A quick update on the story! I was struggling to find a direction to take the storyline so i've thrown in a little bit of a shocker to the story!
Hope you like it, sorry its so brief but i was excited to get this one done.
As always i do not own Yu-gi-oh!
Enjoy xoxox

The sound of Tea's shrill alarm clock pulled her out of her peaceful dream. Starting awake she slammed her fist down against the alarm and ran a hand through her bed ragged hair, trying to make sense of her dream. She had dreamt that her and Kaiba had kissed on her doorstep after he had taken her for an elegant dinner and bought her a stunning dress, she sighed. Her eyes caught sight of the long silvery material curled up on her floor and it took her a brief second before she gave out an almighty yelp and leapt out of bed.
"We kissed, I can't believe we actually kissed!" she yelled gleefully, doing a sort of celebratory jive around her room. She caught sight of her reflection, her cheeks where very pink and she was smiling her head off, laughing to herself she rushed in to the bathroom for a shower. Hopping under the shower she began singing to herself loudly and not even remotely in tune. An hour later she was dressed and wrapped up in a hat, scarf and gloves combo. Although she was thrilled about her and Kaiba, she had a lot of things to do and time was ticking. Just as she was hunting down her keys she was startled by a knock on her door. She grinned slyly before rushing to the door, "missing me already?" she asked as she swung the door open. She froze, it wasn't Kaiba at her door, and nothing could have prepared her for the figure stood in front of her. She mouthed wordless, colour draining from her face.
"Hello Tea" whispered Yami.
Tea stared blankly, she shut her eyes and opened them again but he didn't vanish.
"This isn't possible" she whispered slowly. "I saw you leave, you left and you weren't coming back."
"If you let me in I can explain everything" he responded, eyes pleading.
Tea hesitated before she stepped to the side, allowing Yami in to her apartment. She went to make them some drinks, hands shaking as she tried to pour herself some English tea. Taking the cups back in to her living room she handed one to Yami, who was sat comfortably on her sofa, she perched on the sofa next to him. She was nervous and untrusting, Yugi had said there was no way the Pharaoh could return, yet here he was. She studied him carefully as he sipped his drink, he looked exactly the same as he did before he left, his hair flopped in his eyes as he kept his head down, eyes fixed on her shabby rug.
"Why...how are you here?" Tea blurted out.
Yami sat silently for a moment before taking a deep breath in, "well it is sort of a long story" he admitted. "I've got time" Tea whispered.
Yami smiled softly, it took him or moment or two before he eventually started talking. Tea could hear her clock ticking across the room, the constant ticks breaking the silence like thunder.
"It started just after I left, you remember that of that course" he added, glancing sideways at her. She nodded and he continued: "well, after Yugi defeated me in that final duel I departed to my final resting place, but it wasn't exactly an easy transition" his brow furrowed, a look of unease on his face. "I was so used to modern day life, here with you and the rest of the gang so that my time in the afterlife, which was meant to be peaceful surrounded by all of my old friends, was troubling to me." He said, now staring at a burn in Tea's coffee table. "I was unhappy, every day was supposed to be like paradise but it wasn't. So I decided to make it my mission to return back to Earth so I could be together with all of you." He glanced up staring deep in to her eyes, she gaped back.
"So, are you sharing Yugi's body again then?" she eyed the front of his jacket, she couldn't see the golden millennium puzzle peeking out like it used to. Yami smiled, "well that is the interesting part, when I sought to return I assumed that I would be encased within a millennium item, but I was wrong, I have my own body now, while still similar to Yugi's in certain respects, this one belongs to me" he finished, smiling. Tea was struggling to get her head around these strange revelations. "So, does Yugi know your back?" she asked slowly. The pharaoh looked awkward, "well yes, before I made my way back I had to get in to contact with him first to make sure it was okay for me to come barging back in to your lives but he seemed thrilled to have me" he smiled to himself before continuing, "I've been back only two days, I've been staying with him at the game shop, we've been trying to come up with a way of telling everyone I've returned" he said "but I was desperate to see you, so I knew I had to come find you straight away." their eyes met again, his purple ones boring in to her blue ones. Silence hung in the air after that statement, Tea felt dizzy, her head was spinning with thoughts and emotions. Yami scooted a little closer to her on the sofa, he grasped her hand gently "I know this must all seem over whelming" he whispered, "but at least now we can finally be together." Tea's heart plummeted, she sat there gazing in to his intent stare, knowing she was in deep trouble.