AN: Firstly, I'd like to apologize for what wound up becoming a false update in my last chapter. A sudden increase in writing assignments beyond what was scheduled and poor grades and people leaving my job caused me to pick up hours that I was not expecting to work. I wound up feeling drained, more so than ever before. I couldn't get myself in the mood to write and everything that I did come up with did not feel like it would work with what I had already written. Anyway, this was just an apology for that, I'm not going to make promises like last time as I don't like breaking my word. But I WILL keep updating, maybe not as frequent as you or I would like but I will be updating and continuing this story. Now back to the story.

To say the sight that greeted Benio Amakusa, Chizuru Maihara, Hinako Tsuwabuki was shocking and frightening to say the least. They have never seen property damage like this before. So, no one could really blame them for initial reaction to the damage. "You damn halfer! What kind of scheme of yours did this!"

Their shout was of course meant with looks of disbelief on the faces The Landlady, The Host Club, Ryoji, and Nodoka with Nodoka wondering just who they were. She recognized the uniform but just couldn't remember from which school. So, she had looked to Ryoji and The Host Club and asks, "Who are they?"

"They are the Zuka Club from St. Lobelia's Girl Academy. I guess you can say they are The Host Club's Frienemies, rivals, or something else along those lines." Haruhi answers for Ranma's mother figuring it would be the quickest answer that might make sense to the woman.

Benio, Chizuru, and Hinako looked hurt at that description while the rest of the Host Club shared a look of victory at that comment, yes even Renge and Mitsukuni shared this look. They turned to Haruhi and collectively asks, "You can't mean that Haruhi. What does that even mean?"

"It means she thinks of you as friends and enemies at the same time Sugar. Now do you mind getting out of the way? I don't think anyone here…. except maybe Takashi, is going to be able to set that door up properly." A voice answers for Haruhi from behind the Zuka Club. Turning behind them the Zuka Club were greeted by the pair of Ukyo and Shampoo, both of whom had a look that someone combined exasperation and confidence at the same time.

"And who are you two to answer for Haruhi?" Benio asked the two girls whom she towered over. Trying and failing to intimidate the two.

"Is tall girl issuing challenge? Maybe Shampoo should teach lesson. Its not nice to look down at your betters." Shampoo replied with a confident and dangerous glint in her eyes and voice attempting to goad the taller girl into a fight.

"Shampoo, there is no need to fight them. They just don't know how to interact with commoners like us." Haruhi responds. Of course, the Zuka Club noticed the lack of denying that they were right in assuming how she felt about them. And were about to react to that but we stopped by another new arrival.

The new arrivals were a very depressed Akane Tendo and a stressed out Ranma Saotome. The thing they didn't realize was that Ranma being a busty redhead was not the norm but everyone else did. Ranma seeing the new girls turns to Haruhi simply asks, "Friends of yours?"

Haruhi nods which instantly diffuses their anger and depressive moods and causes them to relax. Now finally calmed down and thinking rationally again Chizuru and Hinako look to Haruhi and says, "Haruhi! Can you explain what happened here? Are you okay?"

Haruhi nods and answers, "Yeah I'm okay. I wasn't hear when the damage occurred. And…"

"I'm the one who caused the damage. If you got questions about that you can take it up with me." Interrupts Akane as she instantly gets an instinctual need protect Haruhi. Was it because she felt she needed to make it up to Ranma and everyone else in the complex for her damage? Perhaps, but it could also just be as simple as having a general dislike for the rich thanks to her interactions with Tatewaki and Kodachi Kuno.

Not knowing how to handle the situation and feeling cornered by everyone around them the Zuka Club simply nod and run off screaming something about saving Haruhi from the Host Club and that this would not be the last of them. This allows the Host Club to look to Ranma and asks, "How did everything go?"

"Charges were dropped by the time I got there. My curse was triggered by Akane when she upended a bottle of water over my head. Considering what her current situation I decided I deserved that at the very least. We talked things over on the way here so she knows who everyone is and we have a plan going forward." Ranma answers for them and turns to Ukyo and Shampoo and says, "Do you guys know what happened to the Moxibustion Pressure Point Chart?"

"Shampoo thinks Great Grandmother might know where it is. Why do you need it?" Shampoo asks wondering if Ranma was somehow the victim of the pressure point again.

"He used it on me before I could cause more damage to the building and possibly hurt someone." Akane answers currently not in the mood to fight anything still feeling depressed and sorrowful about everything.

"Damn Sugar, you were that bad that he needed to use that?" Ukyo initially responds before adding, "Okay why don't I whip up some Okonomiyaki for everyone. Everyone should feel better after eating something and we can figure out what to do while we all eat. You can even help if you want."

"You sure about that last part?" Ranma asks somewhat out of fear fully knowing how bad Akane's cooking tends to be.

"Believe it or not her cooking has improved since you left. She has helped me out a couple of times too. Turns out she was trying too damn hard to make you say you liked it when she cooked before. Probably the same when she cooked for her family before then." Ukyo answers getting Akane to smile a little bit at the compliment and vote of confidence.

Ranma shrugs her shoulders and simply starts walking back to the apartment complex as she silently decides how to best handle the broken door situation. While the rest of the Host Club, Nodoka, Ryoji, Ukyo, Akane, and Shampoo find a place for Ukyo to set up a grill to start getting the apparently agreed upon Okonomiyaki party. Needless to say, things have just become more like Nerima every week lately. Whether or not that is a good thing only time will tell for everyone.