When Forbidden Worlds Collide


Disclaimer- Not Mine

The two children danced freely on the white sand, singing and rejoicing as the fire grew stronger against the moonlight. One, the short blond boy with fine curls twirled around his sister, her own curls bouncing from the movement as they giggled together in sync. This was their life, now; living off the sea with their Papa and Daddy.

"Oi, dinner is almost ready! You two better start washing up, or you'll miss out on Ms. Hudson's famous Chicken Fried Steak with gravy!" Greg Lestrade yelled at them friendlily, appearing from behind a palm tree. He quickly winked at the kids before dashing off along the sandy trail. The kids quickly followed him, chasing him as their laughter echoed on throughout the dark sky.

Before they knew it, they had reached the small hut where they eat dinner.

After Sherlock healed form his injuries, Mycroft had helped them build a small home on an isolated island, donating food and clothing monthly.

But of course, that was before they found out John was fertile.

After they heard the shocking news from a trusted doctor of Mycroft's, Sherlock and John had been shagging like rabbits. After the near death experience, they wanted to make the best of the time they had left. So when John announced he was pregnant, Sherlock went crazy with joy. He would jump in John's tank and kiss and cuddle John hourly, he would even sometimes hum to their baby.

They had their son, Hamish, first. Then two years later, Lillian was born. Ms. Hudson had been the mother goose. She was basically the grandmother to both of the blond kids, since Sherlock didn't want his mother to meet them.

Sherlock would teach his children while John would watch from his all new, luxurious tank – With heated water.

The small kids were trying desperately to catch up to Greg. But their laughter got in the way and affected their running. But before they knew it, Greg was laying in the sand with a mouth full of the vile stuff. Both Hamish and Lillian fell to the floor with a fit of giggles.

"What is going on out here? Greg, what did I tell you about egging them on?" Ms. Hudson scolded, unimpressed. Greg simply spat out the discussing sand from his mouth and groaned. He knew he would lose this battle anyway.

"John and Sherlock are waiting inside," Ms. Hudson said. She gathered up the children from the ground and dusted them off. She then steered them inside the small hut, forgetting about Greg, who was still spitting out sand.

John greeted his beautiful children with a smile and a flap of his golden tail.

Sherlock sat down at the table beside John's low-riding tank. On the table, was supper for him, Ms. Hudson, and his kids, while John's supper was in a bowl. Sherlock watched Ms. Hudson seat his kids with a soft smile playing her features. He then quirked an eyebrow when he noticed someone missing from their usual chair.

"Where's Lestrade?" Sherlock questioned curiously. He looked at John only to get a shrug of the shoulders. Then he glanced at Ms. Hudson, ignoring Hamish and Lillian's all-knowing giggles.

"I have no clue. He may still be trying to get that awful sand out of his mouth after he tripped over a log."

Sherlock simply snorted before serving himself some food, then dumping in John's raw crap and fish meat into his tank, watching the carcasses sink down to the bottom before being swiped up and eaten by John.

To be honest, Sherlock loved to watch John eat; it reminded him of John's true nature. At first, he may have seen John as an experiment, but now all he see's is pure 'John'. He's memorized John's facial expressions to tell what mood he's in. Essentially, whether he should or should not push John's buttons or not.

But for now, he just sat and ate, enjoying the juiciness of the Chicken Fried Steak. HE glanced over to the tank, where John was practically shoving food down his throat. Sherlock didn't find it disgusting; he found it adorable.

John's stormy blue eyes caught his own, and when the merman smiled, Sherlock's upcoming breath got stuck in his throat. He started to chuckle at the image before him.

John was smiling at him with half of a tail sticking out of his mouth. Either John was oblivious, or he was trying to be adorable.

Sherlock turned to look at his children. Lily had her all-knowing face on her features, while Hamish had a odd one on his own. Sherlock smiled softly at that. Sherlock opened his mouth, but before he could form a sentence, Lestrade busted into the hut, looking mad and completely barbaric. His grey hair was sticking up in every direction, while he had a mix of wet and dry sand all over his face, completed with slobber.

Sherlock blinked while Hamish and Lillian ruptured with a fit of giggles.

"What the hell happened to you?"

Authors Note~ Finally, am I right?

Thank you for all of the reviews, favorites, and follows! And the sometimes awkward PMs, I do love them all. :) Sorry about the wait, I had a huge case of writers block. Plus school. But just... Finally. :D

Lemony Prescott