Disclaimer: I am only a puppeteer, using Happy Potter characters as my puppets in my stories. These characters belong sole writer of Harry Potter books and I am no money from using them in any of my fantasy stories.

Warnings: M/M, language, Fluff, mention of sex and MPreg (MPreg might come into the story later on), Humor HP/DM, HP/OC, HG/RW Past HP/GW, past HP/OC(s), PMS-ing, and gossiping.

Beta: All by myself. Any errors are mine. I am sorry Grammar Nazis.

Due to how I upload this story Page breaks with look like this : (HPDMPAGEBREAK) I am sorry if this bothers anyone.

Notes: I had the chapter done for a while. I just reread and and double checked it. And it was broken up into two chapters. The bottom half was not that great and is being rewritten. Please don't kill me. Thank you! All of you who have read my story. I want to thank you all for following me and posting comments. I do read them! And I love when I get them! (they go to my phone and I get them at strange times...its great!)

Chapter Fifthteen

With a few words from Narcissa about how I should dress, fix my hair, and the floo address, I was out of the manor within a few hours after the lawyer had come. Few hours were mostly how to word the contract.

Before I could even think about picking out an outfit, for this fancy restaurant. I made a floo call.

To the all great and mighty Sarah. Didn't I mention I am pants when it comes to clothing?

Of course as soon as I told Sarah I had important date, she sat down in front of her fire place and list everything that I needed from my closets.

How she knew what could possibly be there? Well, she reminded me that she, herself picked out a bit of those clothes hiding away.

Every time we went out for a new event robe, she would instant on buying me a new outfit. Which, mostly, I never bother with. I wear Auror robes 90% of the time. The other times…..Sleeping pants? I'm not going to lie. I am lazy. Clothes just have to be comfortable to wear around the flat. I wear my baggier clothes out when I meet up with Ron and Hermione. Hey, we always eat. A man need room to have some growing room. And when Draco was around, umm, well we didn't need clothes.

I didn't know if I was impressed by that fact she remember all the clothes or horrified that she knew all the clothes she had made me buy. Not only that, she knew the ones I never wore.


I explain I needed to go to Paris, France and I wanted to be comfortable. But not underdressed. I knew that telling Draco I was the new prospect might not go over well. I wanted something I could run in. Just in case a getaway was in order.

She gave me a small list and of what I could wear. I tried on a few different outfits, and would came back to stand at the floo for Sarah to double check. It only took about my second change for Sarah to finally floo completely over and get down to work. She wanted to make sure my outfit was 'Le Dali' approved.

I didn't even know what 'Le Dali' was. But Sarah knew as soon as I handed her the slip Narcissa gave to me.

Sarah clued me in. One of the top ten restaurants in Paris. Muggle Paris that is. Located in the hotel of Le Meurice and jackets were required.

Right after Sarah ended the floo call, I decide to leave early and have a look about. I still had about an hour to an hour and a half till I need to be there.

But was stopped, by a different floo call. One I wish could have waited.

I was just rechecking myself to make sure I look alright. I really was trying to talk myself up to go and blast Draco with my great news, when Molly's face came out of my floo flames.

"Harry dear, are you hom-…Oh!" I heard her call out for me.

Oh no. "Oh my. Look at you! Oh I'm coming right over."

"Molly that's not really necessary. I'm just-"

Too late. She already in flames and stepping out into my flat. I just don't understand how I went from future mother in-law one to over protective mother two.

"I see you are all dressed up. Come here let me take a look at you." Forcing me toward the couch and having a sit where she can ohh and aww at me. "Harry, Do you have a few minutes for us to talk? I won't be long" She asked warmly smiling. Patting the spot next to her.

"Sure, Molly." Sitting down. I haven't spoken to Molly in a while and I can feel the guilt rising in me. I forgot all about the fact I haven't seen her in almost two weeks when I called fake sick.

"Well, than. Ron has told me that you are see the youngest Malfoy." She started. "And that I shouldn't mention it to you that he told me." Ah, but you did.

Dead. Ron. You're so dead.

"Now, I'm not going to say I'm a big fan of the Malfoy's in general, but I understand if he make you feel happy and you like him. I want you to be happy. And I would have no issues with making him feel welcomed at our dinner when you choose to bring him." She said brightly. Ahh, the understanding mother approach. Good ol' Molly.

I didn't think about that. Sundays were Weasley dinners at the burrow. It would have to be something Draco would have to get used to. But this would also mean …dinners with Narcissa. Oh god. This is not a good deal.

"Thanks, Molly." I said honestly. "It's a bit complicated right now, so I don't know when I would be able to bring him." Rubbing my side of my head. I really hope she wasn't going to asks about us. The 'us' that doesn't really exists right now. That might be married in a short while with kids on the way ….or one of us dead. Keeping high hopes.

"That's fine, dearly." She smiled standing up and heading to the floo. "Well, are you coming to dinner tomorrow?"

"I don't know. I'm kind of going through some things right now." I answered. I don't know what I would be doing tomorrow. Hell I barely know what's going on tonight.

"Hmmm. Well, come give me a hug so you can be off on your date. I don't want to keep you." Opening her arms for me. She was always like that. I went over and stretched my arms around her in a tight hug. "Harry, if you don't make it tomorrow, please just try to reach out and floo me. I worry if I don't hear from you once a week."

"Of course. And thanks Molly." Watching her throw some powder in the floo and disappear.

Flooing to the Paris station was much different then entering the ministry station. There were less witches and wizards. It seemed much less grander but more elegant. Old style tile flooring with hand craved fixtures, glasses colored windows, and cathedral ceilings.

The sign above the grand doorway leading to the streets said, "Greetings from Paris"

Walking out on the streets, wizards and witches were strolling along. It seem time had stop.

No one was rushing to get anywhere. Just walking around, sitting at bistros enjoying elf wine and cakes.

I walked a few blocks down and wizards started to fade to muggles. Narcissa told me I would be looking for Tuileries Garden, whatever that meant. I should see a hotel with 18th century architecture called the Le Meurice.

It didn't take me long to find a huge garden with white walking paths followed by few big buildings.

I knew I was early. I want to make sure that I could see Draco before he walked in. I wonder how he would reacted.

I knew he wouldn't take it well. I know he wouldn't have want my help, but I didn't care. It was more about me. I wanted to be selfish.

It didn't take long before I could see him walking down the path, dodging passer byers.

He stop right outside the front door. Brushed himself off a bit and took a deep heavy breath.

"Draco." I walked up behind him to make sure I was close enough not yell for him.

He froze. It seem time stop. He took his time before turning to face me.

More then surprised, he look startled.

"Potter?" he whisper. "What are you doing here?"

I smiled. I knew I looked my best. I was in the best place to be, Draco's favorite restaurant. And I was about to change my life forever.

"I, Harry Potter. Head and heir to the Potter and Black Family line, call upon Draco Malfoy to complete one life debt which is owe to me. Of a contract and a marriage bond with you, to obtain the Malfoy fortune."