Mikey: Hey everyone Mikey here. DragonPrincess65 is still locked in her room, thanks to a certain someone, who will not be named, Raph, who made her upset.

Raph: I said I was sorry!

Mikey: Sorry doesn't cut it this time, Raphie. You messed up.

Raph: Watch yourself, Shell fer brains. I will smack the green off you.

Mikey: Now Raphie I think you have hurt enough people for one week.

Raph: I hurt ONE person.

Mikey: And she was the most important!

Raph: Whatever. DragonPrincess65 does not own TMNT

Mikey: "Whatever"?! Raph you are so heartless! (Runs off)

Raph: Mikey! Ugh! Why do I even try. Enjoy the stupid chapter. (Storms off)

Rapid Sewer Water

Chapter 15

Mikey's POV:

It has been almost 10 minutes since Linda left. I hope she is okay…

"Mikey…" Raph's voice's comes from behind me. I gasp and turn around to see Raph's confused face.

"Geez Raph could you not scare me like that?"


"I think I need a new shell"

"Gross Mikey!"

"What?" I whine. I notice Raph looks really put off. I just made things awkward didn't I? I feel my face burn. "S-sorry" Raph grunts and sits down. Great! Just great! Donnie is right, I am an idiot. Donnie… I hope he is okay. I miss him and Leo. I wonder if they miss me. They probably miss Raph. I mean who wouldn't? They probably don't even know I'm gone… I feel my spirit sink and a frown form on my face. I stare at the ground lost in thought. I am just a screw up. All I ever do is mess things up and my brothers have to clean up for me. All I do is annoy them. I bet sometimes they wish I wasn't their brother. Or even worst that I was never born. Heck I wish I was never born sometimes. I hate being the youngest. No one takes me seriously. But I never take anything seriously so I guess I can't blame them…

"Mikey!" Raph's voices breaks me in mid thought. I scream and jump a good three feet into the air in surprised.

"W-what's going on?! Are we being attacked?!" I ask in panic looking around. I hear Raph snort making me look at him.

"No, shell fer brains" Raph smirks amusingly at me. I scowl at him.

"They why did you yell my name?"

"I have been talking to you for a good 5 minutes, idiot"

"Oh, really?" I laugh nervously while. Rubbing the back of my head nervously. "Sorry about that… what were you saying?" Raph does say anything he just stares at me intently. "W-what?" I hear my voice squeak making me mentally slap myself. Raph stays silent as he stands up and slowly approaches me. I feel like I am his prey and he is the predator. I automatically take a few steps back. He reaches out making me flinch before I realize he isn't going to hit me. I look at him to see him looking confused before he reaches for me again. He grabs my arm and pulls me towards him. "Eh?"

"Mikey…"Raph says softly making me more confused. "What's wrong?"

"Wrong? Nothing is wrong. I'm completely fine" I say with a large smile.

"Don't lie to me Mikey"

"I'm not lying. Nothing is wrong I swear" I priest, trying to take my arm from Raph's grip. Raph's holds my arm tighter making me wince in pain. "Ow" Raph's grip loosens.


"It's all good bro. Don't worry about it" I finally take my arm out of his grasp and step around him towards the wall. "I'm hungry. Do you think they will feed us?"

"Probably not" Raph says turning towards me with his arms crossed.

"Do you think they have pizza?" I smile dreamily at the thought. I hear Raph snort making me snap out of my daze.

"I don't think so, Mike. Don't get your hopes up"

"Awe" I pout sitting down with my back against the wall, crossing my arms over my chest. "This place sucks" Raph starts laughing. I glare at him "Don't laugh at me!"

"Sorry bro, but you are too cute when you pout" Raph stops laughing and smirks at me. I feel my face burn as I whip my head to the side embarrass. All of a sudden I feel something press against my neck. I gasp slightly and shift my head over to see Raph smirking at me. Raph?! How the shell was he able to get over here without me knowing? My eyes widen and I feel my face get hot. I open my mouth to say something but I am at a loss for words. Raph's smirk gets bigger making my face hotter.

"Stop looking at me!" I complain as I shove him back felling really over heated in my face. Raph just chuckles as he steps back. Suddenly the main door to the dungeon opens and several pairs of feet are heard walking closer and closer. I gulp and try to press myself against the wall. Raph takes a protective stance in front of me. I watch four men wearing all black walk passed our cell. Soon the sound of a cell door opening followed by aloud scream is heard. I whimper and soon find myself being hugged by Raph. I hold on to him afraid of what is going on. I hear the men walking back and they sound like they are dragging something behind them. I hear a man's voice pleading. Though I can't understand what he is saying. They pass our cell again and I catch a glimpse of the man they are taking away. He looks like a giant frog with ram horns coming from his head. He is screaming and clawing at the ground as the men drag him away. I watch in silence not knowing what to do. After a few more seconds of screaming the main door shuts and I can't hear the man anymore. I realize I am shaking. What is going to happen to that man? Will he be hurt? Killed? Maybe they are just going to let him go… probably not. By the way that man was screaming I bet something bad is going to happen. I hope it doesn't happen to me. Or Raph. Please oh please don't let that happen to me or Raph. I feel a hand rubbing my shell, pulling my attention away from my thoughts.

"It's going to be okay, Mikey" Raph says in a soft voice.

"How do you know?" I can hear myself sounding like I'm going to cry.

"Cuz I won't let anything happen to you" He replies soothingly.

I bury my face into his shoulder and hold onto him tightly. We sit there in silence. Deep in thought. Please keep us safe.