A/N: Hey, guys and gals. This is the last chapter in this story and the last chapter you will EVER get from me... until July 13 US time. I will try to reply t all reviews and PM but most of the time, I won't have internet access. Have fun reading!

Information you will need: Eagle is taking care of a computer geek named Mark Hardwire. MI6 has valuable information stored in one of their computers, but with Smithers killed in a crossfire, they can't access it. MI6 'hired' Mark, but he needs some time and MI6 assigned him a 'guard' to make sure he isn't killed or runs away with the information. This is also in Eagle's POV.

"Mark, it's lunchtime, come on."

"Just a minute, I'm almost through the password."

He was barely on the password? After two weeks? He's either not trying, really stupid, or MI6 hired the wrong guy. Why would MI6 hire a minor? Is he even getting paid. I sighed. It's too bad you can't ask questions.I was interrupted out my thoughts when Mark came down the stairs.

"What's for lunch?"

"It's on the table, wash your hands first."

"Alright, it's pasta!"

After lunch, the kid went back to work. I don't know how he is still only on the password when he's worked ever possible moment.

Currently, I am sitting on a sofa on the living room watching a football game between arsenal and Chelsea. Chelsea was winning but I didn't really care. I don't go for any of them. There was something hard under me, and that sort of had my attention anyways. It was under the cushions, whoever was trying to hide it fails.

I took it out and I was a diary. He cover said it belonged t Mark. There was no lock on it, so I'm thinking that this wasn't a diary, but Mark made it into one.

I opened it up, I wanted t know what was going on through the kid's mind. Besides, I think he wanted me to find it, he's smart and whenever he plays hide and seek with his friends he is never found. He's too smart to just leave this here if he wanted it hidden.

June 15, 2013

Dear Diary,

Today, I was playing Call of Duty with my friends who had came over. The doorbell rung in the middle and Chris went to get it, since the rest of us were playing. He came back and told me someone wanted to talk, I had no idea who would want mme, usually it's my parents. Chris took my controller while I went into the kitchen. In there was a guy in a black suit. He said someone wanted to meet me and to go with him. I didn't trust him, but went anyways, cuz I saw his gun, I think he displayed it on purpose.

I told my friends what was going . They left at the same time I did. We went t a bank, which I later found out was actually MI6. They blackmailed me. I think I never hated my family more. I had to hack into their stupid computer. I didn't even know how computers work, that was my sister's job, but she's dead.

Eagle, I know you are reading this. I put it here so you could find it. Please, help me. I don't want to do this anymore. Bit I can't d anything without them cutting all the financial support we get from the government. We need it, my whole family each have at least one disorder and disease except me.

I was really angry that my own government would blackmail a minor just to get what they want because they can't do it themselves.

"Matt! Come down here for a sec."

Unlike last time, he didn't say to wait. I guess he knew why I wanted to talk to him.

"Are you really getting blackmailed?"

He gave me a slight nod.

"Okay, I'll help you, I promise. I know what they are using against you. I'll give yo money and get my unit to help you to. One of them is in MI6, so he'll probably be able to do a lot. Another one is practically rich, he's also in SO. You don't have to do it anymore, we'll provide for you."

"Thanks, but we need a lo of money, I don't think yo have enough for us and yourself." He was so quiet, I think he already accepted he can't get out.

"You can't give up, that's why they keep doing it. They think no one is going to fight back. If my not and I could help out a minor who was being blackmailed into spying, then we could help you with you financial and medical problems."

He gave me a grateful smile. He asked of he could call his friends over. I was glad that he was being a kid again, just like Cub.

Tomorrow, we would plan everything with my unit. And next week, we would move out.