Disclaimer: I do NOT own Harry Potter or Naruto. I am NOT making any money from this, but I do own the lovely plot and a top hat, which I tip towards you for reading my story.

A/N: Here is the last chapter. Also, Happy Birthday Ireadtomuch. For your gift I finish your story requests. It's kinda depressing for a birthday gift but hey… this is what you wanted.

Warnings: Dark. Crude-ness, Slash. Lemon. Lots of Bad language. Death

Final Snow Fall

Haku let out one last moan as he raised himself up, letting Viktor's newly limp member fall from his body. Two muscled arms wrapped around him, pulling him down to lie against the Bulgarian's chest. He didn't mind how their sweaty bodies stuck together, or the semen that was starting to trickle from his behind. Panting sharply, he took a deep breath as he enjoyed the afterglow.

With a reluctant groan, Haku pressed himself harder against his older lover. "Viktor… don't you need to get to work? You'll be late."

A low rumbling chuckle vibrated through his body in response. "How long have we been lovers?"

"Two years."

"In that time how many times have I ever been on time?"

Haku grinned as he started placing butterfly kisses along Viktor's chest. "Twice. And only because I was away on a mission, both times."

"Exactly. When you're in my bed I have no motivation to leave it."

Haku smirked. With a quick dart he licked Viktor's nipple, summoning a low moan of appreciation from the man. Scrapping his teeth down, Haku lightly bit the sensitive nub before he swirled his tongue around to soothe the area. Viktor adjusted himself, his eyes closing in pleasure. Haku bit down again, enjoying the salty sweat taste. His hand snaked its way down his lover's chest, descending down to teasingly play with the man's pubic hair.

"What would you like me to do for you, Viktor?" Haku asked sensuously.

A rough calloused hand palmed his ass, pressing him even harder against Viktor's hip. "I would like-"

A loud knock interrupted cut through the air, interrupting Viktor's request.

"I would like you to kill whoever is on the other side of the door," Viktor growled.

Haku laughed lightly as he slipped from the bed. They had been together before, they had been together for two years now it was bound to happen, and each time Viktor would wish death on the interloper. Haku had yet to kill any of them yet.

Grabbing a black silk robe, Haku covered himself up before exiting the bedroom. Viktor owned a modest cottage. The second floor was a large open bedroom, with a connecting bathroom and closet. The first floor held the living space and kitchen. It was warm and a perfect get-away for them both.

Opening the door, Haku was surprised to see Lucius there. The man tended to wait until Haku left Viktor's presence before coming to him. "Mr. Malfoy, what a surprise…"

The aristocrat cast a quick glance at his attire, not concerning himself at all with Haku's lack of clothing. "The Dark Lord sent me with your payment."

"Payment?" He couldn't possibly mean…

"As agreed when we first talked, the Dark Lord has researched for the past couple of years to send you home. He has found a way." The blond pulled a folder from inside his cloak and held it out to him. "Inside you will find the ritual. If you require assistance in completing it, the Dark Lord is willing to offer his services should you agree to one last mission."

Haku numbly took the folder from the man. It was happening. He had hoped that the Dark Lord would keep his end of the bargain but after year he had stopped trying to live in dreams. It had been a long shot to ask for help -after all it was Haku's magic that brought them here. How could the Dark Lord have possibly found them a road home when they didn't know where home was?

"Is it true? This is not just some trick to kill me is it?" He needed to ask.

Lucius sneered. "The Dark Lord would never resort to such lowly tricks to kill someone," the man attempted to explain. Haku raised a questioning eyebrow. The Dark Lord would do many things to kill a person, Haku knew first hand since he had carried out many of the man's assassination requests. Sometime they were simple: kill. Sometimes the Dark Lord got creative and asked for Haku to kill a certain way. The most creative to date was when he asked Haku to kill the French Minister during the middle of the day while the man was enjoying his afternoon tea.

The Minister liked his tea to be taken in the middle of the French Consulate atrium, thinking that it would ward off any assassins. But Lord Voldemort hadn't just wanted him dead at tea-time, he wanted Haku to kill him while looking like The Dark Lord's biggest enemy Albus Dumbledore. Haku had walked into the French Ministry wearing a horrendous dress, looking like Dumbledore. When the Minister had seen him, the man had stood up to greet him happily but Haku had taken out a large glittered sword from his robes and stabbed the man through the heart. The sword had been sent with the mission assignment; apparently Voldemort was getting bored and needed something to entertain him. After stabbing the Minister, The Consulate had erupted into chaos, armed Aurors had rushed Haku, all yelling for Dumbledore to halt. Like any sane killer would just stop at the command of authority. Haku had given them the slip, dropped his disguise, and walked away to collect his pay.

In conclusion, yes, the Dark Lord would resort to such tricks to off someone.

"Inside are his notes, and everything relevant to the ritual. Read it over, that should reassure you of the sincerity of the Dark Lord's gift," Lucius added on. "I'll return in two days to see if you require my Lord's help." Lucius left as soon as he finished speaking, leaving Haku to stand in the doorway in silence.

Two hands griped his hips and pulled him back inside. The door closed, but Haku couldn't take his eyes off the folder.

"Will you go back? Will you return to your home with that man?" Viktor hissed the last two words.

Haku turned to stare into Viktor's eyes. "I have to…" He tried to explain. "He's my master…"

"He's a terrible master. He doesn't care for you. You have been here 6 months and he has never tried to find or contact you. He's probably drunk himself to death in some whore's bed," Viktor growled.

"Maybe," Haku whispered. He had explained to Viktor that he came from another world. Had told his lover about his Master Zabuza… and Viktor had listened and accepted it. He didn't judge Haku for killing his parents, he didn't pity Haku for the harsh life he had lived. Instead he had taken Haku's face in both his hands and kissed him gently, then asked Haku to live with him.

"I swore though. I swore my everything to him, to helping him achieve his dream," he argued.

"Hasn't his words and actions already told you that he no longer cares for you? Change. Swear your everything to me, and if you can't do that then at least give me all your love and loyalty and I shall give you mine. He doesn't deserve it, or you."

"But wouldn't it be disloyal to change master's?" He asked.

"No, because you wouldn't be switching master's. You would be shaking off the chains that bind you to him, freeing yourself. You would be letting yourself live for you." Viktor wrapped him in a warm hug, comforting Haku as his mind swirled in chaos.

"He gave me a reason to live…"

"And I will give you a new reason every day you spend with me," Viktor promised.

"I swore to him…"

"He doesn't deserve it."

"Not just Zabuza-sama… I told the Dark Lord I would leave once he found me passage home. I told him I would go and never come back," Haku stared desperately up at his lover. A part of him wanted to stay, no matter how many times he tried to close himself off to all other emotions, no matter how many times he told himself to only love and care for Zabuza-sama he still felt for others. Even now when he knew he should kill Viktor and return to his master so they may go home, Haku wanted to stay.

Haku wanted Viktor to know that he did love him and that he wanted to take his offer but he couldn't. Not only had he sworn himself to Zabuza-sama, but he also promised Voldemort to leave. He could never stay with Viktor.

"Then we'll convince him that you are valuable. How many people have you killed because he asked? You are his best asset. If you stay than he can win his war quicker. He is a smart man and will see that," Viktor argued desperately.

"He won't listen. I'm Harry Potter. Everyone in the wizarding world thinks I'm supposed to kill him and save them all. He doesn't want me by his side, he wants me dead or gone to another world where I May never get the chance to kill him. He won't even be in the same room as me… how can I convince him to let me stay?"

"We will find a way Haku. Bulgaria will find a way," Viktor promised.

Haku sighed and drew away. He hugged the folder to his chest and walked away. He had a ritual to read about… and a master to find.


The room was dirty. When Haku had left it six months prior It had been in good shape. He left a scroll of medical supplies and money so that when Zabuza-sama returned and found his note, he would still have the means to care for himself.

In that time it seemed his master had returned and trashed the place. The medical supplies and gold were gone. The floor was covered in bottles, used condoms, and ripped undergarments. The mattress had been moved from the bedroom and into the living room, now completely stained and torn.

As he walked further in he spotted his master. Zabuza-sama was sitting on the bathroom floor, his pants were down and a woman was sucking his cock. Her face was cake din make-up, her cheap lipstick was smeared up the left side of her face, her body was thin and sickly. Her hair looked like dirty straw, she had the appearance of a drug rotted slut.

He walked closer. Something must have given him away over the loud sucking coming from the woman's mouth, as she looked up and spotted him. She removed her mouth from his master and hissed at him like a feral cat.

Zabuza-sama growled and opened one eye. He slammed her head down as he spoke, "Do your fucking job bitch. If you want to get paid at all you better stop with that piss poor technique and actually show me something good can come out of your shitty mouth besides rotting teeth."

She complied, lowering her head again and trying to imitate a vacuum.

"Zabuza-sama," Haku spoke softly.

"Brat. What the fuck do you want?" His master didn't even glance in his direction.

Haku swallowed, trying ot ignore the woman that was doing his job. "I found us a way home."

Zabuza-sama opened both eyes and stared at him. "What the fuck did you just say?"

"I've found us a way home," Haku repeated.

"Off," Zabuza-sama commanded. The woman didn't listen. Instead she whimpered and started to suck harder, shoving more if his master's dick down her throat.

"Off!" Zabuza-sama growled. He smacked the woman off his dick, sending her head flying into the tub. Her skull cracked and she crumpled to the floor.

Zabuza-sama stood up and snorted in her direction. "Fucking whore was almost dead anyways. She was puffing along for 20 minutes and couldn't get me aroused."

Haku didn't spare another glance for the dead woman. "Zabuza-sama," he whispered his eyes going towards his master's exposed penis.

Zabuza-sama smirked as he walked forwards. "Home… now that's arousing."

It happened in an instant. Haku was picked up and thrown across the room, he landed on the bed with a small bounce. Then Zabuza-sama was there in front of him, his dick raised proudly. He was flipped over, his face pressed into the dirty mattress as Zabuza-sama tore off his pants. He could feel his master's arousal pressing against his crease. HE could feel his master's weight pressing down on him, he could smell him.

A face, a voice, and calloused touch flashed across his mind and Haku whimpered. Viktor. Three and half years they had been in this world, and the entire time Haku had been praying for the day where he would be in this position again with his master but… now that he was here he couldn't help but feel guilty.

"Where is he? Where is your lover that you think about when I am your master? Where is Viktor?" Zabuza-sama asked as he breathed against his ear.

Haku gasped. How did Zabuza-sama know about Viktor? When he left 6 months ago he only told his master that he was going on an extended mission.

His master chuckled behind him. "Haku… oh my dear Haku… did you really think I had abandoned you?"

Suddenly he felt cold. Turning around Haku watched as his master started getting dressed. "You're a fool if you thought I didn't know what was going on." Zabuza-sama glared at him.

Haku shrank back in fear.

"I know all about Viktor," Zabuza-sama spat his lover's name. "I wonder… Haku do you plan to go back with me?"

Haku rushed to his feet and over to his master's side. "Of course Zabuza-sama. I am your tool, I go where you go and serve you."

Zabuza-sama walked towards the windows and slumped against the wall. "I hate this world. I fucking hate it. Everyone is so soft. They know nothing of truly killing your enemy. They use sticks and guns, they don't know the feeling of another person's blood spilling all over them. If I could I would slaughter each and every one of them for pleasure." Slowly, Zabuza-sama reached out and grabbed a half empty bottle of liquor off the windowsill.

"I don't fucking belong here… but you do." Haku froze momentarily.


Zabuza-sama took a long swig from the bottle before speaking again. "When you died… when you took that hit for me I didn't care."

Haku took a step back, not sure what to do or think.

"I didn't fucking care because that's what you're meant to do. But then that shitty blond brat opened his mouth. He fucking lectured me! Me! Talked a bunch of shit that no one cares about… but he did say one thing. He said I loved you."

Haku felt this breath hitch.

"I thought I did too. I thought that I wanted to go where you went. I thought I wanted to spend eternity with you because I loved you Haku…"

His eyes stung.

"But I was wrong."

And his heart shattered all over again.

"I can't love. When we arrived here I was angry. This isn't my home. This is a shitty world where you were more important than me. You're a fucking tool I saved, you should never be more important than me. But you were."

Haku collapsed to the floor.

"I spent a lot of time thinking. I know I can't love, that emotion doesn't exist within me. But if I could… I think I would love you."

What was he supposed to do?

"I knew you were fucking that bitch Aidan. I allowed it because I thought it would make you happy. I wanted to die every fucking day we were here. I allowed myself to waste away into a shitty husk of what I once was. A fucking runny nosed bitch genin could probably kill me right now."

"What do you need me to do Zabuza-sama?"


His breath froze. His world narrowed, and he couldn't tell which way was up.

"What once was a tool has now become a weakness. I became like this because of you… this is your world. You will stay here, and I will go back alone."

"Zabuza-sama!" Haku screamed. "I live to serve you. You are my purpose in life. I can't stay here. I need to be by your side. I don't care if you can never love me. I don't care if you never take me to bed again. All I need is to be by your side!"

"No." Zabuza-sama responded simply.

Haku floundered in this unknown situation. His master was telling him to stay and leave his side forever. "Zabuza-sama…"

"Tell me about Viktor," He commanded.


"I've seen you together. He makes you happy."

"He was a distraction, nothing more," Haku argued.

"He loves you. That is something I can never give you."

"But he is not you."

"No, he is better for you."

Haku didn't understand this fight at all.

"He is not my master!"

"You don't need a master."

Haku felt tears start to fall down his face. He was being completely abandoned.

"You are a poison to me Haku. You make me feel. You make me question myself. I can't have that. If I'm ever to accomplish my dream I can't be soft. I need to be strong with no weaknesses. If you need a reason to live then live for him. If you need a new goal in life then live to make this Viktor happy. You can't return home with me because I fear that you will be the reason I die one day."

"Za…Zabuza…sama…" Haku choked on his words.

"Don't kill me Haku. As your master I demand that you not kill me!" Zabuza-sama roared. "If you ever return to the hidden nations I will kill you myself. You are my last piece of humanity and I am shredding you here."

"H-hai…Zabuza-sama…" Haku felt broken. He would listen to his master because he couldn't bear the thought of being the man's death. He would obey his master, even though it meant his death as soon as he left this world for home.

"I know a part of you wanted to stay with Viktor anyways. Let that part take control and return to your lover. Only come back here when it's time to send me home."

Haku bowed to his master and left. He went straight to Viktor's cottage and collapsed in the man's arms, spending the night crying into his lover's chest.


Haku sighed as he waited for Viktor to come home. He spent all night crying, and told his lover everything. He told him his thoughts, his feelings, and he apologized. He apologized for loving Zabuza-sama and wanting to leave with him.

Viktor had kissed him, held him tight and told him apologies weren't necessary. He said that Haku never needed ot apologize for his feelings, because as long as he returned to Viktor, then everything would be okay. He then told Haku that he wished to thank Zabuza-sama, for freeing Haku and sending him back.

'I do love you,' Haku swore. 'Just not as much as him.'

'I know,' Viktor responded. 'I will spend the rest of my life working to change that.'

Then they went to sleep. When Haku woke, Viktor had been gone. Now he waited for him to return home.

As he waited he read over the ritual several times. He memorized every single word that the Dark Lord wrote. He wanted to burn and kiss that ritual at the same time.

The fire flashed green. Haku stood, moving towards the fireplace to await his lovers return. Viktor stepped through, his face grim. He stepped aside and let another person enter. Lucius Malfoy.

"Mr. Krum approached the Dark Lord asking for a favour. Since Mr. Krum has been a valuable asset in acquiring the eastern European support in this war, the Dark Lord was willing to listen," the blond spoke slowly.

Haku looked at his lover in confusion. Why had Viktor gone to the ark Lord? The man was dangerous!

"The Dark Lord is willing to allow you to stay in this world if you agree to declare your loyalty to him. He requests that you never return to Britain and you be bonded to Mr. Krum so that if one of you ever betrays him you will both die."

Haku nodded, willing to agree to such terms.

"But," Lucius continued. "He will only agree completely if you kill someone before it is time to send you master home."

Haku picked up the picture that the blond slid over to him.

"Albus Dumbledore."

"Bring the Dark Lord his head and you may remain in this world with your lover."



Screams filled the air. People were running everyone in the village, trying to find safety. Albus Dumbledore and his group were rushing through the streets, trying to save as many innocents as they could form the mindless slaughter the Death eaters were committing.

Haku watched the old man he once imitated. He was the Leader of the Light. He commanded the force that was openly defying the Dark Lord's reign. With his death the war would tip deeply into Voldemort's favour. Without him the light would be lost, and without Harry Potter or some other figurehead they would crumple under the weight of the dark.

Dog. Boar. Ox. Rat.

His hands fluidly slipped between the different hand seals.


Beneath him a single spear of ice shot out of the ground and decapitated Albus Dumbledore where he stood, wand raised to save a little girl that ran around on fire.


The ground shone brightly as several wizards chanted around him. The ritual had started. Soon his master would leave him forever.

Zabuza-sama stood off to the side, watching as the wizards called forth his road home.

Haku left Viktor's side. He approached his master and held up several scrolls.

"Zabuza-sama, these scrolls contain all our money. I converted the cash into jewels and gold so that you can trade them when you get back. Some contain food, so that you can regain all your strength and not have to spend your money on food. One scroll has medical supplies and I made a chart of which plants work best for which injuries. Please remain safe and healthy," Haku said sadly.

Haku bowed deeply, using the action to hide the tears in his eyes.

He felt and finger under his chin, slowly pulling him up. He stared deeply into his master's dark eyes. It seemed like time slowed down as his master leaned forward and kissed him. It was rough; he could feel his masters sharpened teeth cutting his bottom lip. Then his master's tongue was playing with his, dragging blood form his lip into his mouth, flooding his mouth with the coppery taste. It was his first and last kiss with his master.

Then Zabuza-sama pulled back.

"There goes my last bit of humanity. With that kiss I shall return to Kiri as a true demon."

The chants behind him got louder, and then his master was gone. He walked away and straight into the rune circle, disappearing as the wizards finished their last crescendo.

Turning around, Haku no longer saw his master. Instead he was greeted with several exhausted wizards, a dull rune circle, and Viktor.

Slowly he walked across the room, his hand reaching out for his lover and his new reason to live.

But it wasn't meant to be, because as their fingers brushed together the room exploded.


That's it, that's all, there won't be anymore.