An Arrowed Heart and The Lost Priestess

Chapter 1

AN: HI! I am so excited to be doing my first Crossover! Anyway for those that read my other story, i just wanted to say I'm working on it just a little writers block! I have a few original characters that will be here soon so enjoy the story and please REVIEW! It is my life source and without life there is no more updates. Please keep me alive!

Enjoy the Story! NYAH! =^-^=

"NARUTO I'm gonna kill you!" the pink haired kunoichi screamed as she jumped from tree to tree, just outside the village walls, after a very scared blond boy running for his life.

"SSSakura-chan," Naruto stuttered in fear.

"Noodles, Naruto, you sold me out for noodles!" Sakura fumed as she cracked her fingers.

"What do you mean? Lee just offered some free noodle coupons!" Naruto replied feigning confusion.

"And what did You give Lee in return? Huh, Naruto, what?!" Sakura yelled as a light pink glow formed around her hand. Naruto looked back into to see Sakura's fist flying for his face. He leaped out of the way in the nick of time. He stared in horror as Sakura's fist went through a tree and straight to the ground making a huge explosion. As the dust settled, Naruto saw the pinkette standing in a crater about 10 feet deep.

"He just wanted to go on a date!" Naruto gave a rather girly scream as Sakura went running after him again.

"And who said it was ok to do what you did you ass!"

* Flash Back*

Sakura was sitting in her apartment sipping on a nice cup of tea and reading a great scroll on ancient healing jutsus. She loved reading that kind of thing and seeing how much things have changed for the better. She was about to move to her bedroom and get ready for bed, but she glanced out the window first to see the sun high in the sky. She knew it was odd to be going to bed in the afternoon but she was going to be pulling an all nighter at the hospital and needed to sleep. Her plans were interrupted when she heard a knock at the door. She was slightly angry but went to answer it any way. As she went to the door she smelt something burnt. She ran the rest of the way to the door, and ripped open to find a mildly burnt Naruto.

"Sakura-chan I need your help! There is a little kid in the woods he's been burned bad." Naruto said all at once.

Sakura nodded once then asked "Where?"

"Follow me."

They went running through the village and just outside the wall into a nice little clearing with a picnic basket and Lee sitting in the middle.

"Naruto where is the child!?" Sakura turned back to see a smiling Naruto no longer burnt and no child.

"Sakura-chan come and join me in a great spring time picnic and enjoy the greatness of youth together," Lee walked up to her and gave here a hug then went over to Naruto.

"Here my good friend the payment of your youthful deed," Lee smiled and handed Naruto ramen coupons.

"Hehe no problem," Naruto smiled and scratched the back of his head. In the background a huge tick mark began to form on her head.

"Naruto what are you saying? You better tell me the truth," Sakura tapped her foot in slight yet rising annoyance. Naruto looked down in shame.

"Um well you see Lee here wanted a date with you and I knew you wouldn't come out unless it was an emergency so I umm lied?" Naruto looked up at Sakura to see flames of angry slowly roll off her person.

"NARUTO I'm gonna kill you!"

*End Flashback*

Sakura looked up at him from the crater and got ready to jump up at him again as four shinobi came out of no where. Three were ANBU and the other was none other then their sensei Kakashi.

Kakashi sweat dropped as he looked at the crater Sakura had created.

"Go back to the village boys. Tell Hokage-sama it's just Naruto getting he butt kicked again," Kakashi said as he sent the ANBU away.

Kakashi sighed and asked "What did he do this time?"

"Sold me out for noodles," Sakura grumbled. Kakashi gave his signature eye smile and chuckled a little.

"Well then Naruto I think you should run," Kakashi shrugged and sat on the ground, taking out his little orange book.

"Kakashi-sensei," Naruto stared in disbelief.

"You heard him Naruto, better run!" Sakura laughed as she cracked her fingers.

"Sssakura-chan!" Naruto waved his hands in surrender as Sakura jumped up at him. Being the brave and great shinobi he was he screamed like a girl and ran. Sakura smiled at his reaction but as her foot connected with an oddly tall tree she let out an ear shattering scream and started to fall to the ground. Kakashi whipped his head out of the book in time to take action and catch Sakura right before she hit the ground.

"Sakura! Sakura!" Kakashi yelled her name and watched her face scrunch up in pain before she relaxed into unconsciousness. Naruto was next to Kakashi staring at Sakura in complete confusion.

"What the heck just happened Kakashi-sensei?"

"I don't know but we should get her to the Hokage," Kakashi stood and ran for the village with Sakura draped over his back. Naruto followed on his heels.

"Yeah she'll know what to do!"

Unbeknownst to them as they ran away the tree Sakura had jumped on slowly grew and right in the middle of the trunk a spot that was paler than the rest of
the bark appeared. It almost looked like it was in the shape of a human body.

*Hokage's tower*

"23 bottles of sake on the wall 23 bottles of sake! You take one down pass it around, 22 bottles of sake on the wall! Hic," Tsunade sang in her office. She had been celebrating a great meeting with the elders. It granted her permission to allow the neighboring Sunagakure to swop genin in the academy program. It made it so the allied villages, if ever attack, already had connections with each other and fought together with more confidence.

"Honestly Tsunade-sama, you're the Hokage! What if the village was attacked right now what would happen huh!" Shizune yelled as the drunken Hokage looked up with a shit eating grin.

"We aren't under attack so I'm going to drink while I can!" the big chested woman laughed so hard she almost fell out of her shirt.

"Honestly," Shizune repeated and shook her head. She looked up to see a blond head of hair running towards the usually open window.

"Oh no," She whispered as the blond ran straight into the window. She held in laughter as he slid down the window with an audible squeak. Tsunade on the other hand was on the floor laughing her ass off. Kakashi walked up to the window and opened it.

"Naruto we don't have time for this," Kakashi scolded in a very serious tone. Tsunade hear it as well and was, much to Shizune's surprise, instantly sober.

"Kakashi, what is the problem? I thought you sent the ANBU to me verifying the explosion was nothing," Tsunade looked at him questioningly, while Shizune stared at her in amazement. When the ANBU had come in with the report Tsunade had just started singing the sake bottle song and didn't stop as they gave report. Shizune barely heard them and she was right next to them. How could Tsunade have heard them while singing!?

"Hai Hokage-sama the explosion was Sakura taking her frustrations out on Naruto. Things were going fine until she jumped onto a tree and screamed. She then proceeded to fall out of the tree and lose consciousness. If I hadn't caught her it might have been worse," Kakashi spoke calmly as he gently set Sakura down on the desk next to Tsunade. She didn't waste any time as she looked over Sakura. As she looked Sakura over her eyes went wide and then her face went serious.

"How it that possible?"

"What is it Tsunade-sama?" Shizune asked very concerned.

Tsunade shook her head "It is as if someone ripped almost all her chakra out of her body. It had to be very painful; her chakra pathways are torn in a few places from the strain of the removal." Tsunade steadied out a green chakra fill hand and began to heal a few of the wounds.

"Alright we need to move her. Kakashi take her shoulders on the one side, Shizune take her leg over here and Naruto over there. We need to keep her as still as possible. The chakra pathways are all connected to the nerves so this could be very painful," Tsunade positioned herself by Sakura's other shoulder when she heard a stifled groan.

"Sakura? Can you hear me?"

"H h hai Tsunade-sama, it hurts," Sakura whimpered and cried quietly. Shizune looked away as tears started to form on her face. Sakura was the strongest person she knew. It had to be excruciating pain for Sakura to be crying.

"I know but we need to move you to the hospital. Do you think you can deal with the pain until then?"

"I can try," Sakura whispered. They nodded to each other and lifted her off the desk. The movement was slow and steady but it made no difference. Sakura let out an agonizing scream. The group grimaced as she continued to scream with ever movement. The door whipped open as Shikamaru and Neji burst into the room.

"What the hell is going on?" Shikamaru panted.

"We were just down the hall when we heard screaming," Neji said in a monotone voice. If you knew Neji you would have heard the concern underneath the seemingly calm voice. They stared in horror at Sakura as she let out another scream.

"It hurts, stop! Please make it stop!" Sakura screamed as the animal part of her brain kicked in. Her figure started thrashing around trying to stop the pain.

"Shit, she's going to open everything I healed. Shikamaru use your jutsu! She can't be thrashing like this!" Tsunade ordered everyone around as she knelt in front of Sakura.

"Sakura, you need to calm down," Tsunade tried to hold her face and brush the tears from her face.

"AAAAAAHHHHHH MAKE IT STOP!" Kakashi had had enough; he lifted his forehead protector revealing his Sharingan.

"Hokage-sama please move aside," Tsunade nodded and moved over as Kakashi took Sakura's face in his hands.

"Sakura look at me. I'll make it stop, shhh just sleep," Sakura's eye stared into Kakashi's and started to droop.

"Thank you, Kakashi-sens..." Sakura's face relaxed into unconsciousness once again. Tsunade slumped against the wall and sighed Naruto sat next to her. Kakashi held Sakura against his chest and picked her up. Shizune was starting to get emotional and Shikamaru and Neji stared in disbelief.

"Once again what the hell happened?" Shikamaru looked to Tsunade for answers but Neji was the one who explained it.

"It looks as though her chakra was ripped out of her body. Her chakra pathways are practically empty and beat to shit. No wonder she was screaming. That kind of pain isn't like a cut or broken limp. That pain could only be like someone taking each and every one of her nerves and stabbing them over and over again with a rusty dull knife," Neji looked down at Sakura and the slightest amount of pity shown on Neji's face, which was a lot for the emotionless wonder. Shizune cried a little harder while everyone but Neji and Tsunade flinched.

"Poor Sakura-chan, I didn't want her to get hurt," Naruto whispered.

"It's not your fault Naruto. I want you, Neji, Shikamaru and Shizune to go back and see if you can find anything out of the ordinary. I want to know who did this so I can kill them myself," Tsunade ordered.

"Kakashi follow me, we need to get her down to the hospital." with a quick nod they were all off to their assigned tasks.

Meanwhile deep in Sakura's subconscious mind a visitor waits for Sakura to enter the dream realm and speak with her.

AN:And that's a rap! Chapter 1 is done! once again please Review!

No Flames though i'm allergic!

