A/ T So my friends, this it. The final chapter of this journey. I hope you all like it and I just wish I had more time to dedicate to it. I know it's been months since I started writing and a lot of you might have given up reading it but thank you all. A part of me didn't want this to end cause I honestly enjoyed writing it. This isn't the end though. I have a new story planned, and if things work out the way I want them to, the updates will be much more frequent.

Thank you all for your patience and love you have shown for this story.


P.S By the way I am looking for a beta reader for my new story. If anyone is interested please pm me.

Three years have gone by since Kensi and Deeks made a fresh start on their relationship. After the Batista case, Hetty realized that her agents draw strength from each other and only when they are apart their world crumbles.

She approved Deeks comeback on the team and buried his shady past deep. After all she was the one who orchestrated the meeting between the two of the in the boat shed. She knew that Deeks was feeling broken and ashamed and the only reason he walked away from Kensi was because he wanted to protect her from himself. Despite his mistakes she trusts him, and most important, Kensi still trusts him with her life.

During these three years a lot have changed. Eric and Nell got engaged but they are both too scared to get married. This commitment is more than enough for now. Callen is seeing a woman but refuses to present her to them, or at least Sam – who considers stalking him in order to satisfy his curiosity.

Deeks is finally an official member of the team and no longer has an inferiority complex. He has proved more than once that he is as capable as any other skilled agent in NCIS. Of course his partner in both work and real life remains Kensi. The woman who never gave up on him and saw the light in him when he was lost in the darkness.

After a few months they moved in together in Deeks house. It's bigger and a lot closer to the beach. Everyone knows that Deeks can't stay away from the water and Kensi was willing to leave the comfort of her own house just to keep him happy.

A while later, he made the life changing decision to propose to her. At first he was worried she might turn him down, but when he thought of everything they had been though it seemed like the appropriate move to make.

He planned every single detail as he wanted that moment to be memorable. He bought her the ring he had noticed her looking every time they walked by the jewelry store and decided to propose on Valentine's Day. She always hated that day since she was never in a relationship long enough to actually celebrate it but now, he would give her a reason!

It was a sunny day and the sky was clear as ever. He took Kensi for a walk on the beach and patently waited for the sunset. The colors surrounding the scenery was like a big canvas. Shades of blue and orange separated the sea from the sky as the sun slowly started hiding in the horizon. He couldn't ask for a better soundtrack as the sound of gentle waves surrounded the air. That was it. That was the perfect moment. He held her hands in his and kneeled in front of her.

He had prepared a whole speech for this moment but suddenly he found it impossible to utter a single word. He just stared lovingly at Kensi's shocked eyes. When she realizes what he was actually doing she slightly opened her mouth in awe. But then, it just felt right. She smiled at him and soon her smile turned into laughter as she noticed he was more scared than she was.

Yes, was all she said. Yes, was all he needed to hear.

The wedding ceremony was simple and beautiful. Once again, they chose the beach to seal their undying love. They didn't need guests, just their NCIS family was more than enough and the party afterwards lasted for 2 whole days.

The honeymoon was a wedding gift from Hetty. They had already visited Australia and the Caribbean islands, so Hetty chose the next best thing. A tour around the Greek islands. Sun, miles of beautiful beaches and great food was all they needed.

Now, two years later, they are enjoying married life along with the little girl that they were blessed with. They named the baby Donny – a tribute to Kensi's father – but she teases Deeks from time to time that he agreed on the name only because it reminds him of the Osmonds.

Despite Deeks pleads, Kensi refused to quit NCIS. She loves Deeks, she adores he little baby but she also likes her job. She promised Deeks she would limit herself to a desk job only if they have another child and now he desperately aims for a son.

Memories of the hurtful past have gone away along with the scars in their souls. They never speak of it, but they learnt from it.

Things couldn't get better, but they couldn't get worse either and that's all that matters. They've been through hell, they overcame every obstacle that was thrown in their paths but they crossed them. They survived and they are determined to build the perfect future for them and their kids. What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger, and right now they are stronger than ever.