A/N: Okay guys background for this new story im thinking of. I know that others are doing this thing where Clary leaves the Institute because of something stupid Jace did so that's what I'm gonna do! Hope ya'll enjoy it!


I couldn't believe what I had just seen! Jace cheated on me! And after everything that's happened he just had to bring a skank home and sleep with her.

It was two weeks after the battle in Idris and Jace said that he had a surprise for me so I wore the green dress that Izzy had bought for me and white flip flops. I was walking into the house that Jace shared with the other Lightwoods and was going into his room when I heard a giggle and a moan. I wasn't sure what was going on so I opened the door to see Jace in bed with Aline and they were both naked.

"Clary! It's not what it looks like!" Jace said covering himself.

"Really? Because it seems to me that you were getting laid by Miss Whore over here. Is this what you wanted to tell me? That you wanted to dump me for her? Well guess what Jace, you got your wish!" I yelled at him.

I marched out of the Lightwood house and ran to Amatis' house. I quickly changed into the shadowhunting gear she allowed me to use and wrote a note to her telling her where I was and to tell Luke and Mom that I was sorry and that I loved them. I went to the wall in the kitchen where I drew the portal before and drew another one to take me to New York.

I landed in Luke's kitchen behind his bookstore and went to my room to try and remove any trace of me from there. I left one picture of me in Luke's room when a rune flashed in my mind. Untraceable. I took the picture and drew the rune on the back with a satisfied grin and left the house. I made my way outside trying to think of a place I could go to when I thought of the Institute in Manhattan. I made a portal with that destination in mind and ended up in front of a huge cathedral. I pulled the glamor back and saw the large institute in front of me. I walked up the steps to the door and knocked. I waited a few seconds when the door opened to reveal a red-headed girl with brown eyes.

"Hi, may I help you?" she asked.

"Um, I'm Clarissa Fray, Clary for short. I need a place to stay and I was wondering if I could stay here?" I asked.

"Come on in." she said.