GUYS LOOK ITS ANOTHER UPDATE! I start school, MY LAST SEMESTER EVER, later this week and I couldn't bear to begin without giving you guys a little something to tide you over.

"You look…, ah, nice." Selene's complimented weakly as she stared at what was supposed to be her best friend sitting beside her in the cab. She grimaced inwardly as Electro Master looked at her and made an expression that looked almost like a smile. Knowing now that her best friend's body was being inhabited by a villain gave the girl a huge sense of disgust. And it made Selene wonder how on earth she could not have noticed that this was not her friend.

Due to the events in the past, Tegan's hair had all been burned off. Electro Master wore now a brown wig that was a shade too light for his new skin tone. And it was straight. Tegan had hated to straighten her hair; she preferred to have her curls spilling down her shoulders. Selene's lip curled downwards. Tegan had loved to wear skintight dresses; the shorter the better. Electro Master had dressed his stolen body in a knee length red skirt and a black blouse that didn't quite go match style wise. Selene didn't even want to think about the monstrosities that were on Electro Master's feet. They were like the love child of heels and crocs.

Electro Master folded his arms over his chest and asked in a slightly bored tone, "How long will this little outing of ours last? I do not wish to leave Edan for so long."

I'm sure you don't. Selene thought sourly. Forcing a smile on her face she replied, "It's been ages since we last hung out. There's no need to put a time limit!"

"I see." After several long moments of silence Electro Master continued stiffly, "And where will we be going?"

"I thought it would be nice to go to the bar where we met up with Wally and J'onn after that benefit dinner." Selene said, forcing the smile onto her face.

At Electro Master's blank expression it was all Selene could do not to slap him across the face and scream you're nothing but a fraud! Give my friend her body back! Instead she crossed her arms as Elecro Master said morosely, "I suppose I will just have to bear it."

Selene bit her bottom lip, hands trembling slightly. I guess I'll have to bear it too.

After dropping Abby off at her house, Tegan walked back to her "home". She still felt guilty over the earlier events in the day. Stretching her arms up, Tegan vowed silently not to hurt anyone like that again. She wasn't a villain anymore. She was normal now…she had to act like it. Passing by a parked car, Tegan glanced at her reflection in the window and smiled wryly. At least she wasn't hideous. If there had been someone like James at her high school she would have definitely been into him.

The smile turned into a frown as Tegan thought of J'onn. There was no guarantee that she'd ever be able to get her body back from Electro Mater. Would J'onn be able to accept her in this male body? If the tables had been turned and J'onn had somehow gotten stuck as a girl Tegan wasn't sure how she would feel. Then the smile was back. Who was she kidding; she would love J'onn no matter what shape or form he took. As long as he was with her that was all that mattered. Eager to be with him Tegan walked faster. Selene had told her that she would lure Electro Master out of the apartment for several hours to give Tegan a chance to reach out to J'onn and reveal what had happened. Reaching her front door Tegan pulled out her key and missed the keyhole several times. Her hands were shaking. In just a few short hours she'd be with J'onn and Edan once more.

The key finally slipped in. Tegan wasted no time in entering the house and running up the stairs to where her bedroom was located. Slamming the room door shut Tegan emptied her school backpack and began shoving clothes into it. If their plan was successful she would not be returning her. Her eyes landed on a picture frame that stood on the nightstand beside the bed. It was a family photo from several years before showing a young James, a beaming Beatrice, and a man who could only be the dead husband and father. Tegan felt a moment of guilt as she looked at Beatrice's image. If it weren't so urgent for her to return then she probably would have stayed longer.

After another ten minutes, Tegan was ready to leave. Grabbing a jacket that was folded over a hamper in the room Tegan took a deep breath. Before Selene had left her earlier that day she had called a taxi company to order a cab to be outside Tegan's home at a certain time. Looking at the watch that encircled her wrist Tegan saw that she had around thirty minutes to go before the cab was due to arrive.

Tegan's nerves were put on hold when there was a soft knock on her room door. Surprised Tegan opened it and found Beatrice standing there. Earlier the other woman had mentioned she would be attending a church meeting that night and Tegan had avoided going with her by claiming not to feel well enough. "Ah…Mom? What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be at church?"

The older woman looked distressed as she said quietly, "James, honey, I need you to come downstairs with me." Without waiting, she turned and padded away.

Feeling concerned, Tegan followed behind her gripping her bag. Instead of slipping off discretely she'd have to make up some lie about spending the night at a friend's house. The two of them made their way down the stairs and once they reached the bottom Tegan dropped her bag and jacket by the door. No reason for her to be carrying that thing around. A ball of anxiety welled up inside her stomach as she followed Beatrice into the living room and found several stern faced looking men sitting on the sofas. Tegan stopped. "What's going on?" she asked warily.

Beatrice turned to her and said tearfully, "Oh darling, I was so happy that you were alive that I didn't consider the fact that you could have suffered some side effects from all that medication."

"Mom, what the hell are you talking about?" Tegan demanded. "What side effects?"

The older woman broke down into tears and one of the men, heavily bearded stood up and placed his arm around Beatrice's frail shoulders. Despite being tall in this new body, Tegan was forced to tip her head back to look up at the bearded man. Staring down at her sternly he said, "Do you know who I am young man? Who they are?" he swept his arm out backwards towards the group of men.

Starting to feel angry Tegan shook her head. "No, I don't know who you are and frankly I don't care either."

"You should care," the man said grimly. "I am the pastor of your church," he emphasized this point by raising a bible that he held in his free hand. "The fact that you don't recognize me is proof that there is something sinister going in your body."

One of the other men stood and said, "Your mother has informed us that you think you're married and have a child."

"And that you sleep naked now," said another as he also stood.

Trembling now Beatrice said, "Abby called me honey, I know what you did to her. If I had gotten help for you earlier then all of this could have been avoided."

Confused by the statements they were throwing around Tegan didn't notice that two of the other men in the room had stood up and come behind her. She took a step backward and they grabbed her by the arms.

Tegan's mouth dropped open and she tried to pull away. "What the hell are you doing? Let me go!"

Looking sad Beatrice said, "What….what we should have d-done a long time sweetheart…" her voice broke off and she clapped a hand over her mouth as the tears began falling from her eyes.

"And that is...?" Tegan asked weakly.

The bearded man seemed to grip Beatrice tighter to him as he declared, "A ceremony to save your soul."

"It is amazing how many of these you go through." J'onn said gently as he finished changing Edan's diaper.

The small baby gurgled in response as he waved his tiny fists around. J'onn disposed of the dirty diaper and after wiping his hands clean with a baby wipe the Martian picked up his son and carried him into the living room. Tegan had left twenty minutes earlier. J'onn had been relieved to see her go with Selene. It was time she got out of the apartment and did something other than sit with the child. It also allowed J'onn a chance to spend time with Edan without the morose woman around.

Settled in the living room, J'onn used his abilities to create an illusion of some small creatures that had once been found on Mars. A smile flitted across his face as he watched Edan reach up with a chubby fist towards the six legged creature. It reminded him of his daughter K'hym when she had been that age. She had had a great love for all creatures. J'onn was pulled from his memories by his stomach growling. Edan started at the noise but was too enthralled by the martian creatures to be too bothered.

J'onn glanced towards the kitchen and thought of the Choco cookies he had hidden in the cupboard. Generally he needed no incentive to eat them but he had no desire for them at the moment. He thought of the groceries Tegan had purchased and once more felt no desire. Perhaps he would bundle Edan up and take him in the stroller to one of the stands that lined the city streets. He and the child could use the fresh air.

Once Wally got into the bar that Selene and Tegan had chosen he picked a seat as far away from them as possible. Luckily the bar was rather crowded and Wally was positive neither of them would spot him. Toying with an ashtray on the table he sat at, Wally stared at his fiancée and frowned. There was a distinct difference between now and the last time he had seen the two girls out painting the town red. This time Selene looked as if she were in pain and Tegan had an expression on her face that could only be described as on the verge of killing herself. Narrowing his eyes Wally also noticed that Tegan didn't quite look like herself with the clothes she had on. Inwardly he winced for J'onn. If she looked this bad going out he could only imagine how bad she looked staying in.

The speedster was pulled from his thoughts when a familiar voice said from behind him, "Can I get you a drink?"

Wally turned around and was surprised to find Linda Parker standing behind him with a smug expression on her face. Instantly he was on guard. "What are you doing here?"

Smiling prettily, Linda sat down beside him at the table. "I'm here following up on a lead." Hanging her bag on the chair she changed subjects. "I'm surprised to see that you're here. You didn't strike me as the type to go out to bars during the work week."

"I'm here with my fiancée and her friend." Wally said coolly. "Not that it's any of your business."

Once more Linda smiled and Wally was struck with just how pretty the girl was. Leaning forward to rest her hand on her chin she asked, "If you're here with your fiancée then how come you're seated halfway across the room from her?" she laughed at Wally's stunned expression. "Don't look so surprised," she teased. "I'm a reporter. I notice everything."

"I'm beginning to realize that," Wally replied with the slightest hint of annoyance. Leaning back on his chair Wally continued casually, "Well don't let me keep you. I'm sure you're anxious to harass whoever your next lead is."

Linda grinned at him as someone from the bar staff brought over two drinks. She pushed one towards Wally and shrugged, "Seeing as how we're watching the same person I can't think of a better place to sit."

Immediately Wally was outraged. "Hey! You can't spy on my fiancée!"

"Why not? You're doing it." Linda said with amusement as she took a sip of her drink.

Several sharp replies came to Wally's mind but he forced them back. He wasn't going to dignify this chick with an answer. He had better things to do.

Selene could feel a headache building up as she and fake Tegan entered the bar. Grudgingly she led the other 'girl' to the bar and sat down on a stool. There was no way she'd be able to get through the rest of the evening without several drinks in her system. And maybe a few drinks would loosen Electro Master up enough that she could find some sort of weakness.

As she ordered for the two of them Selene lowered her mental barriers and reached out towards Electro Master. She cursed inwardly as she encountered that same impenetrable wall as before. This was going to be harder than she thought. As Selene raised her own walls back up a familiar voice touched her mind.

Damn it all, what the heck is she doing here? If she gives me away I'll…I'll toss her purse across the room!

Mouth dropping, Selene turned and looked around the room. Sure enough her eyes landed on a very familiar redhead half hidden in the corner. Horrified that Wally was there Selene raised her mental defenses up and turned her back to him. What the hell was he doing here? And whose purse was he going to toss? As subtly as Selene could, she turned back around and allowed her eyes to wander back to the area that Wally was sitting in.

Jealousy, swift and hot filled her. A very attractive woman sat next to him laughing. Selene saw red as the woman's hand come up and gave Wally a fleeting touch on the shoulder. Who the hell did this chick think she was? All thoughts of Tegan and Electro Master left her mind. Growling under her breath, Selene shoved her purse at Electro Master and without looking at the surprised villain she marched through the crowd. She was almost to Wally and the Trollop when she crashed into a woman's rather spectacular breasts.

With a squeak Selene stumbled backwards and almost fell down. Someone grabbed her arm and when Selene straightened with a bright red face and apology she discovered that the spectacular breasts belonged to Starfire. The Tamarian wore a dress that appeared to be painted on and that was in her favorite shade of purple. "Starfire? What on earth are you doing here?"

Starfire beamed down at her friend before reaching out and embracing her hard, not caring that she was smashing Selene's face into her breasts. "Selene! It has been too long since we last met! I am here on what is called a date."

Barely escaping the smothering embrace Selene wheezed out, "A date? With who?"

"With me," was the flat reply from behind her.

Selene turned and felt her mouth drop. "J-Jason? You…a…and Starfire are…." Her voice drifted off and she was embarrassed to feel tears prick her eyes.

The hurt must have showed on her face because immediately Starfire giggled and said, "You are mistaken; this is merely a friendship date!" she paused to shrug. "At least that is the classification that Roy assigned this outing. You have no need to be jealous."

"I am not jealous!" Selene exclaimed as she flushed bright red. Her eyes met Jason's and she felt infuriated by the smirk he gave her.

When she glared at him, Jason smirked wider. "I'm sure you aren't." Glancing around he asked mockingly, "Where's your new boyfriend?"

Selene opened her mouth to reply but it was Wally, who had come up behind her, that answered. "He's right here."

The young woman let out a strangled squeak as Wally raised her left hand and concluded triumphantly, "And its fiancée not boyfriend."

With Starfire crowding in to see the ring, the stunned look on Jason's face and the anger flowing through her, it was no wonder that Selene missed seeing Electro Master walk by and leave the bar.

Tegan's mouth dropped as the two men holding onto her began to drag her backwards towards the basement door. Struggling against them she yelled, "What the hell are you doing? What ceremony!"

The bearded man followed grimly. "Your soul has been tainted by the devil's handiwork. Your body must be purged so that you can commit not further sins against your household."

"You can't do this to me!" Tegan exclaimed as she shoved her body into the man on her left. He stumbled slightly and let her go. Swinging her arm, Tegan caught the other man holding her in the temple. He howled and released her. Tegan's victory was short lived; the rest of the men came at her. Beatrice followed close behind, wringing her hands as the murmured prayers of supplication. Tegan stepped away but tripped over someone's legs and felt herself falling towards the ground.

She landed hard on her bottom and before she could move, the bearded man was on her. He shoved her back onto the ground one large knee pinning her down. Tegan gasped out and grabbed at his arms and leg but he would not budge. With a scary look in his eyes he shouted, "Place your hands on his body! It will take all our powers to separate the demon from his soul!"

Hands grabbed onto Tegan and she felt panic fill her. The feeling intensified as the men began to chant. Tegan's eyes landed on Beatrice; the older woman was on her knees with her hands raised and her mouth moving as she chanted along with the men. Any guilt or pity Tegan had felt for the older woman disappeared and was replaced by a white hot burning rage. These idiots were keeping her away from J'onn and Edan; if this misadventure caused her to miss her opportunity to be with them again…A familiar heat welled up within her.

Yanking herself away from her fiancée Selene half yelled, "What the hell is wrong with you guys? I'm here on serious business…" her voice trailed off as she looked around and saw that Electro Master had disappeared. "Damn it! This wasn't supposed to happen!" Grabbing Wally by the arm she growled, "I need you to go find Tegan. NOW. She should still be in the area."

"Uh…Ok." Wally looked confused but left to go do as he was told.

Starfire made a small noise in her throat before asking hesitantly, "What is the matter Selene? Have we ruined a moment for you two?"

Feeling like her head was going to explode Selene snapped, "I'll explain once Wally get's back."

The words were barely out of her mouth when Wally reappeared holding onto a furious looking Tegan. He released the girl and she yelled, "This is an outrage! What right do you have to grab me like an animal?" Turning to Selene she seethed, "Control your fiancée or I will be forced to."

Looking into the contorted features of her friend's body Selene felt sick of all the games and lies. Enough was enough. It would end now. Pulling her fist back, Selene slammed into the other girl's nose. Electro Master's head snapped backwards. The others in the group let out a collective gasp and Wally exclaimed, "Selene what the hell are you doing? So what if she wanted to go out for some fresh air?"

Electro Master straightened and touched his nose which was beginning to seep with blood. A dangerous glint entered his eye. "Yes Selene, do tell what is going through that mind of yours."

"You know exactly what's going on!" Selene shouted. "Why don't you go ahead and reveal yourself for what you really are? A body snatcher and murderer!"

Exchanging glances with Starfire and Jason, Wally cleared his throat and took a step forward. "Uhh babe? Why don't you come ov…" his voice was caught off by Electro Master tipping his head back and laughing.

"Oh this is too rich," Electro Master chuckled. "I went through all that trouble of disposing the useless owner of this body only to be found out in a bar." Raising his arm he said mockingly, "I suppose I'll just have to rid myself of all of you."

Selene was ready. A shot of electricity crackled out of Electro Master's hand. Throwing her hands up, Selene created a shield and stopped the blow from hitting them. People around them screamed and Selene said angrily, "Did you really think that no one would find out? You picked the wrong to try and impersonate."

Electro Master's response was to point his hands towards the ceiling. Light fixures exploded throughout the bar raining down sparks on the inhabitants. The crowd of people screamed as they tried to push past each other to escape the bar. Several sparks landed on flammable items and the glow of flames began to fill the room. Electro Master smirked as he slipped away into the crowd. Lowering her shield Selene grabbed onto Wally. "We can't let him escape! C'mon!"

Leaving behind Starfire and Jason, who had gotten caught up in helping some people near them, Selene and Wally raced out of the bar.

"Care to explain what's going on?" Wally asked as they managed to make their way through the exit.

Selene paused to look around. "Electro Master is back," she finally said in a grim tone. "He got rid of Tegan and is using her body. We've got to keep him from going back to J'onn's place."

There was a moment of silence as Wally allowed what she had said to sink in. After a moment he said quietly, "Alright I'll go ahead and search the crowd; you try to use your mind reading to find him." He leaned over and brushed his mouth against hers. "Be careful alright?"

As he disappeared Selene cracked a smile. "I'll try." She said, reaching up to touch her forehead.

Before she could lower her metal shields a hand pressed against the back of her neck. Electro Master's voice murmured in her ear, "Apparently you didn't try hard enough."

Selene's mouth dropped open but before she could speak a strong electrical current ran through her body and she fell unconscious.

Beatrice allowed the words of the ancient prayer to flow throw her. She would do whatever was necessary to save her son's soul. She felt a moment of guilt; as soon as James had opened his eyes and started talking about having a husband and child she should have contacted the church. Established hundreds of years earlier the church believed that they were locked in a spiritual warfare with the non believers of the world. Beatrice had committed a sin by taking her son to a worldly hospital but she had had no choice. She couldn't watch her only child die but now she was regretting her choices. The church could have healed him of any impurities before he had laid hands on Abby. Beatrice felt a brief moment of thankfulness that her son would be marrying a sweet girl like that. There had been some trouble while James was in his coma and Abby had started to fall for the charms of some other young man but her father, the pastor of their congregation, had put a quick end to that.

The concerned mother was pulled from her musings when one of the men yelped. Looking, she saw that Greg one of the church elder's had removed his hand from James' body was gripping cradling it against his body. Meeting her eye's Greg exclaimed, "I've been burned!"

"This is the demon trying to free itself!" roared Pastor Frederick as he pressed down harder with his knee. "Do not be frightened my brothers; we have the power to save this young man's soul!"

The men's chanting intensified and Beatrice raised her voice with them. Then, all hell broke loose. As Beatrice lowered her eyes to look at her son she was terrified by the sudden spout of flames that burst upwards. The men shouted and scrambled backwards as James' body was covered in flames.

Pastor Frederick, having narrowly escaped the flames, reached his shirt collar and removed a rather large crucifix on a chain. Holding it towards James he screamed, "The demon reveals itself!"

Fire seemed to explode outward and Beatrice screamed along with the others as she flung herself down to the ground. Heat poured over her and when it slowly faded the smell of singed hair and skin filled the room. Trembling Beatrice sat up her eyes going wide as she saw that the front door was open and James was gone.

Tegan flew through the sky a feeling of pure exhilaration flowing through her. Laughing she spread her arms and made a fiery loop. Her fire was still a part of her! She had only needed the right push to release it. Lovingly Tegan sent a stream of flames before her. Now she would be able to truly take on Electro Master. Giddy with emotion Tegan landed just outside of Central City. There had been no time to grab her backpack before she had escaped from the crazy church members and if she lowered the flames she'd be completely naked.

Naked was not how she wanted to greet J'onn… not yet anyways. Spotting some homes in the distance Tegan felt a smile curl up her lips. She'd have to make do with borrowed clothing. After thirty minutes, Tegan had outfitted herself in a pair of skinny jeans-that she had found in what looked like a girl's closet-, a rather tight red v-neck sweater, and some flip flops. James' feet were too wide to fit into any of the regular shoes she had found searching through three homes.

Once dressed, Tegan began the long trek into the city. If she could have flown without burning her clothing she would have done so. Reaching the vicinity of J'onn's apartment Tegan stopped outside a café to rest for a few moments. With relief she sat down at one of their outdoor tables; her legs felt like jelly. Looking in through the glass storefront Tegan saw that she was an hour behind schedule. Nerves clenched her and she placed her hands over her face.

Caught up in her feelings Tegan had no way of knowing that the man she loved passed by pushing a stroller. Lifting her head, she swallowed hard and stood up and began walking towards J'onn's apartment not realizing that ever step she made took her father and father away from him.

Unable to locate Electro Master in the crowd outside the bar, Wally made his way back to where he had left Selene. He frowned slightly realizing she was gone. Sighing he rubbed the back of his head; what was wrong with her? First she kept the fact that Electro Master was really alive from him and now she had gone off on her own to face a dangerous villain. Wally felt anxiety take him as he wondered how he would find her before she got hurt...or worse.

"Selene's fiancée!" Starfire's voice cut through Wally's thoughts and the speedster found the beautiful Tamaranian standing nearby. Beside her was a morose looking Jason.

Wally frowned at them. "Have you guys seen Selene?"

Starfire shook her head. "No we have not seen her since you two left the bar."

"Care to explain what the hell is going on?" Jason growled. "I thought that Wildfire chick was dead? And I thought she could use fire not electricity."

Hesitating for only a moment Wally explained to them what he knew of the situation. Starfire looked concerned and said worriedly, "Then it is imperative that we locate Selene and stop this Electro Master before he does something to harm anymore people."

"Right," Wally said in agreement. "But first we better find J'onn. He needs to be brought up to speed on what's happening. And as a mind reader he should be able to locate Selene."

"I saw where they went." The familiar tone of Linda Parker's voice interrupted the trio. The reporter, who had a smudge of soot on her face, had been standing near the trio listening to their conversation. Looking at Starfire she said, "You're Starfire aren't you? I'd recognize the hair anywhere." Cutting her eyes to Jason she shrugged. "Don't know who you are but I guess you're some sort of crime fighter too."

Angry that Linda was insterting herself into their business Wally snapped, "Look; this isn't the time for you to be chasing stories! And who said anything about crime fighters? You better get out of here before you get hurt."

Linda smiled. "I saw you disappear and reappear a few times. There's only one hero who fits that description!" Pulling out her phone she showed it to the group. "Look at this." She tapped the screen and a slightly shaking video of Selene collapsing played. Wally watched in horror as Electro Master lifted the girl up by her arms and dragged her off.

"If that creep hurts her…" Jason growled the words his hands flitting to his side where he had a knife hidden away.

Wally's face darkened as the video replayed. Electro Master would pay.

It took a full five minutes for Tegan to knock on the apartment door.

It took another five minutes of knocking for Tegan to slowly realize that there was no one there.

Tears filled her eyes and Tegan touched her forehead to the door. "Oh J'onn," she whispered brokenly. "Where are you?"

Selene groaned as she opened her eyes. "What happened…" her voice trailed off as she found Electro Master standing over her with his arms crossed.

"You became nosy." Electro Master said coldly. Moving away he asked mockingly, "Don't you know that curiosity killed the cat?"

Looking around Selene saw that she was lying on the ground in an alleyway. Forcing herself to sit up she snapped, "Spare me the tired clichés; You won't get away with any of your plans."

"And who's going to stop me?" Electro Master asked with a smile. "I'm assuming that from your poorly thought out plan J'onn, my so called beloved, has no idea of what is going on. That was a mistake." Without warning he flung his hand at her and shot out electricity at her.

Selene gasped and threw her arms up but she was too slow. The attack hit her in the shoulder and she was flung backwards against the ground. She cried out and watched through a haze of pain as Electro Master walked away.

J'onn was over halfway to his favorite eatery when he realized that he had left Edan's diaper bag at the apartment. With a groan, the Martian turned the stroller around and began the trek back to his apartment. The baby was a sleep and would probably have stayed asleep while J'onn ate but he wasn't going to take that chance. It took twenty minutes to reach his apartment. Hungrier than earlier, J'onn exited the elevator on his floor and decided that would help himself to a few choco cookies before leaving again. These thoughts slipped from his mind when J'onn reached his hallway and stopped short just before his apartment doorway. A man stood in front of it, leaning his forehead against the wooden door. The man's shoulder's shook and J'onn a moment to realize he was crying. Equal parts concerned and alarmed J'onn cleared his throat and asked hesitantly, "Can I help you?"

The man visibly stiffened before slowly turning around. J'onn's frown deepened. The man was in reality no more than a young boy, no more than 17, who was tall for his age. His blue eyes were red from crying as were his nose and cheeks. J'onn felt frozen in his spot as the blue eyes stared at him with an expression he had not seen in a long time.

Before J'onn could speculate about it the boy's lips parted. "J'onn?" The voice trembled as he said the Martian's name and J'onn took a step backwards in surprise. He was in full human disguise, how did he know his true name?

Instantly he was on guard. Cautiously pulling the stroller containing the sleeping Edan behind him J'onn asked coldly, "Who are you?"

"Oh God…" The words were a sob as they left the boy's mouth and his hands come up to cover his face/ "I'm sorry; I just feel so happy right now." The boy's voice was muffled. "I thought I was never going to see you again." The boy took in several deep breaths before lowering his hands that appeared to be shaking. Taking a step forward he whispered, "Look at me J'onn…you know who I am."

The boy was crazy J'onn decided as he stepped backwards. And crazy was dangerous. Raising his hand he warned, "Do not take another step or I will be forced to injure you."

The warning only made the boy laugh. "I almost forgot how serious you are," he replied tenderly and an involuntary shiver went down the Martian's spine. "J'onn…I need you to look at me." The boy reached up and touched his chest. "Not here…" He murmured before raising his right hand and tapping the side of his head. "Right here."

J'onn stared into the boy's eyes as he slowly lowered his metal walls. The key's he had been holding absently in his hand dropped to floor and the Martian felt dizzy. Overwhelmed by the sudden onslaught of emotions he staggered backwards and felt black touch his vision. Tegan…she was…Tegan was…Soft hands, larger than what he was accustomed to, touched the sides of his face.

"J'onn?" The unfamiliar but familiar voice soothed over J'onn's ears. "J'onn look at me, are you alright?" the Martian felt fingers brushing over his cheeks.

Breath hitching in his throat J'onn brought his hands up to cover the hands on his face. He stared deeply into the eyes of the person he had fallen in love with from what seemed like a lifetime ago. Their expression mirrored his own. "I have never felt more right in my life." He replied huskily.

So what'd you guys think? Happy that our favorite couple has been reunited? Well hold onto that happiness because it might be difficult to find in the next chapter