I don't own twilight, wish I did. This is my first fanfiction so so bear with me please and thank you!

Bella's P.O.V

It was a cold, dark, winter night. I was on my way home(more like hell). I live with my little sister Bree and my good for nothing aunt. My parents died in a car accident 3 years ago and my aunt was the closest family member we had left. She doesn't really care for us since she just sits around and mourn for the lost of our uncle 2 years ago. He was murder when my aunt was out shopping for groceries, until she went home and found her love face down in a pool of blood. Ever since then she has yet to move or even make a sound. I mean sure she moves you know to get food and all but its like she's in another world. So its my job to take care for Bree. Well at least we have a home and clothing to get us by. When I got home i saw lights from my house more like police lights. I ran to go see what was going on as police men told me to stand back.

"I LIVE HERE!"I yelled as the police men pushed me back. "Let me through!" I yelled again. I thought something happened to Bree. Maybe she got kidnapped or...I don't want to think about anything worst. Then I saw Bree with a police man with a blue blanket around her small body. She had red eyes with tears coming out of them. I ran to them.

"Bree, thank God you're alright!" I said to her, thankful to see she was fine. She looked at me with her deep brown eyes and said in a quiet voice. " Bells auntie is dead." I looked at her with shock in my eyes and looked up to the officer as he looked at me with sad eyes. "Its true Miss Swan." He pulled me away from Bree to talk in private. "Miss Swan your aunt committed suicide in her bedroom. She overdose on sleeping pills. I'm sorry for your lose." I couldn't believe what he was saying. Sure I didn't like my aunt but deep inside I was happy that she is happy and free in heaven with Uncle Tom."Since you're 18 you could now take Bree and be her guardian." That was 2 months ago. Bree and I are barely holding on. I dropped out of school to take care of Bree and to find a job to keep up paying for the house. We later sold the house and got a small 2 bedroom apartment downtown of seattle. I send Bree off to school then I heard a knock on the door, it was the landlord. Great. "Can I help you, sir?" I asked him. "Yes, Miss Swan your rent is due." "I know but I just don't have the money now." "Miss, either you give me the money or pack up and leave!" He said in a stern voice. "Okay I'll see what i could do okay." "Have the money by 9 and no later."he said leaving me to go back to his office. How in the world do I get 210 dollars by 9 when I get my pay next week! Then I remembered I still have a few hundred dollars in my bank account. I grabbed my coat and went out. As I walked I've heard yelling from a nearby ally. I know this was trouble, but it was the only way to the bank. So I did the most stupidest thing ever...I walked passed the ally. I tried to walk pass then quietly but clumsy as I was tripped on my own feet and fell down hard. They stopped their arguing and turned to face my direction. Oh shit. I quickly got up and walked faster. One of the guys yelled "Hey where do you think you're going pretty lady!?" I didn't answer and began to run. I heard them catching on to me and grabbed me. They led me back to the ally where no one was in sight. "Why did you run away from us." One man said with a smirk. "Yeah don't you like us?" Another one said trying to put his hands on me. "DON'T TOUCH ME!" I yelled kicking my legs and trying to get myself free from their clutches. "Come on baby, don't be like that." A man with tattoos all over his arms. I couldn't give up i have to fight harder! I have to be there to protect Bree and care for her! Then I felt stinging on my left check. They just hit me. But that didn't stop me. I kept on fight and they got more frustrated. "STOP MOVING YOU BITCH!" I felt them kick me in my stomach and picking me up just to punch my face. I tasted blood in my mouth and felling as if I was fading into darkness. I couldn't take it. I gave up. I've failed. At last darkness won over me. A few moments later i could barely hear screams of horror and people running. I thought they saw me and came running to save me but when I opened my eyes all I saw were red ones staring right at me. Then a painful feeling on my neck. I screamed as loud as I could so people could hear and come help me, but it wasn't enough. No one came and I was praying on dying soon enough.