Here we go, the very first chapter of the third and final installment of the "All I Need" series. Aurora is going to be angsty for a few chapters, along with the rest of the family so bare with me. I'm sorry this is late, I promised it around a week ago, but I was really struggling with it.

This is unbetaed, so all mistakes are my own.

I own nothing, everything pertaining to the vampire diaries is owned by the CW

"She completed the transition." Damon told Elena when he went into the bedroom a few hours later. Elena nodded but didn't look up from the photo album in her lap.

"We're such bad people. We forced something onto our daughter that she never wanted. She's going to hate us forever." Elena sniffled.

"She'll get over it. She hasn't said a single word to me yet. She's in shock I think. When I left she was asleep but just in case I'm not going to sleep tonight. She had a lot of blood so that shouldn't be a problem." He told her.

"Shouldn't one of us be in there with her?" Elena asked.

"She'll be fine. I'll hear her if she wakes up. She's safe, but I do think for the next few days for sure we should send Aiden over to your parents house." Damon suggested.

"Maybe I'll take him over now. I don't want to have to worry about him. We need to talk to Bonnie about spelling a ring for

Aurora." Elena listed.

"Just lie down and relax. Everything can we taken care of tomorrow." Damon insisted trying to pull her back on the bed.

"No, I won't be able to relax until I know for sure that Aiden is safe." Elena argued as she freed herself from his grasp and walked out the door. She walked down to Aiden's room and knocked on the door. She could see the light on underneath the door and knew he was awake.

"Come in." He called. She could tell by the hoarseness of his voice that he'd been crying.

"Are you okay?" She asked knowing the question was stupid. None of them were okay.

"I've been better? How is Aurora?" He asked his eyes wide and watery. He suddenly reminded her of when he was a child and he would run to her teary eyed whenever he had a problem. He was a teenager now and she knew he only cried when something horrible happened. Like tonight.

"She's a vampire now. She completed the transition. Aiden I need you to do something for me." Elena asked him.

"What?" He asked.

"I need you to listen to me. This house isn't safe for you right now. You may be filled with vervain but that won't stop her

from biting you. I don't want to see you get bitten by Aurora, not only will it hurt you but it will seriously harm Aurora too. Not just because of the vervain but the guilt of almost killing someone you love with live with her forever." Elena explained.

"So what do you want me to do?" He asked.

"I need to take you to your grandparents house. I want to take you there right now, it's the only way I can focus on getting Aurora back to normal. I love you Aiden and it would kill us all if you got hurt because of Aurora." Elena pleaded with him.

"For how long?" Aiden asked.

"Hopefully not too long. You'll for sure be back home before school starts in three weeks." Elena promised him.

"Okay, it all depends on how Aurora takes to being a vampire right?" He questioned.

"Yes." Elena agreed.

"She has you and dad to help her so she shouldn't be too bad. So you think we should leave right now?" He questioned.

"Yes I do. It's the only way to ensure that you're completely safe." Elena told him. Aiden nodded and quickly packed a

duffel bag before gesturing for his mom to walk out of the room. He followed behind her and Elena grabbed her car keys, escorting him out to the car.

A few minutes later they were parked outside the Gilbert house. All the lights were off and due to the extremely late hour she knew they were all asleep. She would apologize profusely when they opened the door. She didn't want to scare her mom and dad by breaking in so she started ringing the doorbell. She rang it frantically until she saw the lights come on and her dad curse the annoying drunks in the town for interrupting his sleep again. If it wasn't such a dire situation she would have laughed at her dads reaction to the ringing bell. She saw the entrance way light come on and the door open.

"Elena, what are you doing here so late? Is everything okay?" He asked panicked seeing only his daughter and grandson at the door. They hadn't yet heard about the accident since Aiden hadn't had time to call them before rushing to the scene.

"I need you to take Aiden for a few days dad." Elena whispered as tears pooled in her eyes.

"What's wrong? Is everything alright with you and Damon? Come in. Come sit down." He asked stepping aside to let them through. Elena went into the living room as Miranda came down the stairs. She walked into the living room and sat down beside her husband while rubbing all evidence of sleep from her eyes. She knew something bad must have happened to have brought Elena to their door at 2 am.

"What's wrong sweetheart?" Miranda asked reaching across the table to take her hand.

"Like I told dad, I need Aiden to stay with you guys for a few days. It's not safe for him at home." Elena told them.

"What happened sweetie?" Grayson asked needing more information.

"There was an accident tonight on Wickery Bridge. Aurora was involved. Her car went over the edge, I don't really know any details. Damon did the only thing he could to keep her with us and now she's a vampire. I can't have Aiden there until Aurora gets control of her blood-lust. I'm so sorry it's so late and I woke you up. But you guys are the only ones I could think of to take him in right now. All of our vampire friends are going to be helping us make this easier." Elena sniffled.

"Of course he can stay here. If there is anything we can do, let us know. It doesn't matter the time sweetheart. You can call us at anytime." Grayson assured his daughter

"But this is okay?" She asked gesturing to Aiden.

"Of course it is. How long do you think it'll take?" He asked.

"I don't know. It'll be before school starts for sure." Elena promised.

"Take your time. Make sure Aurora is fully adjusted. There's no rush." Miranda assured her daughter.

"I should get home." Elena decided after a moment of sitting silently.

"Alright, keep us posed on Aurora. This was a terrible night, I'm just so relieved that shes going to be fine." Miranda told her daughter as she walked her to the door. Elena hugged Aiden once more before walking out the front door. She watched as all the lights got turned off again.

"Aiden's at your parents house?" Damon questioned when she walked into the bedroom a few minutes later. Elena nodded as she walked over to the bed and laid down on her side.

"I'm just going to make sure Aurora has a glass of blood waiting for her when she wakes up. She knows all about the sun so she won't go anywhere. We can get some sleep." Damon told her as he stood a glass of blood to the room for her. When it was on the bedside table he snuck out and shut the door behind him, returning to his room. He stripped out of his clothes and slipped on a pair of pyjama bottoms before sliding into bed beside Elena.

"I still think she's going to hate us." Elena murmured with her eyes closed.

"We'll take it as it happens Elena. Right now let's just take one step at a time. Get some sleep." He insisted with his eyes closed.

When Aurora woke up her room was still dark. She glanced at the clock on her bedside table and saw that it was 8am. The curtains on her windows were closed but she didn't have the energy to get up and open them. She stretched as she recalled the horrible dream she had last night. She dreamt that she was in a car accident and she had died causing her day to turn her into a vampire. The odd thing was that usually in dreams you could remember specifics, but there was an entire part that was missing. She was missing details, she didn't know how she drove off the bridge and she didn't know what happened when she drove off the bridge. It was a weird dream but she was so happy to be awake. She looked onto her bedside table and saw the mug sitting there. It was a pure white to-go coffee cup that she had never seen before, and opted not to touch it. She shook her head and walked out of her room and downstairs where she poured herself a bowl of cocoa pebbles. As she ate the pebbles she noted that they weren't as satisfying as they were yesterday and she felt different too. She refused to think that last night hadn't been a dream, that it was her life now.

Aurora heard the tell-tale sound of the newspaper hitting the front door and looking for some normalcy among all that confusion muddling her brain that morning she walked to the front door and opened it. A searing burning pain automatically started on every exposed piece of skin on her body as she picked up the paper. She screamed and was seemingly paralysed as sizzled in the sun. Damon rushed down the stairs and pulled her inside with a furious expression on his face. Her skin immediately started healing itself as she cried.

"What's happening to me?" She cried.

"You're a god damn vampire Aurora, unless you have a ring you can't go outside." He shouted at her.

"No. No. No. No!" She screamed as she sank to the floor. All her wounds were healed and already forgotten as Elena rushed down the stairs. "I can't be a vampire. I can't. I never wanted this. I don't want this." She cried as she rocked back and forth on the floor. Elena immediately dropped to the floor and cradled her daughter trying to get her to calm down.

"You don't really have a choice now Aurora. You have to grow up and endure it. I didn't want this life either but here I am." Damon told her, knowing he had to be firm in order to get anything through to her in this state.

"I hate you both. You made me like this. You could have just let me die like normal parents would have had to." Aurora snarled, tearing herself out of her moms arms and rushing up the stairs.

"Well this is going to be fun. A hormonal, teenage vampire... oh joy." Damon sighed until he saw Elena all distraught on the floor. She looked utterly broken.

"Hey, it'll be alright. She'll get past this, and she only thinks she means what she said. She loves you." He promised her sinking to the floor with her.

"This was never supposed to happen." Elena cried.

"I know. I know it's gotta be hard for you. It is for me too, believe that." He told her.

"How are you acting so strong through all of this?" She asked

"I'm experienced in things not going my way. I'm able to channel my unhappiness into more constructive directions. She'll get past this because she's strong like her mom. I'm going to go check on her. She's confused right now and I don't want her to do something she'll regret." He said.

"Do you want me to go?" Elena asked shakily. She wanted to be strong like him, but she was having a hard time considering her daughter essentially died last night.

"No, you sit down. You can't connect with her on this level. You chose to be a vampire, we didn't get a choice." Damon told her honestly.

"You have a point. I'll stay here. Is there anything I can do?" She asked hopefully.

"Be strong. If you really want to do something check on Aiden. I'm sure he's having a hard time with this too. You'll be better at that than I will." Damon told her.

"Do you want me to go over there, or should I just call him?" Elena asked letting Damon take the reins on this whole thing.

"Either or. But it might be a better idea to stay here in case I get through to Aurora and she decides to apologize." Damon told her.

"Can't she hear our entire conversation?" Elena asked.

"Her emotions are too over the place right now to even pay attention to it. It's all white noise to her right now. It'll clear up." He explained.

"Alright. I'll call Aiden." Elena said picking up the phone and dialling her parents number.

Damon walked into Aurora's room and found her sitting in the center of her bed with her head in her hands.

"Go away." She hissed.

"You have to listen to me first. Let's pretend for a second... you pretend that you're a mother and your child got into an accident. You had a way to save her life even though it went against everything she ever wanted in her life. Tell me that you wouldn't make any choice necessary to make sure she has some sort of life. No matter how wrong the decision was." Damon ordered.

"I don't know. But you guys knew I never wanted this life! How can I get past this now? I hate this life. All I want is blood! All I think about is blood! I actually thought about going to track down Aiden because I know he has blood. This is so wrong. It doesn't help that I hate everything about this new life. I have fangs for crying out loud. My life can never be the same again. I'm never going to be able to see Lilah or Landon again because of the risk of tearing out their throats." Aurora screamed.

"You and I are exactly the same in this respect Aurora. You'll get through it just like I did. Although it won't take you over a century to be yourself." Damon promised her.

"How do you figure you're just like me. I got forced into this life by someone who loves me." She spat.

"So did I. I never told you this story because I didn't want to turn you against Stefan. And I still don't. Keep in mind that Stefan and I have a very good relationship and he is entirely forgiven for what he did. But he forced me to turn because he was afraid of losing me. Very much like us forcing you to turn because we didn't want to lose you. We're selfish creatures but I refuse to bury one of my children." Damon told her forcefully.

"You got forced to turn by Uncle Stefan?" She asked.

"Yes, and I turned out alright. You'll be fine Aurora. Your mom and I will teach you how to get through this. Your mom is an exceptional vampire." Damon told her.

"All I feel right now is anger and I don't know how to deal with it. It's not all directed at you and mom either. A lot of it is directed at the asshole who ran me off the bridge." Aurora stated.

"No one was able to tell us what happened to cause you to run off the bridge. So what happened?" Damon asked desperately.

"I was driving home about 10 minutes after I texted you guys because that's how long it took me to get to my car. I was driving home and I was playing with the radio when this either black or some other dark colour pick up truck came swerving towards me. It never occurred to me to stop and wait for him to pass, I just assumed he would get control of the vehicle before he approached me. When I got onto the bridge I realized he wasn't going to stop. I tried to dodge him but he hit me and I went over. That's all I remember." She told him.

"Would you know the face if I showed him to you?" He asked.

"How do you know who it is?" Aurora demanded.

"I don't. But I will check every God-damned house in this town and in all surrounding towns to find the asshole who did this to you. I will make him suffer like you're going to be suffering." Damon promised.

"You would do that for me?" She asked almost smiling for the first time.

"I would. He deserves to die for this." Damon vowed, almost not recognizing himself when he vowed to kill the driver of the truck.

"Will I be able to see Lilah again?" Aurora asked after a few moments.

"Once you're in control of yourself." Damon promised her.

"Will I be able to go back to school in September?" She asked again hopefully.

"Yes, you can probably go back on the first day. Just behave and do what I tell you. Then you'll be fine." Damon promised her.

"So I can have a normal life?" She asked.

"Absolutely. Just keep well-fed. Speaking of which have you eaten at all today?" He asked.

"I had a bowl of cereal." She told him.

"Aurora I met blood." He told her

"No." She admitted. He took the mug off of her end table and handed it to her.

"Drink up. I'll be downstairs if you want to come down and maybe apologize to your mom for saying you hate her. She's having a really hard time with this too." Damon suggested.

"So am I." She reminded him.

"I know. Just don't lose yourself during all of this." He told her as he left the room.

Aiden fumbled around the Grill several hours later, worried about his sister. His mom had insisted that he live a normal life regardless how abnormal the rest of his life was at the moment. She promised him that everything was okay, and that he shouldn't stop living.

"Are you okay Aiden? I haven't seen you this unorganized or distracted since you started working here." Matt asked.

"Did you hear about what happened to my sister?" He asked.

"No what happened?" Matt asked.

"Did you hear about the accident on Wickery Bridge last night? It's been in papers and on the news all day." Aiden asked.

"Yeah what about it?" He asked.

"Aurora was the unnamed victim. She's a vampire now." Aiden told him.

"Oh my God, how's she taking it? How are your parents taking it?" He asked.

"I know my parents are pretending to be strong and I really have no idea about Aurora. I only imagine that she's not taking it well." Aiden stated.

"I'm sorry buddy. Do you want to take the day off?" He asked.

"No, mom said I should live my life. Part of my life is working my job. I just wish I could go home." He admitted.

"You're not allowed to be at home?" Matt asked,.

"No they don't want Aurora to hurt me. I guess I understand where they're coming from. It just sucks." Aiden said.

"You're staying with your grandparents?" He asked.

"Yeah. It's not too bad. I mean I really like my grandma and grandpa, its just they lost their understanding of teenagers

when theirs grew up." Aiden explained.

"Ah I see. I'm sure it'll be fine Aiden. You'll get past it." Matt assured him.

"I know, it's just Aurora I worry about. She never wanted this." Aiden said shaking his head sadly.

"Shes strong. She's a lot like your mom in that way." Matt assured him patting him on the shoulder before walking away.

A little while later Aurora was lying in bed trying her best to get through her new diet consisting of blood. She hated everything about this new life. She hated the fact that she couldn't open up her curtains to let the sun shine in until she got a daylight ring. She hated that she had to exist on blood for the rest of her life. She hated that she would never have children. She hated that she was going to be 16 and 3/4 for the rest of her life. The fact that she would never move forward hurt most of all. Her emotions were all over the place and until she figured out how she felt, she figured it'd be best to remain anti-social. Looking at the clock on her bedside table she sighed. Day one as a vampire was almost complete.