaware as well. Tisk, tisk, tisk. I don't think that would make her very happy with you. "

The Fury storms out of the hall in a stream of fire. Jafar's grin threatens to slit his face apart at the thoughts of the implications of severing Tisiphone's allegiance to Loki. Hell hath no fury, pun intended, liked a woman scorned. Nothing has fury like two women scorned. The sorcerer begins to speak words of a long dead language, and soon after purple smoke forms a ball in the center of the room. The ball then stretches into a thin oval looking glass. Reflected in the glass is the devil herself.

"Mistress Persephone, I have been instructed to summon you by Sire Loki"

The stunningly beautiful woman dressed in red speaks in a tone that demands attention, yet is as melodic and hypnotizing as her beauty. Greek goddesses are lookers, that's for sure "yes, I can sense the battle above. Much blood is being spilled, and seemingly from our own side. Never the less the blood debt has been paid, the rift may be opened."

With a bowed head and lowered eyes, Jafar speaks "Sire will be very pleased mistress; your alliance will surely win him the war that commences as we speak. You are truly a force rivaled by no other. I truly hope, Sire is deserving of your kindness…. Which is why- no, never mind. It is not my place"

"Which is why what, Jafar?" Persephone demands

"It's just, well… I fear that perhaps there is a situation that you were not made aware of, mistress. A transgression of sorts. I just believe in full disclosure, and being that the source of my power is from the underworlds, my true allegiance has always been with you" Jafar further bows for emphasis

"Tell me of this, transgression"


Loki's office of the warehouse, Boston

Rays nearly as powerful as the sun shines from the glass case emitting blinding light throughout the room. The case begins to rattle and crack, until the case is completely shattered, dropping shards of glass onto the expensive marble floor. Left lying on the stand upon which the glass case was perched was a hammer. The hammer rattles as the brilliant light weaves itself around it until it is absorbed into the object. Then suddenly, with great force the hammer projects upwards busting its way effortlessly through the ceiling of the warehouse.