A/N-So this is the final chapter of this story. Thank you to everyone who has faved, raved, reviewed, viewed and followed. As I have mentioned I will be taking a couple of weeks off to work on the storyline for the next story which will be called The Wolf, The Sword, and The Goth. So stay tuned. Oh and I give no apologies but there is a cliff ahead!

Claim and Counterclaim

"What do you mean she's missing." Trick winced at the note in his granddaughters voice. He said quietly and calmly, "She took an investigation I tried to give you and solved it. Or as solved as anything against the Morrigan can be. She proved that the Morrigan's minions had been kidnapping fae and humans from the alley behind the Dal of course we couldn't prove that, the Morrigan was covered. However as I understand it the Morrigan was charged with not being able to keep her subjects from potentially exposing the existence of the fae."

Glancing away from his granddaughters eyes to where Lauren was leaning over Annie studying her. Hale was standing by in case the human doctor needed the Sirens help. Dyson was pacing in front of Trick's fireplace in his borrowed clothes. The wolf hadn't spokn since explaining to Trick what they had discovered at Kenzi's place. Trick was growing very irritated with his granddaughter, but was maintaining his gentle barkeep persona at the moment.

"So what? You're telling me the bitch went after Kenzi?" hissed the increasingly irate succubus.

"Yes from what we've been able to determine, someone informed the Morrigan that it was Kenzi who had found the evidence against her and she sent some of her minions to her place to kill her." Said her grandfather patiently. Before he could continue Bo interrupted. "But you're not sure that she is dead because…"

"Because she is missing. There is no body, at least not hers. Only those of the dark fae who were sent after her. There is a large amount of her blood…too much for her to have walked out on her own. We think that the shifter that she has had with her probably took her to seek help for her wounds…"

Bo interrupted angrily, "Whay shifter, she has never…has anyone tried to call the hospitals? What about the dark fae…has anyone questioned them?" she said glancing venomously at Hale and Dyson as she asked the last question.

"I called every hospital in a 20 mile radius," Hale said. "No one fitting Kenzi's description has been admitted to any of them. They also have my number if anyone does show up."

"And the dark fae? Why aren't you questioning them? Instead of standing around here, doing nothing?" Bo screamed furiously.

"Because there's not enough of them left to even bring back to question. "They're dead Bo, every last one of them," Hale explained, and then added with a hint of pride, "From the looks of it, li'l momma put up a hell of a fight even without her shifter friend to help her. As it is he took out one or two, the cleaners still haven't submitted…"

"I don't care about the cleaners," Bo interrupted yet again. "Kenzi is missing and you don't know where she is. Who is this shifter? The only shifters she knows are Dyson and his friends? What about it Dyson? One of your friends come back from your past, huh? Decide to kidnap the human you claimed? Or maybe he's the one who ratted Kenzi out to the Morribitch. Why aren't you…"

Dyson rounded on Bo and said, "Kenzi is mine, no other fae would touch her. I don't know who the other shifter is. He's not one of mine." The shifter concluded morosely. "Great! You get delusions of grandeur thinking you own my best friend, and she's still missing," said Bo. Throwing her hands up in the air as she spun away from the wolf and stomped back to her grandfather before continuing indignantly, "I go away for a few days and all hell breaks loose. You guys can't even keep one little human safe…"

This time it was Trick who interrupted, "Months." He said succinctly.

"What? What are you talking about?" Bo said her brow furrowing in confused irritation.

"The fact that it has been months, not days since you left, not weeks, but months. Kenzi was alone in her house. She told me she hadn't seen you in months, four an a half to be precise. Not much of a friendship to be in the same town and not even to bother to visit your "best friend"." Trick was furious with these young ones, and they deserved the tongue lashing he was about to dish out.

"I did not…it hasn't…" Bo's gaze became distant for a moment and then flashed in anger. "Don't I deserve some kind of personal life, some normalcy."

"Doesn't Kenzi?" Hale questioned. "All she's ever wanted from us is our friendship. She's given us her loyalty, her love, her strength and her support. She's risked her life, her sanity, to always be there for us. What have we given her in return?" He looked from Bo to Dyson then to Trick. Only Trick would meet his gaze as he nodded his head in agreement.

A moan from Annie drew all of their attentions to the couch. Trick smiled for the first time in several hours and said, "Excellent work doctor," as he clapped Lauren gently on the shoulder, "How did you revive her?"

"I didn't," said the blond doctor in relieved confusion, "I haven't done anything yet."

Annie heaved a deep breath and opened her eyes with a smile on her lips, as she looked around at her friends.


"Owww," Kenzi groaned protractedly, trying to figure out what part of her body hurt the most. Her head hurt like a bunch of miners were in there excavating for gold. Her hair didn't ache though, so nope not a hangover, not that she got them that often with her Russian metabolism, but it did happen occasionally. Her left arm was on fire and heavy , useless, heck give her a sword… The memory jolted throug her and she instinctively tried to sit up in bed. Luckily a set of strong yet gentle arms caught her before she got very far. Not fast enough to stop her yelp as searing pain burned through her side and took her breath away.

"Legkiy, malen 'kiy." ("Easy, little one.") said a familiar voice. Kenzi while trying not to move anymore, or even breathe for that matter, fought the urge to lose herself to tears. Not from the pain, she and pain were old acquaintances, not friends but familiar. No the tears were because he wasn't her wolf, not Dyson. To cover this traitorous thought Kenzi drew in a deep breath, welcoming the pain that ame with the coughing spell that caused. It gave her time to collect her thoughts.

"So we won?" she asked slowly as she caught her breath. "So it would seem," replied the Shifter King as he gave up trying to encourage Kenzi to lie back down. Instead with a complicated series of moves between the two they had her sitting on the side of the makeshift bed. Her feet dangling off the shelf pulled on her side but the pain kept her focused for the moment. Focused enough to notice that her upper body was nude, that she had a bright red healing wound in her side, and a new and very painful piece of jewelry on her upper left arm. Looking up, Kenzi gave Misha her poker face and said in a flat tone. "Anything you'd like to tell me …Misha?"

The weathered face blanched slightly as he looked at her, then quickly reached for a wool blanket to wrap around her shoulders. "Nothing…rebenok (child). I…" Kenzi saw the wolf shifter become increasingly flustered as he went over to an open trunk and begin rifling through the contents, all the while babbling.

"Misha!" she said sharply, drawing his attention back to her. "Get your mind out of the gutter." Then she explained, "I didn't mean anything like that. A shirt would be nice though. I was actually wondering um…let's see in order of importance; where are we, how am I still alive, and oh yeah, by the way Misha, Ennoi says to tell you that you need to tell me the rest of her story."

"Ennoi…you saw Ennoi and did you just call me Misha?" he said bringing over a silk shirt with a Mandarin collar. The shirt was huge on Kenzi and the color of blood. Moving stiffly she put her right arm in the sleeve of the shirt and carefully with Misha's help started to put her aching left arm into the other sleeve. She paused in the process staring at the cuff wrapped around the upper arm, and said with a raised eyebrow, "New jewelry?"

Misha nodded as he slid her arm carefully into the sleeve, "The Gift of Ennoi, it's what saved you. It holds Ennoi's blood," Indicating the once again glowing red crystal. "When it is applied to the intended recipient it injects the blood into them. It is intended to save the worthy one from mortal wounds. Usually the recipient is the intended heir of an Alpha." He said leadingly. After buttoning the shirt Kenzi took the belt from her pants and while Mikhail helped her fasten it she asked curiously, "But I'm not anyone's heir and I'm not even fae…or I wasn't. Am I now?"

"Yes to both," Misha said quickly, then added more thoughtfully, "If you want to be." He explained, "The change once started can't be stopped, you are becoming fae, and a shifter. It will be a few days, before it settles in your blood. You will probably feel odd for the next two or three days, feverish, aches and pains, weakness, that sort of thing."

"Great, so instead of avian or swine flu, I have what canine flu?" Then her eyes widened in horror. "I couldn't become a bird …or a pig could I?" she whispered in a disgusted tone.

"Lupine, actually, and no to my knowledge Ennoi's chosen have only ever become wolves." Mikhail said with a barely suppressed smile.

"Swell," said Kenzi with a roll of her eyes and then her eyes snapped back to his and she said, "Wait, you said both, yes to both?"

The big Russians expression turned shy and hopeful as he explained, "Yes, if you are willing, as I said all of my pack are long dead, I am the last and I would like you to become my heir. I do not want my mother's line to end with my passing."

"Misha, I love you. I really do, but not that way." Kenzi said gently.

"Ne, Kenzi." the Shifter King said seriously, "I would be more than proud if you accepted me as your father. You are strong, brave, more cunning than many of my kind I have met of late. You have a kind and generous heart. You will fight to protect your own and you will fight your own to do what is right. I have seen you do this."

Kenzi actually saw the Russians eyes moisten as he became so emotional that he reverted to his mother tongue.. He actually went down on one knee as he asked in a deeply serious tone, "Budete li vy stat' chast' moyego paketa, moy naslednik, ditya moye, dach' moya?" ("Will you become part of my pack, my heir, my child, my daughter?")

"Wow!" Kenzi said a little breathlessly. "This is kind of a shock, all of this is actually…"

"Of course little one, forgive me," said Mikhail understandingly. "I did not mean to…" Here he paused and after a moment said, "Podavlyat?"

"Overwhelm?" Kenzi offered helpfully, shivering a little.

"Da, I did not mean to overwhelm you. I can wait for your answer, years have taught me patience, yes. You are cold?" said the shifter. "Yes this is understandable and part of the process too. You have lost a great deal of blood and as I said you will have "Lupine flu." He said laughingly and continued as he went to look through another trunk. "Mother leaves many of her things here. There is a beautiful coat here You will like I think." He said as he began to toss things out of the trunk to get to the bottom where the coat was. The defined ring and clink of metal was followed by a thump as he tossed something shiny onto the furs beside her. He then added, "and some boots, as well."

He continued before she could defend her totally bitchin' boots. "There is nothing wrong with your boots sweeting, In combat, I am sure they would be very effective weapons as well. However, we have a long way to walk back and I think you would appreciate your ankles being in one piece, when we get there yes?" With a flourish he pulled from the trunk a fur lined hooded cloak and boots to match and held them up for her to see .

Beautiful, yes? It is very warm. Mother is a little taller than you, but that is good. It will…yes conceal you from prying eyes. I think the fae were after you…not me, or why would they come to your house. They did not know that I would be there. Ah yes, excellent idea….we would not want any more wounds before you completely heal." He said indicating her hand…which had completely of its own volition she would swear, reached across the furs to caress the shiny, silvery links of metal.

Mikhail took the metal from her hand and carefully dropped it over heer head. It was a chain mail vest and hung to mid-thigh on her small frame. "Why are we going back now?" Kenzi questioned as he removed her own boots and replaced them with the fur lined ones. The boots she had to admit were very comfy and fit like a glove after he laced them up. "Your friends may be worried and besides the walk will help speed the process of healing and work out some of your stiffness." Then taking her hands he placed them on his right arm while looping his left arm around her waist. "Let's try standing yes." After a few false starts and falters, Kenzi was actually able to stand on her own as Mikhail put the coat on her. He lifted the hood on the coat and sure enough it shadowed her features and completely concealed her except for her long dark hair. He put her boots into a backpack which he slung over his shoulder and holding out his arm he said cordially, "Shall we go?"

Taking his arm, they started out at a slow. Steady pace for Kenzi and Misha said, "And I will tell you the story of my Mother."

"Your mother, who's your Mother?" Kenzi asked.

"Why Ennoi of course."


The young hunters of the village and two of the women and Ennoi stood between their village and the opposing village's army. The hunter who was in the lead of the enemy group jeered and said, "What's this, we tell them to prepare to fight and they send out their women and children? They give up so easily." He laughed. The rest of his army laughed as well. The men made lewd gestures and disparaging remarks toward the assembled protectors of the village.

They were making so much noise, working themselves up to battle, at first they didn't notice anything strange in the gray morning light. Ennoi noticed though, dark shapes moving at th edge of the forest, moving to circle the larger group. When the large hunter moved forward a little, his eyes firmly planted on Ennoi, she did something no one expected.

Ennoi grinned at the hunter, a surprisingly blood thirsty grin, that froze the hunter in his tracks. His own grin faded from his face in confusion and he cocked his head at the woman. . She in turn threw her head back and howled. Admittedly it was her first attempt at mimicking the wolf but it drew the attention of everyone. Including the dark shadows in the forest.

Instantly there was an answering howl from the forest, then another, and another. The clearing soon echoed with the sound of dozens of howls. Ennoi kept the grin on her face as the men from the larger village stopped jeering and began to look around the clearing in fear. Dozens of wolves more than in any single pack surely, began to creep out of the woods, snarling, snapping, and growling.

Even the few of her group were a little fearful at this development, until she muttered to them, too low for their enemies to hear, "Hold your ground. No matter what occurs, don't show fear." Just in time too, because a pack of nine wolves came through the village towards them. The leader, a large gray male with familiar looking scars came up to stand beside Ennoi, while the other wolves came to stand amongst the villagers, facing the forty men. There were mutters of witchcraft from the enemy but obvious fears on their faces as well. Most especially on the blanched face of the cruel hunter who was transfixed, staring at the all too familiar scars on the wolf standing next to Ennoi.

"You thought to make us your prey!" shouted Ennoi. "Now you are the prey, if any of you survive," she looked down at the wolf beside her as he leaned into her with a lupine grin, "Which I doubt…return to your village and tell them not to try this again. Next time we may come hunting for you."

In the ensuing battle, Mikhail explained obviously editing a great deal of the gore and violence, Ennoi's village won. None of their people were harmed, indeed they hardly had to do anything. The hunters from the opposing village had apparently made a sport of torturing the animals they caught before leaving them to die or killing them. The wolves especially were not happy. Ennoi was not surprised to find the cruel hunter among the dead in the clearing. The villagers made Ennoi their leader and no one questioned when she began to spend more time in the woods. No one questioned when they noticed she spent the winter months in her home or the strange yipping howls they occasionally heard.

When the elders returned the following spring and tried to resume "their rightful place" in the village. They were informed that cowards had no place in the village. The former elders answered by accusing Ennoi of witchcraft. She reminded them they had no objections when they were benefiting from her skills. Then one of the elders threw a knife intending to pierce her heart, Ennoi shifted into a wolf. The elders never returned after that, obviously recognizing Ennoi's superior negotiating skills.

The next season when several new children appeared in the village, no one questioned that either. Indeed through the generations that village became the proclaimed ancestral home of all shifters. Although it was really the cavern outside of the village that was the true origin of fae shifters, and only shifters who are direct descendants of Ennoi can find it now.

"Too bad I'm adopted," Kenzi said a little wistfully.

"Ne not adopted, you have her blood in you now. Stepchild perhaps, much loved, lost and now found again." Mikhail said giving her a gentle hug.


There are those who say that Ennoi died defending her pack and village. There are those who say that she became more than fae or shifter. There are those who say that she still exists today, watching over fae and shifter alike. What do you think little czarina?"

After contemplating the city lights as they walked towards the Dal, Kenzi finally said thoughtfully, "I think it's probably all true, except her dying. I might have been hallucinating a little from the wound, Ennoi's Gift and everything. But I did speak to Ennoi and I know her voice from somewhere. Anyway I can't wait to get to the Dal, and get off my feet, get something to eat, and I suppose vodka is out of the question?"

"Da cub, for now the Gift must bond with your blood. No vodka, it is too strong, but some wine or port might not hurt. It might even stregthen the blood a bit. If you are truly tired carry you little one. You were nearly dead only a few short hours ago, there is no shame in needing the help."

"Nah, we're almost there , I can make it. I am glad you talked me into a change of clothes and footwear though. I can actually rock this look and for the fashion icon that is Kenzi that's saying something," the young Goth said with a pert grin/

The grin was answered by the shifters own as he said, "and here we are." They entered the alley that led to the Dal, and as Misha grabbed the door handle of the pub. Kenzi said with a happy sigh, "Ah the peace and quiet of the Dal."

The pair walked into the Dal and the noise of arguing voices so intense it was like walking into a wall of noise. Coming around the corner to see the bar area, where Bo was basically in a screaming match with Dyson and Trick. Annie was sitting in one of the pubs chairs looking around rather bemusedly at the group. Lauren was standing with one hand braced supportively on Annie's shoulder while trying to break up the argument. Meanwhile Hale seemed to be trying to advise her not to bother, it was kind of hard to tell though because of the cacophony of noise.

The noise was silenced by a rather tired and bemused voice saying, "On second thought, I think I preferred the cave."