
So this is my first HomeStuck FanFiction and I gotta say, it's fun! I'm really enjoying writing it!

Just a few warnings; Rated M for everything! Drinking, swearing, slight violence and sexual themes of course! ;P Also, there will be many ships in this fanfic, DaveKat being the main one but there's like a lot of flirting at mentions of people doing other shit with people so that will be fun to reveal. And a fair warning is that Dave and Karkat's relationship will develop rather slowly so if you're hoping for some 'action' any time soon from these two, it'll be a while. A good awhile though, nice tension~

Another 'warning' is the troll's physical appearance. You might notice that I don't really describe their appearance too much, aside from clothes and hair, and that's because the trolls are in human 'form' but I personally don't see them the way others seem them as humans, I honestly see them as the same troll form.

Basically, however you see the trolls as humans, just think of them like that. We do that sometimes anyways. XD

EnJoY~ :o)

The night was calm but chilly as the blonde walked along the familiar path. After a fun little hang out at his best bro's, John, house, Dave, slightly intoxicated, was currently making his way home when a thought about visiting the bar occurred to him and he changed his course of action.

Making a quick right onto the other street, Dave smirked a bit. Today was Wednesday, meaning that a band was supposed to be playing. A feeling spread throughout his skin, his 'I want to get wasted' feeling tingling. That was the 20 year old's thing, getting wasted at his favorite local bar on Wednesday. Why did he do this? It gave him excuses to give blow-jobs to the band members.

Now, that didn't mean Dave was gay. He just liked to suck dick here and there. No big deal. Plus, 95% of the time, someone said yes to him. The guy was good looking, especially with those obnoxiously black sunglasses consuming more than half his face but he was surprised how many people liked his light brown freckled cheeks the most. So some say.

When Dave walked in, he made his way to the bar and instantly got the bartender's attention. The music in the background told Dave that he either missed the band or they didn't play yet.

"Hey, Dave! About time you came!" The bartender chimed at her good friend.

"Yo." Came Dave's only reply as he made himself comfortable on the bar; leaning his back against the edge with his elbows sprawled against the hard surface. He looked to the stage and saw it was slightly occupied with speakers at least.

Jade, the bar-tender, knew exactly what Dave would want as a drink and was pretty much finished making the drink when she heard him ask if he missed anything. Understanding 'anything' meaning the band, the black, wavy hair girl giggled.

"They'll be playing soon actually. They seem like an interesting bunch." Jade giggled again as her face showed some red to it and Dave took his drink with a muttered thanks.

Jade suddenly became busy with costumers and had to leave her friend's side to aid their wishes. Dave sipped his martini, as he concealed eyes scanned the place cautiously. Wednesdays weren't usually that busy and of course there were more males than girls. Also by the looks of it, the band members were finally setting up.

A freakishly tall, wavy haired dude came rolling out another guy in a wheelchair. Dave raised an eyebrow at the sight. The guy in the wheelchair was holding drumsticks in his hands; a clear indication that he was the drummer. Behind them was another tall guy, not as tall as the first one but still pretty freaking tall. Dave made note to suck one of them off because tall guys' shlongs were usually just as tall if you got the man's drift.

The second tall dude carried both a guitar and what looked like a bass in the other hand. His hair was short but not really short. The sides of his hair managed to fan out to their respective sides perfectly, Dave had never seen such a hairstyle but he was digging it immensely. Although, he wasn't feeling the 3D shades too much.

As he watched the wavy haired guy take a guitar from the short haired guy, Dave caught a glimpse of someone else walking out the door, dragging wires with him. Whoa was this guy short, Dave snorted. He could have sworn he was shorter than the dude sporting the wheelchair. Dave's smirk faded a bit when he saw the little one's round face, with an equally round button nose. Well, he was kinda cute.

"Isn't the little guy just adorable." Came a voice and Dave pretended like his heart didn't leap out of his chest from the suddenness of it. He was so focused on the band that his Strider senses failed to inform him of Jade's presence. "I just want to pinch his little cheeks!" Jade continued.

Dave took another sip of his drink. "Yeah, he's cute but I got my eyes on the tall, short haired guy." The man said without shame, making Jade laugh and she nudged him.

"I forgot to charge you for the drink by the way." She said with her hand out. Dave just looked at the appendage then at Jade. She sighed.

"Really, Dave. You didn't bring money, again?" She put her hands on hips with a huff. "I'm the dumb one for always assuming you have it on you…" she mumbled.

Dave vaguely listened as he spotted the short guy and short haired guy talking. The short guy sure was fucking short and his hair looked like it received nuggies on a daily basis. The kid was even wearing a turtle neck sweater! The guy must be dying in that!

"Just put it on my IOU, Jake will understand." Dave said distractedly, Jake was the owner and he was good friends with his older brother, Dirk. Dave heard something about 'owing 50$ already' as he saw the girl walk away to work in the corner of his eye.

Paying attention to the band again, the wavy haired guy just finished helping the wheelchair fellow before fiddling with his guitar. Dave thought that was kind of sweet, the thought was further pursued when he watched the tall guy pat the short guy on the head with a toothy yet sloppy grin.

What a chill guy Dave mused. His attention was back on his potential backstage lover who was currently bent over, adjusting wires and calling out to the others who crowded around him. The small guy pulled at his hair for a second before giving the black speaker a swift kick to its side. Dave huffed in amusement as the 3D shaded dude gave the turtle neck sweater owner a confident thumbs up.

Looks like they were finally going to start and Dave was interested to see that the short kid was at the mic. Now that was just precious, he was the singer.

Finally, the short kid spoke and his voice threw Dave off. It was not only loud; it had a bit of a rough edge to it.

"Alright so we're gonna play for you asswipes for a bit since we have shit all to do really. The whole thing was last minute thanks to fuckface other there," Jake coughed awkwardly as half the room directed it's attention at the short kid's head motion. "Anyways, those of you who are new here and haven't heard of us, we are just a bunch of dweebs who can play instruments for shits and giggles, no big deal."

Dave's eyes were wide with every word this kid said. Such anger and hostility along with a dirty mouth of a thousand toilets.

"Just a quick introduction and we'll be moving right along, I'm Karkat Vantas," said Karkat had his hand pressed against his chest. "I sing, I guess…" his hand drifted over to the short haired boy, "The douche with the stupid shades is our bassist, Sollux Captor." Sollux lifted his free hand with a quick nod of his head. Dave let of a laugh about the 'shades' comment, they were kind of stupid, unlike his own shades. "Over there is Gamzee Makara, the guitarist and behind me is obviously our drummer, Tavros Nitram." The two boys mentioned gave quick waves to the audience.

Dave did catch Jade make her way over this time and he handed her his glass and she rolled her eyes, knowing all too well that he wanted another one. The man was feeling good, not drunk yet but he had high hopes for this band he already liked the band members and the little guy's potty mouth was kind of a turn on. Just as Dave thought that, Jade said, "He has quite vulgar language for someone who looks like they hold a lot of innocence to them huh? He has the crowd laughing though."

"Never judge a book by its cover, girl." Dave smirked as he finally faced the bar table, awaiting his drink. Jade just giggled.

"I guess we'll start playing as you alcoholics' drown your faces with piss water." Karkat said before adjusting the mic and looked back to Gamzee, signalling for him to start. The second the guitar went off, everyone went wild as they recognized the tune immediately.

Jade squealed beside Dave as the drums and bass joined in the old school melody. Dave watched attentively as Sollux was now in motion. The guy looked cool as a bass player.

Dave recalled the song being called 'I believed in love.' Or something, but he didn't know the band name. The man gave an approving look to the band. He, personally, wasn't much into old school jams seeing as he was a techno lover but he did have a lot of respect for old songs and just band members in general, hence why he wanted to go down on them every time they played here.

'Can't explain all the feelings that you're making me feel, My heart's in overdrive and you're behind the steering wheel.'

But God damn when he heard that midget sing, his eyes almost surpassed the boundaries of his shades. The kid could fucking sing and Dave was not the only one impressed. Jade got close to Dave's ear and told him that they're really good at this song. Dave nodded as he watched the singer tap this foot with a slight shake of his sweater covered hip.


If Dave had ears that could physically perk up like a cat, then aw hell would they be doing that right about now.


The kid could hit those high notes perfectly and the way he gently thrust the mic back and forth to create that authentic waver in the sound of his voice had Dave half hard already. Shit son, the human thought.

Suddenly the soft 'oooh's got edged as they reached the chorus and the whole place was clapping to the tune enthusiastically.

'I believe in a thing called love, just listen to the rhythm of my heart.

'There's a chance that we could make it now, we'll be rockin'till the sun goes down.

'I believe in a thing called loooove~' The tiny male sang with slight power at the end, followed by another gentle 'ooooohoooo' sound that sent shivers up Dave's spine. These guys were good.

Then Gamzee started to really rock out as Karkat swung his already sweaty looking hair from his eyes. The yells of excitement elevated when they heard the tall guy play. He was fucking kick ass on that guitar and Dave sent a quick look at Jade as she was wiping the table and talking, or yelling over at her customers.

'I wanna kiss you very minute, every hour, every day~

'You got me in a spin but everything is a-o-kay.'

Dave let out a sigh as Karkat made the 'ok' gesture while singing. It was adorable as fuck. Dave could feel himself getting hot everywhere, quite literally, the place alone was rather hot despite the chilly winds outside but the way Karkat worked the mic with that voice of his and his scrunched up look resembling so close to an orgasm made Dave feel deliciously bothered.

Again with the' touching me' lyrics the kid soothed threw his tiny throat. Dave wondered if he was the only one practically moaning over these guys. Of course he would never show this, being a Strider and all. He looked to the door to see people filing in from what was most likely a cigarette break, drinks in hands and soaking up the sudden change of environment.

The chorus was up again that the band was jamming to it just as lively as the first. Dave could even see the mouths of other's mouthing the words, the more drunk they were, the louder their voices bellowed out. Needless to say, their sound was completely degraded by this karkat kid.

As said singer sang the last line of that ever so cheesy chorus, Dave's face went red with god knows what as he saw Sollux expertly sing into the mic with his companion, adding a whole higher tone to the sound. Karkat never mentioned the hottie being a fucking back-up singer, sweet Jesus was Dave ever glad to have come here tonight!

Gamzee was at it on his guitar again and this time he was facing the drummer who, throughout this whole song, banged at his drums like it was the most natural thing to him than breathing. Dave quickly assumed that the step pedal was replaced with an extra drum or something like that.

"You look like you're really enjoying yourself." Jade yelled over the sound of the music.

"Fuck, I am. These guys are legit man." Dave admitted as he took a swig of his new drink and was soon graced with the sight of the little turtle neck wearing singer jerking his hips to the music.

"Jake likes them a lot so he pays them to play often." Jade said, loudly. Dave just nodded as he was still mesmerized by that little fucker as those hips jerked and those legs bent to the beat. On second thought, he wanted his dick! Sorry, Sollux, maybe next time.

Dave smiled as he noticed the little singer tug at his collar; Dave knew the fucker was going to fry. But fuck him if it didn't make the kid look ten times more attractive with all that sweat coating his heated face. Now that Dave looked at him, the fella had expressive eyes.

You could hear his desperate pants when he began to coo out those 'oooohs' again and Dave was officially hard for this kid as he was so close to almost yelling the words but still keeping that perfect singing pitch. But it only got better when all was heard from the band was the drummer repeatedly hitting his drum, a few cords being plucked and Karkat's heavy filled voice sing out the chorus.

'I believe in a thing called love, just listen to the rhythm of my heart.

'There's a chance that we could make it now, we'll be rockin'till the sun goes down.

'I believe in a thing called looooove~' and with a hard breath came a long 'oh' that sent shivers over every surface of Dave's skin. He was so complete in that every moment and all he was doing to fucking watching.

Now watching through lust-filled eyes as Karkat racked his already messy and without a doubt wet, hair and now the almost drunk male knew why it was the way it was. Dave watched the whole band as the rocked the fuck out of the last few seconds of the song.

Gamzee dipping his head back and forth making his wavy hair fling here and there, Tavros banging his head hard to the beat he was creating, Sollux slouched a bit over and thrusting his chest forward and back as his fingers lazily pluck his bass strings and Karkat gripping the pole in front of him for dear life as he shook his hair to and fro.

To say that these guys were not into the music was pure and utter blasphemy. And Dave had a raging boner just from the sight of it.

The members holding their instruments banged them with all their might at the end and just like that the room was filled with clapping and hollers. A few female undergarments went flying, Karkat jumping with disgust.

His heavy voice muttering into the microphone. "That's fucking gross." And people laughed, especially Sollux. Still out of breath, the tired singer said, "Well, I hope you fuckers enjoyed that." And just like that the members disassembled themselves from their instruments as their crowd appealed them all over again.

Dave laughed as he caught Karkat making Gamzee kick the bras and under wear off the tiny stage. They began to pack when Jack hopped onto the stage and got Karkat's attention. He looked mad then he changed to a more thoughtful look. Gamzee shrugged at the situation, Tavros nodded and Sollox seemed to be rewiring the wires he just plunged out.

Jake took a hold of the mic. "These guys are pretty sick huh?" When he got a pleasing response, he grinned. "Well. How about a song of their own?" he asked and everyone was content with that, well, Dave was a bit disappointed because he wanted that Karkat dick in his mouth now but he could wait through another song, watching them play was almost orgasmic anyways.

Jake gave Karkat the mic and ruffled his hair, making the shorty growl a bit. "For more money, we're singing again to you greedy little shits but don't get too excited, it's our only friggin'song and we've never played it live so fucking brace yourselves." Karkat 'warned' and Dave wanted him the more he spoke.

Dave looked up at Jade and his body swayed a bit more as he smirked, "I fucking want that little shit, Jade." He informed her and she blushed.

"Wow, Dave." She chuckled. She noticed his swaying body and giggled more. "No more alcohol for you either." She swatted his nose and he scrunched his face.

Suddenly, music started playing again and it was a sweet melody, much to Dave's surprise. It was actually kind of cute for a rough looking bunch like them but for a first song that was kind of typical plus the singer was pretty cutesy looking…

'When I was young, lying in the grass ,I felt so safe in a warming bath,

Of sunlight

Of sunlight.'

Dave smiled at the simple lyrics. Karkat's voice was more soft and thoughtful as he sang. Sollux's fingers skidded his bass a lot more than in the previous song and by the looks of it, there was actually more bass to this song than guitar. Either way, the bassist was really chilling beside his short friend.

'Fast open sky could do no harm, like an embrace of a mother's arms

'In sunlight, In sunlight ,

'In sunlight , In sunlight .'

"Awwww!" Dave heard Jade sigh at the lyric's. "I knew he was a cutie pie." She cooed. Another lady from the bar table agreed and they went on a fangirl gallivant. Dave smirked at the little singer. He has fans now, Dave mused.

'With every year that came to pass, more clouds appear until the sky went black.

'And now there's, no sunlight, no sunlight.

'And now there's, no sunlight, no sunlight anymore.'

In a flash, hard playing cords were being strummed. Dave drank the last of his drink and continued to stare at the singer when he noticed that said singer never once looked his way. It was a bit odd but Dave paid it no mind as he just soaked up the words and how they sang out of Karkat's expert throat.

'You disappeared with the same speed, The idealistic things i believed, The optimist died inside of me.'

This line caught Dave's attention as it probably meant something to the band or whoever wrote the song. It was a nice string of words, Dave thought. It was cute.

'No Sunlight' was repeated a few more times and Dave couldn't help a smile when the bassist and singer shared a mic. It was kind of hot. Their lips so close as Sollux had to bend down to sing with his friend once again. Dave checked his phone for the time to see that it was only just passed midnight and the male saw that he got a text from John 20 minutes ago. Dave shoved the device back into his pocket with a sly look on his face, John would have to wait.

The song slowly ended and an applause was granted to the band. "Thanks, I guess. Be honored to have been the first to hear our shit. Literally. But I'm glad you liked it."

"What's the name of the song?" someone yelled and Dave held a laugh as he watched Karkat's face deadpan.

"If you'd listen to the song at all, 'No Sunlight' was said through my mouth only a thousand times dipshit." The singer replied and was not fazed by the 'thanks, smartass' yelled back and he just grunted.

Dave quirked an eyebrow in extreme interest. It appeared that Karkat was an angry little bugger and he didn't give two shits about it. Dave quickly wondered if he could up-hold a job or anything.

"Hey, Jade, I'm going to go say hi, wish me luck." Dave said as he left the bar to wait for the boys to pack up so he could bug them after, well, bug Karkat.

The band paid no attention to the pale, lanky guy awkwardly standing there with big shades on his face, too wrapped up in their own doings.

Jake suddenly occupied Dave's side and the shorter male lifted a hand with a quick 'sup'. Jake stared at the other for no particular reason.

"Dirk know you're here?" He asked, he could be a worrywart sometimes, even though he acted tough.

Dave continued to watch the band move. "Don't know. Maybe."

Jake sighed. "You should head home soon, you're not too drunk right?" then Jake noticed how distracted Dave was and looked towards the direction the younger male was looking. Another sigh. "I'd like to think you're not planning on 'doing' anything with Karkat, cause I'll tell you right now he's-" the owner of the bar was silenced with a hand. The possessor of this hand still didn't look at Jake and with that the shade wearing blonde was on the hunt towards his 'prey' ever so gracefully.

For the third time, Jake sighed. Oh well, he's a big kid now. Jake thought, Hope he doesn't react to sourly to the rejection he's about it get, he laughed as he headed to his busy worker.

Somehow, a girl caught up to karkat before Dave had and he waited around the corner.

"I guess that's not a problem, but not until next time, and you better fucking be there." The singer said in that angry tone he seemed to always have. He sounded almost madder in person. "What's your name?"

"Terezi~" the slightly sharp but cute voice said. And Dave smirked at the sight of Karkat blushing.

"Alright, Terezi, We'll be back in about two weeks or something, just come by every Wednesday and we'll sing your stupid ass song." Karkat grumbled as he waited for the excited girl leave.

That was Dave's cue. He casually walked into Karkat's view and fuck was the kid sweating his ass off as well as the fact that his angry look was far more appealing up close.

"What do you want fucktard." It came out as a statement and Dave had to admit that the insult did throw him off a bit but as a true Strider, he showed nothing but a smirk.

"The band thing you got going on is pretty fucking cool." Dave started with a compliment, seeing how he'd handle that.

"Piss off." The boy scoffed.

Apparently, not well.

"Well, I enjoyed it, but besides that I was wondering something…" Dave's voice trailed off as he caught a glimpse of a drop of sweat run down Karkat's face.


Dave was a little nervous due to the kid's tendency to be loud and a bit put-offish, this was usually easy for the young Strider as he would simply walk up and side his skinny hands down the member's pants, initiating the task without words.

"Can I suck you off." Came the most blunt questions of all blunt questions.

Karkat stared at Dave for what seemed like forever, with an occasional blink of his eyes. Dave started to wonder if the other male, who has the darkest brown eyes the blonde has ever seen, didn't understand him.

"You know, like a blow-" the blonde was abruptly cut off.

"I know what it fucking means you revolting shit." The little guy exploded and Dave actually stepped back. "Does it look like I want a douchebag with apparently no respect for fuck all anything to 'suck me off'!? Why don't you just push me off a fucking cliff and ask my dead corpse that again without me coming back to life and ripping your disgusting throat out!" the kid was panting by the end of his answer and Dave just stared. He actually did not in any way expect such an answer.

"Whoa dude, chill out, it was a pretty simple question, yes or no man." Dave now had his hands up in some sort of defense.

"Oh, I'm sorry, did my reply not fit your idea of a yes or no answer. Here, allow me to provide you with a more appropriate answer." And before Dave could react, a swift kick found its way straight into his unsuspecting crotch. "No."

Dave howled and was on the ground in seconds. People poked their heads around at the sound.

"Kk? Holy shit, KK! What did you jutht do!?" Came a voice from down the hall. Dave remained on the floor as he heard footsteps hurriedly make their way closer.

"I gave him what he fucking deserved." The midget growled.

Dave looked up with a groan and was a bit taken back as he was face to face with Sollux squatting in front of him.

"Hey man, did he butht(bust) a nut or thomthing?" the male asked and Dave only vaguely picked up on the lisp as the ground began to spin.

Only a whimper left Dave's mouth and Sollux looked back at Karkat.

"Don't fucking stare at me like that, I told you the dipshit deserved it!" and Karkat left without a word, just grunts.

Sollux let out a groan himself and offered the some-what dying man some help. Dave supposed he was ok enough to let the other male lift him up. After a bit of a struggle, they got him up half way but Dave needed a breather. That was a strong was fuck kick.

Dave heard the bassist sigh. "It'th a late warning but he may look like a fucking shrimp but trutht me, he will rip you a new one."

"Is that supposed to be like comforting or some shit?" Dave strained out and yes he was a bit pee'ved at the turn of events.

He watched as Sollux shrugged. "What did you want anywayth?"

Then Jake came in, in a bit of a huff. "Dave! I told you!" was all the owner said as he looked at Sollux, up and down, then at Dave. "Wait, you wanted Sollux?"

"Excuthe me?" the male said.

"Oh, uh nothing dude! It's fine, look, let me take this punk off ya, kay? Sorry for the…whatever he did." Jake apologized.

"He blew Kk'th short ath fuck futhe(fuse) and is probably rendered therile(sterile) for the nektht(next) three dayth." The bassist chuckled as Jake carried Dave's suffering body out of the hall.

"Okay, cool, Thanks." Jake said distractedly and Sollux gave him a 'wtf' look before heading back to his friends.

So how did I do!? Good? Bad? I would love some reviews to know if I should post more, Cause there's much more where that came from!

BTW, sorry about Sollux's lisp, it's tough to write for some words I find. But fuck, was it ever adorable!