Lois woke up early the next day; she showered and got ready for her day before walking down the stairs. She noticed Clark was still asleep, she took a few minutes to observe his topless form and muscles on his back flex, as he got comfortable. Shaking herself of her reverie she entered the kitchen to see Mrs. Kent preparing breakfast.

"Hi." She whispered causing the older woman to smile.

"Morning Lois, sleep well?" Martha asked.

"Yeah wonderfully, thank you." Lois replied walking over to the sink and pouring herself a glass of water. The smell of coffee was playing havoc with her stomach.

"Ever since I found out about Chloe, I haven't been able to stomach the smell of coffee." Lois said by the way of explanation.

"Lois may be you should see a doctor about that or try to lower your stress." Martha suggested worriedly. She had seen the young woman's will to gain justice for her cousin, but she could also see that with the relentlessness she pursued her cause was also causing ill effects for her health.

"I'll rest when I get justice for Chloe. The FBI inquest closed last week. They've ruled the explosion an accident. I mean, how many gas leaks do you know of in safe houses?" Lois replied causing Martha to looked stunned at the revelation.

"I'm sure Clark will help in anyway he can." Martha assured guessing her son would do pretty much anything for the young woman in front of her. She was still getting used to the idea of Clark and Lois, but she could see why her son was so enamoured. There was a will and determination in everything Lois did, and to be honest Martha thought Clark needed someone like her in his life. She had already seen the influence Lois had had on Clark. True, it may be due to Clark accepting his destiny, but Martha knew that a large part of the credit goes to Lois for helping him accept who he is.

"I know he will. Chloe said in her notes that you used to work for Lionel, and I'm trying to get in to see him, but he keeps refusing me. Any advice?" Lois pondered her next move.

"Stay away. You don't want to get pulled into Lionel's web." Martha warned not wanting her to get into Lionel's radar.

"How did you escape unscathed?" Lois asked cautiously.

"I didn't." Martha explained simply.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean..." Lois began to apologise for her inability to stop her mouth from running off. Clark had told her it was one of her endearing qualities, but it didn't seem endearing at that moment.

"It's alright Lois. I just don't want you to get in to his orbit." Martha assured she wasn't offended.

"I'm gonna go and pay my respects at Chloe's grave." Lois said finishing her piece of toast. She then said her goodbyes to Martha and made her way out of the house, stopping briefly to check on Clark, who was still sleeping soundly.

"I have a confession to make. I didn't go to your funeral. I hate funerals. Dad says everybody does, but it's a way of paying tribute to a life well led. I hate myself for being weak. I just knew that the moment I came here, it would make it real. I promise I'll find out who did this to you. Even if I have to do it alone." Lois said trying to hold back her tears.

"You're not alone." Clark said coming up behind Lois startling her.

"A fact you could've shared before you were breathing down my neck." Lois replied annoyed. It was more about the fact she didn't like being caught being vulnerable. A trait she was working on resolving with Clark. She had been more vulnerable with him than anyone, but on occasion she would revert back. She softened her gaze and smiled warmly getting up.

"I'm sorry Lois." Clark apologised knowing how much she hated being caught when she was emotional. He helped her up and brought her into a comforting hug, he kissed the top of her head before taking a deep breath.

"I'll give you some time alone." She offered moving out of his embrace.

"You don't have to." Clark assured but she smiled and retreated anyway. Clark turned to the tombstone. He stared at it for a moment, then his eyes moved to the grass in front of the tombstone. A thought occurred to him, and he hesitated. Then he focused his eyes on the grass and looked into the ground with his X-ray vision. He saw the coffin in the ground, he then looked through the lid of the coffin. It was empty.

"Lois!" He called out causing the sandy blonde to turn to him in question.

"Chloe's still alive." Clark stated walking towards her.

"What do you mean?" Lois asked confused by his statement. She could've sworn he said Chloe was still alive.

"There's no body in the grave Lois." Clark said as he started walking towards the exit of the graveyard.

"How do you...and where are you going?" Lois asked exasperated by his sudden determined strides.

"To Chloe's safe house, there must be something there to tell us what happened." Clark said grabbing Lois's hand and continues walking. Lois held firm and caused him to turn around.

"Explain." Lois demanded digging in her heels.

"I X-rayed Chloe's and your uncle's graves, there are no bodies there. Why have graves when there aren't any bodies? It's because they are alive; somebody's protecting them. We need to find them before the killers realise and try again." Clark explained as he watched Lois contemplate his logic.

"What if...What if there were no remains. The house exploded Clark! And they were almost inside, I don't see how they could've survived." Lois said trying to not let his optimism give her hope only for it to shatter again when they don't find Chloe.

"Lois. Trust me, Chloe's still alive and I'm going to find her are you with me?" Clark asked moving closer to Lois.

"I...Okay. But you better be right Smallville!" Lois warned and then sought the comfort of his arms.

"I am right. We'll find her I promise." Clark assured as he took her hand and began leading her towards Chloe's safe house.

"This is Chloe's safe house?" Lois asked aghast at the site of the destroyed house and the charred remains of debris.

"You mean what's left of it." Clark commented morosely sharing a look with Lois.

"Oh my god, Chloe, what did they do to you?" Lois asked quietly, horrified at the prospect of Chloe going through something like that. Clark lifted the cordon and began to look around the site.

"What exactly do you expect to find here?" Lois asked following Clark.

"I don't know, but the FBI sealed the case, even the autopsy report, doesn't that sound a little odd?" Clark asked trying to get her to believe he was right.

"Remind me if I'm ever a witness, not to put my life in the hands of the FBI." Lois stated shuddering slightly seeing the damage. Clark looked around x-raying the site for any escape routes.

"Well may be she got out before the explosion." Clark voiced his thoughts looking for anyway Chloe could have gotten away.

"They said she walked inside Clark, I don't know how anyone could survive this." Lois sighed resignedly, losing further hope that Clark was right.

"Lois trust me. There's something not right about all of this. This site too, I just can't put my finger on it, but it's definitely off." Clark explained facing Lois. However the sound of a helicopter come from behind them caused him to turn and look.