The assassin moved in the shadows trying to avoid the people on the streets. It was sometimes easier said than done, but after years of being a trained assassin he was used to anything that was thrown at him. Unfortunately it was the belief that he could handle anything that brought his downfall. He had killed so many people he had lost count. The blood that stained his hands was invisible to most, but not to him. He knew the things he had done and sometimes he could say, he was not proud of them. This was the only life he knew. With as soiled as he was, he knew he could have no other life, but as he continued to walk out his chosen path he didn't complain. No one wanted to bother him and he never had a problem with getting what he wanted. The dark aura that rolled off of him was enough to make a sane man mad.

The life wasn't always an easy one. It was a heavy toll on his heart when he had to kill women or children. They were always less sickening to him than men. There was nothing more discussing than watching a grown man try and give up his family to spare his own life. Some days he himself was sickened by his gender. It was no use thinking about it now. He had a mission to accomplish. His target was not going to kill themselves and if they did he would be out of a job. The man he had been told to kill was someone he had wanted to kill himself, a low pig that sold people like they were property, or killed them for his amusement. Though Ja'far knew that last part didn't make himself any better than this man.

Ja'far stood with his back to the ally, unaware of the person looming behind him. He had his eyes locked on his current target. Ja'far was so interested in his target that he didn't notice the man who had come up behind him. The man raised his hand and smacked the assassin on the back of the head. Ja'far felt the hard hit on the back of his head. He could understand the dull throbbing from the blow, but was shocked by the sudden blur of his vision. Ja'far collapsed, leaving himself venerable. His assailant threw the assassin's small body over his shoulder.

Ja'far's eyes fluttered open as he felt a pressure pushing into his stomach. The rough way he was jostled should have been enough to tip him off, but it wasn't until he noticed the shoulder pressed against his stomach that the pieces finally fit together. He had been captured, by a fool no doubt. A man who clearly didn't know he was an assassin. As swiftly as he could Ja'far pulled out his blade and dug it deep into the man's shoulder. With a loud cry the man dropped Ja'far making him fall on his face. His irritation was brief as he had to roll out of the way from an attack. Ja'far looked up at the man before looking around himself. He was on a ship, why had he been brought here? It dawned on him that he was likely brought here to be a slave. He'd rather die than serve some filthy dog. Ja'far grit his teeth gripping his blade tighter. He could feel the blade dig into his flesh. It wasn't the first time this had happened to him. Ja'far lunged forward taking the man off guard, burring his blade back into the man's shoulder.

Damn it. I missed.

Ja'far pulled away ready to attack once more, the man stood before him his teeth glistening in the light. He readied himself to lunge forward, but was caught off guard by the man who grabbed him from behind. Ja'far looked up at the tall man his heart dropping at the realization that this was the end for him. The cool red wire that held his blades were released from their tight grip around his arms. The clink of the metal made tears form in his eyes. He didn't want to be forced into slave labor. He looked up as the man who had captured him walked forward. The smug look on his face reminded Ja'far of his bitter defeat.

"Just fucking kill me, I refuse to be a part of your discussing slave trade." Ja'far spat at the man's feet, sickened by the sailor's carefree laughter that followed.

"We're not slave traders," The man told him his deep voice sending a small shiver up Ja'far's spine. "We're pirates." Ja'far looked around deck able to slow his mind from his recent panic. It was true, these men didn't look like salve traders. They were too scruffy. Well that was all but for the man who stood in front of him. His purple hair was far too clean and his clothes far more royal than any sailor he had ever seen.

"And who the hell are you?" Ja'far asked the man with a bitter tone trying to force his way out of the tall man's grasp. The purple haired man smiled down at the assassin.

"I'm Sinbad, legendary pirate and self-proclaimed king of the seven seas." Sinbad held his hands at his hips making Ja'far roll his eyes. This man was so cocky it was making him nauseous.

"If you didn't mind me asking, why did you bring me here if you're not slave traders?"

"You and the other assassins have been giving us trouble. We took you, because they took one of ours."

"That has nothing to do with me," Ja'far yelled struggling to get free. "I didn't even know who you were!" Ja'far looked at the man holding him back. He was too strong to fight off Ja'far knew that. Ja'far looked back at Sinbad. "Let me go," he growled wanting to rip the throats out of everyone on this ship and he would.

Sinbad nodded his head unfazed as the assassin picked up his weapon and rushed forward. Ja'far froze suddenly at the sward to his throat. How had that man moved so fast? He hadn't even seen it coming. He hadn't even seen this man on deck. Ja'far looked at the tan man his light hair similar to his own, but not quite the same. He stumbled back his knowledge of the world around him crumbling.

"I have a very loyal crew," Sinbad said sharply walking forward lifting Ja'far's chin up, forcing him to look at him. "It would be wise for you not to anger them." Ja'far pulled back latching his teeth onto the man's hand. He wouldn't give in as easy as this man clearly thought he would. Sinbad gave him an unamused look looking back at the tall red head.

"Masrur, would you please take out guest below deck?" Sinbad paused for a moment picking up Ja'far's blades. "And make sure he's taken care of."