So I've had a bunch of ideas for one shots and I decided to put them all in one story.

I also have a bunch of idea for song shots which will also be it's own story.


This first one was inspired by a few things one was an article I read, about a little girl whose father accidently ran her over while backing the car out of the driveway. The doctor did everything he could to save her, but she wound up passing away in the end.

There are two references to another cartoon in this. If you can tell me the cartoon AND the character who said it in the first reference and then tell me the character described in the second reference, I'll write a one-shot of your choice. So long as it's DP and it's something I'm comfortable writing. I'm going to cut off at the first 3 people though. 5 if a lot of people review and get it right.


Danny sighed as he looked at his wife on the couch. Sam was a hot mess. She'd had entirely too much to drink and was completely drunk. The tears she'd been crying were still going. He felt awful for her and tried to make her feel better, but it didn't work.

He decided to get some help and called Jazz. Ever since the incident where all the men had disappeared from Amity Park, Jazz and Sam had gotten closer, their relationship growing stronger over the years. He hoped Jazz would be able to help. He was at a loss on how to console Sam over her grief.

"Sam, sweetie? Jazz is going to be here soon, ok?" Danny told her. "She is going to try and make you feel better, alright?"

"D-dun't call me….a…a sweetie…" Sam slurred. "I-I'm not a sweetie….I'm a baddie!"

She said sniffling. "A-and I d-dun't deserve tuh feel bether!"

"Oh, Sam…don't beat yourself up over this." Danny said, trying to place a had on her shoulder.

"N-noo! I d-dun't deserve, hic!" She said hiccupping. "To be comfortped!"

"Sam, that's not true-" Danny started, only to be cut off by the door bell. 'Oh good,' Danny thought to himself. 'There's Jazz.' Danny got up off the couch and answered the door. Jazz immediately pushed her way in.

"Where is she?" Jazz asked.

"Living room couch." Danny answered her.

Jazz walked into the living room and gasped slightly at the sight before her: Sam was sprawled on the couch, hair and make up a mess. There were various bottles of alcohol on the table before her.

"Oh, Sam!" Jazz said in a sympathetic tone "Just look at you! You've been up all night drinking haven't you?"

"H-hey!" Sam slurred. "W-what I do, is none of your b-business!" Sam said, taking a swig from a bottle. "I-I c-can stop any t-time I want!" She said, as she fell back on the couch, only to dissolve into more tears and whimpering.

Jazz came over to the couch and sat down hear her, taking the bottle out of her hand.

"Sam, please stop drinking, if not for yourself, then for the people who love you!" Jazz pleaded with her.

"I hate the people who love me and they hate me!" she said.

Jazz sighed. She grabbed Sam by the shoulders and pulled her up. Sam's head rolled down onto her chest. "Hey, Sam. Look at me. I want you to look at me." Jazz said.

Sam pulled her head up and looked at her. Jazz looked into Sam's puffy, red, tear filled eyes and took in her quivering lip. "Oh, Sam." Jazz started, her heart aching for the woman she considered a little sister. "You can't blame yourself. It wasn't your fault!" Jazz told her.

And with that, the floodgates opened. Sam open sobbed as she fell into Jazz's embrace.

"Yes it is! Yes it is! I'm a doc-hic-ter!" Sam said hiccupping. "I'm supposed to save lives! I failed! I-I'm more incompetent a doctor than that stupid crustacean on that show about that loser going to the future!" Sam sobbed, "They should take away my license!" She said. "I'm a failure!"

"Hey now." Danny said. "He's not a bad doctor….well when it comes to humans….he sucks! But he's amazing with aliens!" Danny said.

"Oh yeah, just like m-me!" Sam said. "I s-suck at treating humans too! Except I'd p-probably just kill an alien!"

Jazz turned and glared at Danny. "Not. Helping!" she hissed at him.

She turned back to Sam. "Sam, listen, you did everything within your power to save that little girl! You were on your feet for hours. And for so long after she flat-lined, you kept trying to revive her." Jazz told her. "You are an amazing doctor! You went above and beyond the call of duty."

Sam kept crying and muttered about how it wasn't true

Jazz sighed. She always knew that there would come a day in Sam's career as a doctor, when she would lose her first patient. Unfortunately for Sam, the patient had been only seven years old. A little girl who'd already lost her mother and was all her father had left, only making Sam feel even more terrible. She'd heard about the incident through Danny, who heard from one of the other doctors who'd been with Sam, trying to save the girl's life. The doctor was Sam's mentor and was well respected in the hospital. He'd called Danny up and told him that he needed to come get Sam. He told Danny about Sam had worked for hours to save the small girl's life and kept trying to revive her, even after she flat lined, refusing to call the Time of Death. She's grown desperate after the first several tries but kept going at it. Over and over again, eventually starting to sob as she tried hopelessly to revive the girl.

At that point, Sam's mentor, Doctor Stevenson, quickly crossed to the other side of the bed and pulled Sam into a hug. She struggled at first but eventually gave in. Despite the fact that the father assured Sam that it wasn't her fault, it didn't work.

That had all been yesterday. She'd been crying since then. Despite Danny's efforts, Doctor Stevenson's efforts and the father's efforts as well, nothing had worked.

Jazz was at a loss. She had no idea what to do.

"Sam. I'm going to say it again: it wasn't your fault. You are an amazing Doctor and an even more amazing human being. Please, please, please, stop drinking. I know you aren't going to just get over your guilt, but please stop drinking.

Sam sniffed. "Okay." She dissolved into even more tears. "I love you, j-jazz!" Sam said, collapsing against her "I d-don't deserve a friend like you."

"Of course you do." Jazz said. "Well, I have to get going." She said getting up.

"Just keep comforting her as much as you can." Jazz told Danny.

"I will. Thanks for coming over, Jazz, you were a big help." He said, as he closed the door behind her.

He walked into the living room. Sam was there cleaning up the bottles.

"You going to be okay?" he asked her.

"Y-yeah, eventually." She said with a sigh.

"You need anything?" Danny asked her. "Do you want to talk?"

"Just sit with me?" Sam asked.

"Of course." Danny said.

After a few hours of sitting together on the couch, Danny got them both something to eat. Right after that, Sam fell asleep. Danny carried Sam to the bedroom and placed her on the bed.

Sam woke several hours later. The room was unusually cold. She turned to see if Danny was in his ghost form, but he was asleep beside her. She looked at the clock, it was three in the morning. She silently reached into the drawer in her bedside table, which contained an ecto-pistol. Sitting up slowly, she aimed the gun around the room. It had a sensor on it that would beep when it was pointed at the ghost.

Suddenly, the gun began to start beeping. "Come out, or I'll shoot." She whispered. Although, there really was no need for it. Danny was a heavy sleeper. Only certain things woke him up.

Slowly, the ghost of a little girl appeared, the same little girl who had been Sam's patient.

"Katie?" Sam breathed. "W-what are you doing…why are you a ghost?"

"Hi, Doctor Sam!" Said the little girl. She walked towards the bed and climbed on top.

"The ghost in the purple cape told me I'm here for a reason." She said

'Ghost in a purple cape?' Sam thought to herself. "Do you mean Clockwork?" She asked her.

"Yes. He said that you were feeling sad. He said you felt bad because you think it's your fault that I passed away." Said the girl.

"He's right." Sam said.

Katie looked confused. "But why?" She asked, turning her head to the side.

"Because I was supposed to save you and I couldn't." Sam said. She felt tears coming to her eyes.

"Don't cry!" Said Katie, as she raised her hands to Sam's face to wipe away the tears. "Please?"

"I'm sorry…" Sam said. "It's just….I feel bad."

"Please don't. Don't blame yourself." Said Katie. "Sometime bad things happen, and we feel bad. But we shouldn't blame ourselves."

"So please don't do that, Doctor Sam. I like you. I don't want you to be sad." Katie said. "I'm not sad. I was at first, because I couldn't see my Daddy or friends. But now, I get to be with my mommy forever. And one day, with my daddy too." She said.

Sam looked at the little girl and saw the smile on her face. He eyes held no sadness, no anger. Sam found herself smiling. "Thank you for that. I really do feel a lot better."

Katie giggled. "Good." She climbed out of the bed and returned to the spot she had appeared. "Oh and my mommy told me to tell you thank you. She says she was watching when you tried to save me."

"Tell her I said that it's what any Doctor would have done." Sam told her. "Goodbye, Katie. I hope you and your mother will always be happy together."

Katie smiled and gave a nod. "We will." She said, fading into nothingness.

Sam felt another tear go down her cheek, but unlike before, these were tears of relief, of happiness. She looked down at Danny and little out a small giggle. Danny had slept through the entire thing.

'I'll tell him about it tomorrow' She thought to herself.

Finally, all of Sam's feelings of guilt and self-blame were gone. She lay back down and fell back asleep.


Ok, so there it is. This will be the first of many one shots.

And remember: there are two references to another cartoon in this.

The first: A couple of quotes

The second: The description of another character.

Tell me what they both are, I write a one shot of your choice so long as it's DP and it's something I'm comfortable writing.