Chapter 10

Several months had gone by since Flash had given birth to her daughter and that baby girl was one spoiled child. Artemis had every member of the League and the Rogues of Central City wrapped around her fingers and she was only 6 months old. Heaven help the Heroes and Rogues when Artemis became a teenager and pray for the boys that would want to date her.

Flash was listening to Superman talk about how she was needed for a mission in space and would be gone or a while. The Speedster would need someone to babysit her daughter. Ollie and Dinah were out as they were on their honeymoon and Auntie Iris was busy working on a news story. Roy was on a mission undercover trying to stop some drug dealers and in all honesty there was no way Flash was going to leave Artemis with her father who loved his daughter to death but didn't know the first thing about taking care of a baby by himself.

Flash trusted the members of the League but she was going to be gone for a while and wanted to make sure her daughter was taken care of the right way. So Flash choose the best Babysitters she could think of much to the horror and dismay of The Founders.

"Hot Shot, are you sure that this is a good idea leaving Artemis with them?" Green Lantern asked cautiously knowing how his little sister felt about Artemis's babysitters.

"GL, I've known The Rogues since I was 10. They would make the perfect sitters for Artemis." Flash told her best friend in the League.

"Still they are villains who fight you on a weekly basis."

"Villains that don't kill and took in two boys that were kicked out of their homes because of personal reasons. Villains that gave my mentor hell for allowing a 10-year-old to fight crime with him and villains who I would trust with my life as well as my daughter's." The Scarlet speedster pointed out to the green suited man.

"I still don't know about this." Green Lantern once again pointed out. He was only concerned for the safety of his godniece. The former Marine knew that the Rogues had a soft spot for Flash and Artemis but it was still hard for him to think of Trickster taking care of a baby.

"John, I trust everyone in the League but we are talking about a baby that is a speedster and the only ones who know any thing about taking care of a speedster are going on the mission or in Central City. The Rogues have babysit me several times. Like I said I trust them with my life." Flash reponded with a smile.

Two hours and lots of mumbling from Green Lantern later, Artemis was in the safe hands of Len Snart or as he was known in the villain world as Captain Cold.

"Okay, I think that you have everything that you need to take care of Artemis." Flash told the ice themed villain.

"How hard can it be to take care of a baby with speed powers? We did help raise you Flash." Cold pointed out as shifted the red-haired baby in his arms to his shoulder.

Flash smiled before giving her daughter a quick kiss on the forehead and speeding away.

Len looked at the baby in his arms with a smile. "Well Little Flash, it looks like it just you, me and Hartley as the rest are out for the day." Len told the baby who just giggled at the ice themed villain.

Len walked into the hideout which had been cleaned up for the arrival of Artemis. The man had a say that they could be slobs but if a child or baby was coming into their house the place would be spotless. So that way the younglings wouldn't get hurt.

Hartley was in the kitchen making something to eat when he heard the giggling of a baby behind him. The music themed villain turned around to see Len holding Artemis in his arms.

"Hey there Little Flash." Hartley said smiling as he walked over the Len and picked up the baby and cradled her in his arms.

The Two Rogues spent the day playing with Artemis until the rest of the Rogues came home from their normal shopping trip to get food and some baby things.

"Ah so there's Little Flash." James softly said with a smile as he picked up the baby and like Len and Hartley had done and cradled the baby to his chest for a moment before handing the baby over to one of the other Rogues. This was done so the Artemis would know that each of The Rogues were not going to harm her and that she was safe with them.

Several minutes of holding the baby, Cold being the most observant of the Rogues started to notice that Artemis was getting tired.

"Alright everyone, I think it's time for Little Flash to go to bed."

Mick Rory AKA Heatwave looked down at the baby in his arms and could see that Len was right as Artemis was starting to fall asleep in his arms. The heat themed villain handed Artemis over to Len who took the baby upstairs to him room where a crib was waiting for Artemis. Len carefully placed the baby down in the crib and covered her up with a Flash blanket.

Over the course of the next few days nothing happened other than James almost blowing up the kitchen with Artemis in it. James had gotten the yelling of a lifetime from the older Rogues. Since that day James was not allowed to be in the kitchen alone with the baby.

On the last day of watching Artemis something bad happened.

Len was busy doing something in one of the rooms and thought that Sam Scudder AKA Mirror Master was watching the baby but Sam thought that Digger Harkness AKA Captain Boomerang was watching Artemis who thought that Heatwave was watching her.

Needless to say the Rogues freaked out when they found out that Artemis was missing and tore the place apart trying to find a 6 month old baby that may have powers.

"Did you find her?" Len asked Mick who had just searched the neighborhood.

Mick shook his head.

"Where could Little Flash have gone?" Trickster asked freaking out.

"Did anyone check with Hartley?" Sam asked thinking that they hadn't heard anything from Hartley in a while.

"I Don't think anyone told him that Artemis is missing!" Mick yelled out as the group of Rogues headed into the house to find the musical themed villain and get him to help search for the missing baby or Flash would have their heads.

When the Rogues entered Hartley's room they were greeted with a very cute sight. Hartley was sleeping on his bed with one arm wrapped around Artemis who was drooling on the Rogue.

"That is so cute." James whispered to everyone.

Several nods of agreements were heard while everyone headed out of the room to let Hartley and Artemis sleep.

After the incident of losing the baby, the Rogues made sure that everyone knew where Artemis was located at all times. Three days after losing Artemis, Flash came home and was excited to see her daughter who was covered in food not thanks to Digger trying to feed her something that Flash didn't even want to know what it was.

"Hey Guys." Flash said as she walked into the kitchen.

"Baby Flash, you're back." Trickster yelled and glomped the speedster.

"Nice to see you too James. How was Artemis?" Flash as she watched Digger try to clean her daughter who was fussing a little.

"She was an angel." Len replied with a smile.

"That's good."

"Here she is." Digger said as he handed Flash a clean baby.

"Thanks Digger." Flash replied as she headed to the door waving Artemis's hand with her own.

"Bye Bye Baby and Little Flash." The Rogues waved bye to their hero and hero's daughter praying that Flash never finds out about the fact that they had lost the baby.

Unknown to the The Rogues, Flash had knew what had happen to Artemis thanks to Nightwing being the over protective godfather to Artemis but Flash was going to let it pass because Hartley had been with the baby.

Despite the mishap with most of the Rogues not knowing were Artemis was, Flash would still let the Rogues watch her daughter. They were after all family to the speedster.