I originally started this as a fanfiction based on two different characters on a completely different site 10 years ago (of which I have granted myself permission to resume here). I never completed it but I've decided this year I will finally complete my story. I do not own the characters Haruka Tenoh or Michiru Kaioh as they belong to Naoko Takeuchi. The rest are mine. I'm an amateur at writing but I love to tell stories so please bear with me.

This is a story about how far someone will go to keep a secret that leads to betrayal. The bite Haruka receives is only the beginning to a greater plot that slowly unravels. With each answer she finds more questions appear and in the end she learns everyone has their own secrets they hide.


Now that I've completed this story I will be slowly working on a full revise and adding a lot more to it. I just touched the main points in the story for what is written currently.



Every day as the year came closer to an end it grew colder. The days were chilly and the nights could nearly freeze a person to the bone. Snow lightly fell and the grass was thick and crunchy; the roads remained clear of ice as workers strive to keep it maintained.
In the small town along the eastern side of the United States lives Haruka Tenoh. Haruka stands taller than most women. She wears her sandy blonde hair short and can sometimes be mistaken as a handsome man.

Little does she know of the dark history that surrounds her town. There is something thought to be lurking within the city itself, a dark side to it that remains undiscovered by the public. Even though she was born in this town she pays no attention to the history of it.

Haruka pulled up to a small corner store on the side of the road. On her way home from a friend's house her father texted her asking her to pick up some milk. Before stepping out into the cool night air she pulled up the scarf tight and snug up to her nose. A breeze instantly picked up blowing over her harshly and the chilling air sent her speeding to the door with haste. The door bell rang as she opened it and lunged forward.
She muttered a bit to herself in her husky voice as she lurked around the old store searching desperately for the gallons of milk. The store was quiet as many people were at home avoiding the cold weather blowing in. When she had finally set sight on the milk she scurried over to it grabbing the first one she saw and went to the counter.
"Why 'ello dere." The clerk greeted Haruka. "Sho is col' outside, ya know. Why is you out so late?"
Haruka sighed briefly before answering. "Didn't want to get out in the cold again but Dad needs milk for the morning."

"Well I 'ope it wort it." The clerk continued using her slang. "Stay war' 'n drive safe."
"Thank you." Haruka said as she made sure the scarf was tight preparing to endure the weather outside. When the door bell rang upon opening the door another chilling breeze blew hard on Haruka and she sprinted to her car flying in at the instant the car door was open. The frosty night had not yet penetrated the warm air that still resided in her car and without any hesitation she began her journey home.
The trees added an eerie feeling to Haruka as she drove home, a dense fog had begun to emerge from the tree line and onto the road. Haruka shivered thinking of what could be lurking beyond the trees, her only thoughts were of getting home. The eerie feeling she had grew as her car began to make strange noises and came to a halt at a four-way intersection.

Haruka sighed and she began to curse at her car. The only light was from the moon and the headlights, in need of more light Haruka reached in the glove box and pulled out a flashlight. She knew precisely what was wrong with the car, as it has done this many times before. Quickly, she ran out to the hood and opened it; fear began to consume her body, the fear of not knowing what was around her in the night so dark. Her heart was beating incredibly fast as she fumbled around with the devices under the hood.

The wind whistled into the forest and the trees seemed to answer with what sounded like a snarl. She could not help but be overwhelmed with fear as the sound of some creature in the dark moved through the trees. The moonlight gleamed into her fearful eyes as she tried to anticipate what was taking shape from the edge of the forest. The crunch of the frozen grass below its feet pervaded in the air as it took its first step out of the darkness. Slowly the silhouette took form as it drew nearer to her. The darkness could no longer bind its figure. Haruka could only stand and watch consumed with fear she felt immobile. A tall, bald and slim creature, well built for its size advanced into her direction. Its head hung low of its shoulders as it walked staring at the ground, Haruka was dreading the moment it would lift its head. Slowly her world began to turn and it grew darker. She watched in horror as it raised its head to look at her, she was horrified as she peered into the sinister white eyes of the creature. Iit sneered at her revealing two large, white fangs. Even the fear that surrounded her seemed to melt away as it forced a stone cold hand on her jaw lifting her slightly from the cold ground pulling her closer into its possession. She heard it mutter something under its breath. Finally her world was gone, blank, total darkness. A sharp throbbing pain in her neck, her last conscious memory...


Chapter 1

~Two months prior~

Every morning before her early class Haruka would jog around the track inside the gym. She had earned a scholarship to participate on the track team in her college. A young woman with beautiful aqua colored hair watches and admires Haruka as she jogs every morning. Haruka is not blind to the fact this young woman watches her and intentionally tries to avoid interactions with her until one day…

"You know, you have a lot of admirers." Haruka can hear a woman speak behind her as she walks to her first class. She attempts her best to ignore the comment and continues to walk away from the voice. "There is one girl who would like nothing more than to ride with you in your car." The woman's voice continues.

Haruka stops walking briefly to shake her head. "Then her hopes are too high." Haruka finally responds in her deep voice and a smirk before she continues walking. She turns to look at the source of the voice and spots a young woman with aqua colored hair turning away.

As each day goes on Haruka is constantly approached by the girl with the aqua colored hair. Their conversations often go the same, very brief and direct. Haruka gives her the cold shoulder every time but the girl is persistent.

"You know, I would like join you for a ride one day." The young woman admits to Haruka. "I have admired you since I first saw you jogging in the gym."

Rather than constantly ignoring her and walking away Haruka turns to her. "You're a nice and lovely young woman but you shouldn't indulge in those fantasies." Haruka stuffs her hands into the pockets of her jeans and leans against the wall. "My only focus is being ready for when the track meets begin."

"And I will be there to cheer you on." The aqua haired girl rubs her chin while looking into Haruka's eyes. "My name is Michiru since I have never introduced myself."

Haruka shakes her head as usual. "Like I've told you many times, Michiru, you should take interest in someone else." She replies to Michiru while playing with the keys in her left pocket and her cell phone in her right.

"There is no one else I have interest in." Michiru continues.

"How many times do we have this same conversation?" Haruka continues, now jingling the keys in her pocket. Her mind is only focused on being in top shape for running. "Besides, you don't even know me I don't know why you have any interest in me."

Michiru giggles at the statement. "I find something about you interesting. Not to mention you're attractive."

"I don't think I'm too interesting." Haruka replies quietly. "Although I agree on the attractive." She winks at Michiru.

"A little bit of an ego I see." Michiru smirks.

Haruka leans off the wall and smirks as well. "You're very straight forward."

"I don't see a reason in beating around the bush."

"Well, I like that in a woman. In any case if we are being straight forward then I also find you attractive. Maybe one day you will have a ride with me just so long as you know I have no interest in any relationship right now." Haruka replies now twirling her keys in the air on her index finger.

"You will learn that patience is my best quality." The shorter girl replies. "I think you are worth waiting on."

"Then you may be waiting a while."

"I've watched you since the first day I came to this college. It wasn't until the beginning of this week that I finally decided to approach you."

"I see." Haruka says as she checks the time on her phone. "I have to get to class. I'm sure we will continue this conversation next week."

"I look forward to it every day."

Haruka merely nods to Michiru as she turns to walk a few steps before stopping. "Maybe you will have a ride with me soon." She said and continued to her class.

"I look forward to it." Michiru calls to her.

Haruka arrived to her class to find her childhood friend, Blake. He is the only person she considers a friend. He is slightly taller than Haruka with bleach blonde hair he styles differently each day usually either a short faux hawk or spikes.

"Hey Blake." Haruka greets him as she sits down next to him.

"What's up Haruka?"

"That girl is still talking to me every morning." She sighs rubbing her fingers on her forehead.

"Aww. Maybe you should give her a chance. I haven't seen you with anyone for years."

"You know I'm not interested in a relationship. Besides, I hardly know her."

"Well," he thinks briefly "what do you know about her?"

"She's pretty, no, she's beautiful. I can tell she has a warm heart and I believe she plays the violin. She's also a very patient person. But…"


Haruka sighs once again and continues rubbing her forehead as though Michiru gives her a headache. "I don't know Blake. I need to concentrate on track."

"Haruka Haruka… the season doesn't start until spring. You jog every morning, you sure you don't have time to at least get to know her a little bit? How many friends do you have? I'm honored to be your friend but you need more friends."

"I'm perfectly happy with my life right now."

"So you jog every morning, go to class, go home do a few assignments and sleep. Then you repeat it. If I get lucky we might hang out on the weekend or after class. You need more fun in your life. When you see her next time why don't you take her for a ride? Isn't that what she wants? Just because you hang out with her doesn't mean you have to date her."

"That's just the thing. I try to distance myself from her but I know I really like her."

"Oooh!" Blake squeals.

"Don't do that, you sound like a fan girl at some boy band concert."

"Yeah well, when I see you next week you better have at least tried to be friends with her."

"Fine." Haruka replies to him in her serious tone. "Class is starting." Blake motioned to her which gave her one final reminder to take Michiru on a nice car ride to which Haruka only shook her head.


"Michiru." Haruka jogged up to Michiru later that day after classes had ended. She had spotted Michiru leaving a class and decided to take Blake's advice to make more friends. Haruka has always been distant from people relying only on herself. "So I was wondering if you were still up for a ride?"

"Oh the great Haruka Tenoh has changed her mind?" Michiru joked sarcastically.

"Don't get any ideas, I just figure that becoming friends would be nice so long as you don't get the wrong idea."

"Well how about we start with a car ride to my house?"

"Simple enough." Haruka's hands were deep in her pockets fumbling with her phone and keys again. Silently she thought to herself hoping she would not regret Blake's advice. As she walked Michiru followed behind her. She could not help but get the idea Michiru was enjoying the view and stopped. "If you don't stop staring I'll have you walk in front of me." She joked.

"And let you have all the fun?"

"So long as you don't forget what I said earlier." Haruka continued walking now twirling the keys on her index finger yet again. "I guess I could get used to a pretty girl escorting me to my car." Michiru had no response to the statement and smirked as she walked behind Haruka.

The blonde led Michiru through the school to the lower parking lot. The college was comprised of two large buildings. The larger of the two buildings sat atop a hill while the smaller one was separated by a small garden just off the bottom of the hill. The larger building has the gym connected which is placed at the bottom of the hill with stairs leading down to it inside. The lower parking lot is just off the smaller building at the bottom of the hill while the upper parking lot is just off the larger building.

"My father gave her to me when I turned 16." Haruka said as she ran her hand over the hood of her car. "She could use some work but I haven't been able to get around to it."

"So you work on your car as well?"

"Yeah, I can't help it. I love cars. When I was younger I dreamt of being a professional racer but in the end I decided to do track." Haruka leaned against her car, a yellow Mustang Convertible.

"What stopped you from your dream then?"

"I was just really good at running. So, where is your house?" Haruka attempted to dodge anymore talking about her personal life. She opened the passenger side door for Michiru to enter and closed it once she was in safely. "I hope you like the wind because I always have the top down when I drive." Haruka said upon opening the driver side door.

"I think I'll like it. Take a left when you get out of here to go to my house."

"Alright." Haruka sat and started the car. She let the top down and enjoyed the breeze momentarily before driving.

Michiru sat quietly with her eyes closed for a moment as though she was enjoying the wind on her face. She only spoke to give directions to her house. "The house here on the left is mine." She pointed out as they entered a small neighborhood. In the drive way was a black Honda Civic. "Mom's home."

"Well, I guess I will see you next week at the school." Haruka said as she pulled into the drive way.

"Actually, I was wondering if you are busy tomorrow. I have a few friends coming over tomorrow for my birthday and I was hoping maybe you could come over as well."

"I will try to but I can't promise anything."

"Well if you can come it would mean a lot to me."

"Eh, don't get ahead of yourself. I like you and all but I don't want you getting the wrong idea."

"No, I understand. I just like it when I'm around you."

Haruka ran her fingers through her blonde hair thinking to herself, wondering if she will regret the car ride with Michiru. Sure, she did like her but deep inside she could never get close to her as she always distances herself from everyone, even Blake at times.

"Well, Happy Birthday then, in case I don't make it. How old are you going to be now?"

"I'll be turning nineteen."

"Happy nineteenth birthday, Michiru." Haruka smiled as Michiru got out of the car.

"Thank you, it's alright if you don't come but the invitation is there. The car ride was nice as well."

"I'm glad you enjoyed it. See you another day at college." Haruka waved as Michiru turned to walk away.


Upon arriving home Haruka found her father out to work and a note on the fridge:

There's some leftovers in the fridge, enjoy.

I put your new medicine on the kitchen table.

See you when I get home.

Love, Dad

Inside the fridge was some leftover meatloaf and mashed potatoes. As she heated it Haruka walked to the medication placed on the table by her father. She sat down quietly at the table and waited for the food to be heated. On the walls in the living room are several plaques and trophies from track when she was in high school. She remembered the day she broke the record in her high school at one of the meets. Then her eyes met the large piano in the corner and in her mind she could hear some songs she once played on it. Her train of thoughts were interrupted when the microwave went off. As she ate her dinner she began to debate on going to Michiru's birthday party.

Haruka continued debating going to Michiru's birthday party the next day and decided to call Blake.



"What's up Haruka?"

"Michiru invited me to her birthday party today but I don't know if I should go or not, I don't want her to get the wrong idea."

"Haruka why do you make things so complicated? Have you ever stopped to think about how many great girls you've missed out on because you don't want to risk anything?"

"I've seen what love does to people, Blake. It always hurts them in the end and I don't want to be hurt."

"So you want to be alone until you're forty and become a crazy cat lady or something whose only friends are her cats?"

"Shut up, Blake. You know I don't like cats." Haruka laughed.

"Either way if you don't take a chance one day you will regret it when you see her walking with someone else. Just go out, buy her a nice gift and surprise her. From the way you talk about her she probably doesn't even think you will show up. Hell, you could probably skip out on the gift and just show up. I think you showing up is a gift enough for her."

"If this bites me in the ass I'll have your head on a pole."

"Trust me, the way she looks at you I think you have a good opportunity with her. Take the risk and if it bites you in the ass I will serve mu head on a platter."

"It's almost five, I'm already late and I really should come with a gift."

"Then get your ass out of that damned house and find something! Or do I need to drag you out of there?"

"Fine. I'll talk to you later."

"Alright, good bye lover!" Blake said mocking Haruka with kissing sounds as she hung up. Haruka rolled her eyes.

She had no idea what to get Michiru but decided she would wonder off to the mall. She tried to browse shops quickly while keeping her eye on the time. Just as she thought she would not find anything her eyes met a small glass dolphin in a candle shop. Michiru had always reminded her of the ocean for some reason and she found the dolphin to be perfect. She glanced at the time on her phone again it was almost 7:30. 'Damn.' She thought to herself as she purchased the dolphin and hurried out of the mall.

Haruka knocked on the door to Michiru's house. A few cars were still in her driveway. She had to park in the street so she would not block anyone in the drive way.

"Ooh, hello." An older woman answered the door. Haruka had no doubt in her mind it was Michiru's mother as they shared the same hair color. "You must be Haruka?" She asked with an accent. "The name is Japanese, is it not?"

"Yes ma'am, my father is from Japan." Haruka could hear some music playing from the living room.

"Ooh, lovely." The woman grinned. "Michi is in the living room with a few friends. Please, come in."

Haruka entered the small house and proceeded to the living room. Michiru was entertaining her friends with her violin. It was a site Haruka had never seen before as she watched the smaller girl dance around the room with her violin. In the back ground was a mix of a few melodies and some beats. Never once did it seem Michiru missed a note as she danced. The blonde stood silently in the entrance to the living room as she watched in awe. She had heard that Michiru was skilled with the violin but to combine it with a hip hop style dance was something unique.

Michiru spotted Haruka standing at the entrance to the living room and smiled as she danced up to her and finished the song. "I'm glad you made it but the party is almost over."

"Uuh yeah, I wasn't sure what to get you."

"You didn't have to get anything, you coming is good enough for me." Michiru turned back to a couple of her friends sitting around in the living room who were applauding her performance. There was also an older man there Haruka wondered if it was her father. He looked a little older than her mother. He has a short beard with dark brown hair with bits of grey scattered through both.

"I'm glad everyone came but now it's getting late. I don't want to rush you out or anything but my mother has an early morning." Michiru said politely. "There's plenty of cake left if you would like to take some home with you."

Haruka noticed one person from the college whom she shared a class with. The others she had not seen before. As they left a couple got some cake to take home and they wished her happy birthday. The older man that was sitting on the couch left as well which Haruka ruled out the idea it was her father.

"I will clean up while Haruka stays for a bit." Michiru's mother said in Japanese. Haruka thought it would be interesting if she kept it a secret that her father taught her Japanese as a child.

"Thanks mom."

"You know," Haruka started, "I knew you were skilled with the violin but I never knew you were that skilled. I know the violin is hard to play but to add dancing with it and not missing a note, now that's something else."

"I've always wanted to have a unique style, something that I've never seen anyone else do."

"Did you take dance lessons when you were younger?"

"No, actually, I watched videos online and learned from that."

"Self taught. Impressive. Hey, the talent show at the college is in a couple weeks. Have you registered for it?"

"Really, it's more of a hobby. I have other obligations that will prevent me from making a career out of it."

"That's a pity." Haruka stood silently still holding the gift. "Well, this is for you. I didn't really know what to get since I don't know you that well but I didn't want to come empty handed."

"Thank you." Michiru said as Haruka gave her the gift. "Oh, how did you know? You're good. I love anything from the ocean really." Michiru instinctively gave Haruka a hug but Haruka did not return it. Instead, she stood quietly until Michiru let go.

"Well, I feel bad for coming so late." Haruka coughed. "Why don't you let me take you to dinner tomorrow. Uh, don't get the idea it's a date or anything. It's simply a friendly gesture for missing your party."

Michiru was rubbing her chin again as though she was evaluating the notion. After a moment of thought she agreed to it. "What time should I be ready?"

"Say about five?"

"Five it is." Michiru smiled and led Haruka to the door.

"Think about that talent show. If you like I could help you prepare for it."

"I will. Good night Haruka and thanks for coming, even if you were late." Michiru teased.


Again, Haruka's father was out at work and she helped herself to the rest of the meatloaf. She sat at the dinner table holding her medicine bottle, tapping it lightly on the table. Her small dog, Benny, a shih tzu sat on the floor next to her. His tongue was hanging out the right side of his mouth as he wagged his tail. Haruka looked down at him.

"If this goes wrong I'm going to kill Blake." She said to the small dog and pat him on the head. "Come on Benny, let's go to bed." Haruka eyed the bottle of medicine before injecting it with a syringe. "I hate this shit." She cursed at the medicine. Benny followed her to the bathroom and then to her room. He took his usual spot by her side and they fell asleep.

"Hello?" Blake answered the phone the next day.


"Tell me something good Haruka or I'll hang up on you."

"Define good."

"Did you kiss her?"

"Blake, a lady doesn't kiss and tell."

"So you did!"

"No. I ended up getting there at the end of her party."

"Hanging up in 5…4…"

"I invited her to dinner tonight to make up for being late."

"Oh! A date! Progress! My little Haruka is growing up!" Blake stopped his countdown to cutting off the conversation.

"You can be so annoying sometimes. Anyways, I told her it wasn' t a date although the way she thought about it almost seemed like she was trying to figure out if it is or not."

"You are going to dress up right? How about that nice white tux you have, the one with the gold tie? I think that would look nice."

"Blake! I'm perfectly fine dressing myself. How about I wear a nice dress? One that's strapless, you know, shows cleavage."

"Do you even own a dress?"

"Hell no."

"I expect you to call me later and tell me how your 'date' goes." He said stressing the word 'date'.

"Just don't forget, it's your head on the line. Anyways, I need to get ready."

"Oh, have fun and don't forget to give her a big…" Click. Haruka knew he was about to start making the kiss noises again. After a few seconds she received a text from Blake.

"Bitch." To which she replied. "Whore."

Haruka dug through her closet to find the tuxedo Blake mentioned. Benny sat on her bed as she got dressed. "Benny, I'm not sure if this is a good idea." She said to the small dog as she put the tie on. The shih tzu cocked his head to the side as though trying to understand what she said. "Well, here goes." Haruka walked to the back door and opened it. The backyard was fenced in several years ago so Benny could run freely. Her dad put in a small doggy door on the outside door for Benny to go in out while they were gone.


Haruka pulled into Michiru's driveway fifteen minutes before 5:00. She sat momentarily pondering on what Blake had been saying to her and trying to put everything together in her mind. Sure, after a while Michiru started to grow on her and she started to develop feelings for her even though she tried hard to push her away. 'It's not a date.' Haruka told herself again not sure if she could even listen to her own lie anymore. As Haruka approached the door to knock Michiru opened it.

"Oh, you look nice Michiru." Haruka gawked at the dress she wore. It matched her hair color perfectly and draped down just above her knees. The top part of it is comprised of spaghetti type straps. Haruka had to direct her eyes away from the small bit of cleavage it revealed

"Thank you. You clean up nicely too." Michiru giggled. "You look quite handsome."

"Right. Shall we go? Do you have any preferences for a restaurant?"

"Do you like seafood?"

Haruka could not help but chuckle at this decision; somehow she knew Michiru would suggest seafood. "Actually, I happened to make a reservation at The Ruby Lobster."

"You know me so well already it seems."

"Ah, don't get too excited. You just remind me of the ocean and you said you liked anything dealing with the ocean so I only figured…"

"You don't have to ramble on, Haruka." Michiru smiled as they walked to Haruka's car. Once again Haruka opened the door for her and closed it. This time she left the top up so not to mess up Michiru's hair in the wind.

"Ah Haruka, party of two. Please this way, sir." The host motioned for them to follow.

Michiru whispered to Haruka. "Why don't you say anything to correct him?"

"I gave that up years ago. Besides, I know I look like a guy sometimes and I honestly don't care anymore. I wear what I like. Besides, I have fun with my appearance sometimes." Haruka whispered back.

"Your waiter will be here momentarily. Enjoy your meal." The host smiled and left the two. He had placed them at a table near the back of the restaurant in a corner.

"I hate tables that are in the middle of the floor. I feel more comfortable here." Haruka crossed one leg over the other and pretended to straighten her tie unsure of what to say. "So, yeah, sorry for being late yesterday."

"I didn't even expect you to come by."

"Well, I'm full of surprises."

The waitress approached the two women and placed some menus down. "My name is Wendy and I'll be your waitress tonight. So, what can I get you to drink?"

"Unsweet tea please." Michiru responded.

"And for the gentleman?" The waitress turned to Haruka who winked back at Michiru.

"Water." The blonde replied.

"Do you have anything in mind on what you would like to eat? Appetizer or anything?" She continued.

"Ah, I'll need a minute." Haruka said as she picked up the menu and looked through it. The waitress went to get their drinks and Michiru sat quietly. "You can order anything you like, Michiru." She said in her usual deep voice. "Would you like an appetizer? It's your birthday pick what you want."

"I can't help but feel a bit guilty when people spend money on me."

Haruka set her menu down for Michiru to look at it. "Well, don't think of that." She pointed at a few items on the menu in an attempt to get Michiru to order. After a while Michiru finally found something she wanted. "Now, you didn't choose that because it's the least expensive did you? Choose what you want despite the cost."

"If you insist then." Michiru opened her own menu and found something after debating on a few choices.

As they waited for the food to be delivered Haruka asked her about the talent show again. "It's not big but at least it's fun. I didn't go last year but I heard Blake talk about it. Oh, Blake is a good friend of mine. I'll introduce you to him next time we're at the college."

"I would really like to do it. Maybe when you come to help me you can help me write a new song." Michiru sipped on her tea. "My dream was to always be a world famous violinist but I'm afraid I'll have to go into the family business one day."

"You said it's a hobby, why not do it on the side?"

"I'd love to but I'm not sure."

"Hm." Haruka mumbled eyeing Michiru as she drank some water. She found herself again averting her eyes from the cleavage of the aqua haired girl in front of her. "Did you also make the mix on the CD that was playing?"

"Yeah, adds a little something extra to it, don't you think?"

"I liked the whole performance."

"Hot plate coming through!" Their conversation was interrupted as the food was delivered.

They continued their conversation while eating. As much as Haruka wanted to push her feelings and Michiru away the more she learned about the goddess in front of her the more she began to feel a pull toward her. Even though she promised herself years ago she would not allow herself to get involved with someone any time soon she could not deny the feelings emerging. Sometime during dinner Haruka managed to slip the message unnoticed by Michiru to the waitress that it was her birthday. She got a laugh out of it as they came to sing to Michiru who seemed a bit embarrassed.

"I would give you some of this cake but you embarrassed me." The smaller girl ate a bite and made a face of 'this is the best cake ever'.

"Well it's your birthday so I thought I would have some fun." Haruka teased as she checked the time under the table and saw it was only about 6:30. She wanted to spend more time with Michiru and offered to take her to a movie which she gladly accepted. It was turning more into a date than Haruka intended but continued to lie to herself some more that it was merely a friendly gesture.

The cinema was built across the street from the restaurant in a large shopping center. They managed to find a decent movie to watch around 7:00. During the movie Michiru did try to make a small move on Haruka by trying to take her hand. Haruka politely took her hand back and placed it in her own lap smiling to the other girl while shaking her head. She wanted to make it clear yet again it was not a date. Michiru did not seem upset at all and nodded in understanding.

"Thank you for dinner and the movie, Haruka." They had arrived back at Michiru's house and Haruka had escorted her to the door.

"Happy birthday. When would you like me to come over so we can work on your talent show performance?" Haruka kept her distance as the two talked.

"Any day you want. Why don't you give me your number so we can figure out a good day and time?"

"Alright." Haruka continued to stay her distance as they exchanged numbers.

"Well thanks again. I guess I will see you in the morning at the gym then."

"Yeah." Haruka let out a sigh and betrayed herself as she let her guard down slightly. "See you tomorrow." She finished and approached Michiru to give her a kiss on the cheek smiling as she pulled back and walked away.


I Originally didn't intend for the first chapter to be so long. Anyways, this is my first story here so let me know what you think. I also plan to do a full revision on it. The story won't change but I'll add better descriptions. :D On a side note my favorite violinist is Lindsey Stirling and I used her style for inspiration on Michiru's performance.