Poseidon's PVO

Great, a new boring day on Olympus. I can't stop thinking about Sally! I know, I know it's wrong because I'm married but it's second nature for gods. But I'm starting to worry I feel like somethings no someones watching me when ever I'm with her. A bright flash pulled me out of my thoughts.I opened my eyes to see Hermes standing in front of me.

"Zeus needs you on Olympus,now," he said

I sigh then I start to worry what if he was the one watching me,"I will be there right away"I said and he flashes out.

So I flash myself to Olympus to find myself standing in the centre of the throne room, all of the gods looking at me.

"So Poseidon, your probably wondering why I called you here" said Zeus.

No hay, I think

"Well I have been watching you over the past few days and saw that you have captured a mortals heart," he said

I gulped

"Do not worry the fates themselves came to me to tell me that Kronos will soon rise and one of the 'big three' need a child" he said.

"Big three more like big fat three!" Ares sniggered childishly

"What was that Ares!"thundered Zeus

"Sorry" he muttered scared

"As I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted, Athena has found a way to give you all the gods powers in one night , you to make her fall pregnant" said Zeus

"Okay" I said nervously

Zeus began chanting in Greek and with a huge flash of light I felt power serge through and when the light died down I flashed to Sally's house

I rushed into the hospital the find that Sally had delivered a healthy baby I thanked her and told her that I would rise the child on Olympus and he would save the world (AN; Cheesy, I know)She agreed but said that he had to visit her once a month I nodded and flashed back to Olympus.

As soon as I flashed back I was surrounded by gods and a chorus of awwws could be heard.

"What shall we name him?"asked Zeus

"Perseus Jackson, after Perseus one of the only hero's ever to have good luck"I said

Zeus smiled smugly that the hero would be named after his son.

"He will certainly have the looks of Perseus!" Aphrodite said looking into the baby's multicolored eyes

Artemis rolled her eyes and slapped her across the back of the head

"Up top lil sis 'said Apollo

"I'm not your 'lil sis'!"shouted Artemis and slapped across the back of the head to

"Ow!" shouted Apollo

"Shhhh" I said "Percy's sleeping"

"May I" said Hera surprising everyone

"Sure, but if you hurt him..." I left the threat hanging. She shuddered at the thought as she cradled the baby.

"He's beautiful" she said as she tickled he and he giggled "Who's a strong demigod? You are! Yes you are!"

We all watched in amusement as Hera played with the baby

Zeus PVO

We were all watching as my wife played with my new nephew, Perseus. To say I was shocked was an understatement, she hates demigods, well now I'm not so sure. It warmed my heart to see him playing with my wife, Hera's hair. Yes I admit I Zeus, King of the gods, was touched.

"Is there something wrong, brother?" asked Poseidon

"No, Brother" I replied

"Dada" I hear a small voice with Hera. We all turn to see the most adorable baby crawling over to Poseidon, Poseidon smiles like he is the luckiest father in the world and picks him up and Percy snuggles into his chest. I see jealousy flash through Athena's, my eyes widen Athena likes Poseidon well that explains why they always act like an old married couple. I should talk to her after this is over.

"Aphrodite, this boy could grow up to be a decent man do not destroy that hope!" Artemis says. The other goddesses agreed

Hestia PVO

I'm so happy the family is finally starting to act like one,we're being nice to each other and we've got more romance now,Aphrodite will be happy. She now has Poseidon with Athena and I am starting to see a connection between Percy and Artemis and I think she will probably have some whole dramatic love story planed out

I sigh as I stare into the hearth, I don't look forward to seeing father again. I just hope that Percy will be strong and put father in his place. I look over at him, he is cute, I hope I'll be a second mother to him. Sally is very lucky to have a son like him. He will grow up to be very powerful with all of the powers we have given him. Zeus will not be happy with two of his daughters in love with Poseidon and his son. I love my life ,because it's my job to care and be nice to people

Athena's PVO

My plan worked and Percy is so cute just like his father, I blush at the thought of Poseidon he is as great a man as he he is father. I sigh. I love him but he will never love me back I have to try win his heart. He will be mine!I must start planning, this is going to be a good year. I hope this will work though,because I am so nervous. What if he hates me? What if the breaks my heart? What if my pride gets in the way?Why am I worrying I am Athena I always have a plan.I wonder if Percy will be as smart as me?

I hope you like it because it took over an hour to write on my Ipad Josh the Awesome out peace!P.S the more you review the faster I update! good bye! Remember to review Remember to review Remember to review Remember to review Remember to review