Hi guys it's SilverBlade9 this is my first fan fiction so don't blame me for my grammar or spelling. This story is about the El gang on an adventure to go to defeat Ran. Along the way each of them have fallen in love with another member of the gang. Elsword x Rena, Raven x Eve, Aisha x Chung.

Me: Hi guys you ready for the story?

Eve: Why are we paired up differently?

Me: Huh? What do u mean?

Rena: Eve is asking did u made us pair up differently.

Aisha: Yea! I'm asking that too!

Elsword: I bet Silver knows I'm too good for Aisha.

Aisha: SHUT UP! *blows up Elsword*

All of us except for Aisha and Elsword: *sweat drops*

Ara: So what can I do Silver?

Me: You can help me with the story.

Ara: Aww that's no fun.

Me: Oh well it's my story so let's go!

Everyone but me: fine….

Elsword: Sheath Knight Age: 17

Rena: Trapping Ranger Age: 16

Aisha: Battle Magician Age: 16

Eve: Code Electra Age: 16

Raven: Weapon Taker Age: 17

Chung: Shelling Guardian Age: 17

It was a hot summer day in Elrios, The El gang was staying in Feita getting ready to leave for Velder.

Elsword's PoV

I slept in for the day, until I was woken up by a slight noise on my door. I was too lazy to get up instead I just turned over on my bed. Then someone came into my room. It was Rena up early as ever.

"Elsword, wake up we're leaving soon." Said Rena. "Go on without me…." I said while pulling the covers over my head. Rena soon pulled the covers off me and pulled me out of bed.

"HEY RENA!" I shouted.

Rena's PoV

I have to admit that Elsword is cute when he sleeps but I don't want him to get left behind, or even worse Eve and Aisha might kill him.

"Come on Elsword." I begged him "Fine…" Elsword got out of bed and got ready to leave.

I left his room so he can get changed and I spotted Eve and Raven together. They look so cute together, but with Eve's loss of emotions I'm not sure if they'll ever fall in love. I walked over to them as they spotted me they stopped in their tracks and watch as I came over to them.

Eve's PoV

As I spotted Rena walked down to Raven and I she asked us. "Hi guys, what are you up to?"

"I'm refining Raven's nasod arm before we leave." I said back softly. I don't know why the others seem to giggle every time I'm near Raven it confuses me. I do not understand human feelings for others. Raven just looked at Rena and me seems like he doesn't know what's going on either.

"Oh ok just making sure we better get going!" Rena said cheerfully, and ran off to Aisha and Chung who was either playing outside or packing up most of the things. Raven and I just walked off to get my tools to fix his nasod arm.

Raven's PoV

At first, when I met Eve I thought she was an enemy since she was a nasod which was the race who gave me this arm as a curse. Somehow she's different, ever since she retrieved Code Electra, she showed less emotion but acted more like a human. I have to admit I kind of fell for her, but I'm not sure she would have the same feelings for me.

"Raven…? Raven?" I snapped back to reality and I saw Eve standing in front of me.

"Oh Eve, something wrong?" I asked.

"No, it's time to fix your arm…" Eve said while holding a screw driver.

We sat down at the table, as I watch Eve fix my arm, Eve stared back with a confused look. I just turned away as she continued fixing my arm.

Aisha's PoV

I was polishing my staff while Chung was behind me reloading his grenades for Velder. I looked at him and looked away thinking of what should we do in Velder, but it always seem like Chung really wants to head back to Hamel as soon as possible. I'm kind of sad to see if he leaves us to go back to his home town.

Finally I said "Hey Chu-"I got cut off by Rena coming down to us. "Hey guys"

"Hi Rena!" Chung said cheerfully. Chung looks so cute with his Pikachu like hair.

"You guys all set?" Rena asked. "Yes, yes we're all set Rena…" I answered dully since she cut me off. Rena soon realize what she did and said.

"Oh sorry! I was interrupting you guys." Rena said panicking and she ran off.

Chung's PoV

We both watch as Rena ran off. I didn't what happened since I was busy with my weapons. Aisha looked down at the ground sad. I wonder what happen.

"Hey Aisha something wrong?" I asked her when I touched her shoulder. Aisha jerked up in realization and started smacking with her staff. "DON'T SCARE ME LIKE THAT CHUNG!" Aisha screamed while hitting me.

"Ow!" I yelled, "Sorry Aisha!" I said and moved away from her. Then soon I noticed Elsword at the door laughing at us with his mischievous smile on his face. I would throw a grenade at him but it isn't worth it. Aisha saw Elsword and started chasing him around with her staff about to hit him, but Elsword was too fast for her.

Elsword's PoV

I ran as fast as I can away from Aisha around the house. I couldn't help but laugh it was so funny I bet Eve would even laugh. Aisha was yelling at me to slow down and stop. Like I was goanna do that. Instead I speeded up my sprinting. I was going so fast that I couldn't see Aisha anymore I was saved. Soon when I was running a door somehow flung open and I slammed into the door. I landed on the ground twitching by the impact.

"Are you okay Elsword?" It was Raven with Eve behind the door. Looks like Eve opened the door, but she didn't have to slam it open!

"Yea, I'm fine…" I said getting up off the ground. "Why were you running Elsword?" Eve asked softly.

"Oh Aisha was running after me, but she was too slow so I lost her." I said sounding cool. I was feeling proud until Eve ruined it. "That's pathetic Elsword…" she said coldly.

I felt an arrow hitting me making me die. Then I lost my temper.

Eve's PoV

I see Elsword's face turning redder then his hair then as I knew he started yelling.


It's like I can hear Elsword scream all the way to Hamel. I slapped Elsword to make him shut up and he fell on the ground again. I walked over him to let my drones have some fresh air. I see a tree full of flowers seem like the pedals were falling down and my drones seem to like that.

"Hey Eve!" I heard a familiar voice coming closer. I turned to look and it was Aisha and Chung.

"Aisha, Chung why are u here?" I asked softly. "We came looking at the flowers on the trees of course!" Aisha said waving her staff.

"Hey Eve here!" Chung caught a flower and put on my headband next to the flower already attached to my hair. "You look pretty" Chung complimented.

"Hey how come you don't give it to me?" Aisha said. "Haha sorry Aisha, but you don't need one to be pretty as Eve.

Aisha started blushing and hid behind me to hide her blushing. I just stood there looking at Chung grinning at Aisha teasingly.

Raven's PoV

I sat next to Elsword who was drinking soda watching Aisha and the others near the flower tree. Elsword still had a red mark on his face due to Eve's slap. Even though Eve changed Code she still slaps hard. Rena came to us and sat next to us and handed me a can of soda.

"They're really having fun huh?" Rena asked. I just nodded and drank the soda and watched them. "Raven do you like Eve?" Rena asked while giggling. I realize what Rena said and I spitted out my soda.

Elsword started laughing at me when I spitted out my soda. "Guess he likes Eve hahaha!" Rena soon said "although I think Chung is cute!" she said teasingly. Elsword stood up and started yelling again.

"CHUNG!? WHY CHUNG!? I'M CLEARLY BETTER THEN HIM!" Elsword yelled where Eve and the others can hear.

"Elsword are you jealous?" I said, Elsword soon realize what he said and froze in place. Rena was laughing at Elsword while blushing. Guess she really likes Elsword.

Aisha's PoV

That idiot Elsword doesn't know what he's talking about. Chung is perfect in every way possible and he's the one acting like a fool. I saw Chung smiling at them with a sweat drop on his head and Eve just watching them with that flower that Chung gave her on her head.

Honestly, I really wanted to rip that flower off her head, but I'm afraid she might kill me if I come near her like that. Instead I yelled and ran to Elsword and smacked him with my staff. "ELSWORD YOU IDIOT!" "OW AISHA WHAT WAS THAT FOR!?" Elsword yelled back at me.

Rena's PoV

I had a sweat drop on my head when I watched Elsword and Aisha fight. Even though they fight all the time. They haven't changed much. Raven just watched them with no expression on his face like Eve's. Chung just walked over to us with Eve following behind him with her drones. I noticed Raven's face grew a little red. I couldn't help but laugh. Until I saw Aisha and Elsword started attacking each other. "MAGICAL MAKEUP!" "FINAL STRIKE!"

Then I soon lost my temper. "WILL YOU GUYS QUIT IT AND GROW UP!" Everyone froze and stared at me. I had a sweat drop on my head and said politely "Oh! Sorry but can you guys please stop?" Everyone had a sweat drop on their heads except Eve.

Chung's PoV

Rena is really scary when she's mad I don't know who can't be scared of it until I looked over at Eve. She was staring at her blankly can't believe she wasn't scared then again Eve isn't human but she looks like one though. I looked back and saw Aisha and Elsword froze in fear. I went over to Elsword and tapped his shoulder but he just tipped over still frozen. Raven poked Elsword with a stick seeing if he was alive. He was but he was still froze in fear. "Oops..." said Rena and she snapped the two out of fear.

Raven's PoV

I watched as the two snapped out of confusion and get back on to their feet. "Okay guys we got one more night until Velder." Rena said and everyone went back into the house. I got up to go in until someone was waiting for me. It was Eve again she still had that flower on her head. It made look cuter then she was actually was. Eve walked up to me seems like something was bothering her.

"Raven will you please take this out of my hair?" Eve asked. "What?" I looked down at her. "But you look good with the flower on." "I appreciate the kindness but the flower represented to someone whom you love I have no intentions in loving Chung." Talk about harsh words over a silly looking flower…

Then I took out the flower out of her hair then replace it with a tiger lily that was near the house. "Huh?" Eve said, "Raven I said-"

"It fits you better Eve." I cut her off "You look better like that." I smiled at her and walked back into the house.

Eve's PoV

As Raven walked into the house, I stood outside touching one of the Tiger Lily's petals. I remembered his smile it's one of his rare smiles he makes. "I look better like this..." I said to myself I thought to myself what Raven meant. Until my drones dragged me inside to go to sleep.

Rena's PoV

I watched as Raven and Eve went inside and laugh quietly to myself. They make such a cute couple. "I wonder when Raven will confess his love to Eve…this will be interesting."

Let's see what happens tomarrow!

Me: And cut!

Elsword: Glad that's over now!

Chung: That was too long!

Me: Don't blame me blame. Blame my imagination.

Eve: That's basically is you…


Ara: Come on guys, Silver work hard for this.

Me: Thanks but it doesn't mean that your goanna be in my stories.

Raven: That doesn't seem fair.

Rena: Isn't Silver always cruel?

Me: What was that!? *gets scythe*

Everyone but me: WHERE DID U GET THAT SCYTHE?!

Me: E-BAY! *starts swinging*

Everyone but me: *starts running*

Well it's okay I guess like I said it's my first one so don't blame me if it sucks. Chapter 2 is coming see you soon!