[Golden Girls Fanfic]

Midnight Turmoil

Summary: When Sophia has another stroke it is up to Blanche and Rose to take care of her. Dorothy is Sophia's power of attorney and she thinks it is best to put her back into Shady Pines thinking that Rose and Blanche could never take care of her. What will be done?

(Set two years after one flew out of the coocoo's nest)

Chapter 1:

"Sophia honey where are you?" Called Blanche from the kitchen. Blanche walked into the living room carrying a tray with some ice tea and cheesecake. Suddenly she had an odd compulsion to go out to the lanai. The screen door had been left ajar.

"That's odd."

As she took a step out the door she dropped the tray in shock, the glasses smashed, the ice tea spilled and the cheesecake was all over the patio.

On the ground was Sophia. "H...elp.. M.." She barely wheezed.
"Hold on honey I'll call the ambulance!"

Blanche ran inside, tripping over her own feet on the way in. With trembling hands she dialled 911 on the phone.

"Doctor! Help! Sophia Petrillo... Stroke!"

Fifteen minutes later an ambulance arrived at the house. After taking Sophia away Blanche sat on the couch too mystified to speak.

"Blanche? Blanche?"

"In...In here Rose."

"What's the matter?"

"I'm stunned... just stunned... Nothing can described how... stunned I am."

"Blanche shut up and tell me what happened."

Ever since Dorothy left Rose had grown a bit more of a backbone and learned not to be so naive.

"Sophia... had a stroke."