Author's Note: Hello all! Finally, after many weeks of writing this story, I have finished it. Yes, that is correct. This is the final chapter of Gray Area. Will John and Sherlock end up together? Or will John break Sherlock's heart? Well, you will have to read the final chapter to find out what happens!

Something warm was next to him, pressing against his body. That was the first thing Sherlock noticed when he woke up. He slowly opened his eyes and took in the room around him. On one side, everything was just as he had left it the day before. When he rolled over though, he saw a man with dirty blonde hair sleeping soundly next to him. The man was only a few inches away from him. Sherlock smiled to himself and lightly touched the man's cheek. Sherlock let his hands trail down to the lips of the man. He jerked in his sleep and a loud sigh escaped his lips. Sherlock smiled and pressed his lips onto the man's. The kiss was light, but when Sherlock pulled away, he could feel faint tingles on his lips. He touched his lips gingerly and smirked.

He continued to lay next to John for a few more minutes; he didn't want to wake him, after all. A little part of him wanted to wake him up, but he knew better than waking John up; John rarely slept in. Sherlock watched John's chest rise and fall; something about the motion was mesmerizing. Finally, after about a half an hour, John's blue eyes fluttered open. Sherlock grinned when he saw that John was awake.

"Hello," John said, stroking the curve of Sherlock's cheek.

"Good morning, John," Sherlock said.

"Last night... was incredible, Sherlock. I didn't realize that it would be like that."

Sherlock smirked.

"Was it better than you expected?" he asked, raising his eyebrow.

John ran a hand through his hair.

"Well... I knew that it was going to be good, but I didn't know exactly how good it was going to be." John knew that he probably sounded like an idiot, but there wasn't any other way to describe last night.

"I'm glad that I exceeded your expectations."

Sherlock leaned in and kissed John. John sighed and pressed his lips harder onto Sherlock's. The kiss deepened and before they knew it, they were under the covers again, exploring each other's bodies in a way that they had never thought that they would.

Later on that day, John came into the bedroom with Sherlock's dark blue robe on. He had insisted that he didn't want to wear it, that he was fine wearing his pajama bottoms, but Sherlock wanted him to wear the robe. John carried a tan tray that was filled with croissants, jam, and coffee into the room. Sherlock cocked his head to the side when he saw the tray.

"What is this?" he asked as John put the tray on his nightstand.

John grinned and gave Sherlock a croissant.

"Breakfast, and don't even think about trying to get out of this. You're not on a case, so you don't have any reason to not eat it."

Sherlock sighed loudly but took a bite of the croissant anyways.

"How is it?" John asked with wide eyes.

"Very good. Thank you, John."

John leaned over to plant a kiss on Sherlock's lips. The kiss was quick, but it made John smile. He didn't think he would get tired of kissing Sherlock. Sherlock patted the spot next to him, urging John to join him in bed. John hopped onto the bed and sat right next to Sherlock. Their shoulders brushed; shivers ran up John's spine.

"Would you like a croissant?" Sherlock asked.

"Yes, I would," John said.

Sherlock took a croissant and held it in front of John's mouth until he took a bite of it. A little piece of the croissant got stuck to John's bottom lip so Sherlock leaned in and licked it off of his face before John could lick it off of his own. John's cheeks turned bright red as Sherlock backed away and grinned.

"What are you so smiley about?" John choked out.

"I'm just thinking about how I will be able to get used to waking up with you right next to me."

And it was true; Sherlock could not imagine waking up without John right beside him. He knew that they had just gotten together, but it already seemed like they had been together for a lifetime. They had run around the city together, screamed at each other, laughed with each other, and talked to each other for hours. Before he met John, Sherlock never thought that he would have that type of relationship with anyone. He didn't want to have that relationship with anyone prior to John, either. He had thought that relationships were a waste of time and distracted him from cases. Cases were the most important thing to him. Whenever he needed a case, a case showed up. But now that he was with John, he realized how alone he truly was. John had come into his life at a time when Sherlock thought that he didn't need anyone, but in reality, he did. He just needed the right person to come along. Now, as he laid next to John, Sherlock felt his lips turn up into a smile. Somehow, despite his personality, he had been graced with a person who could put up with him, and actually cared about him.

Sherlock closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

"I could get used to this too, Sherlock," John whispered as he snuggled closer to Sherlock.

Sherlock tightened his arm around John and kissed his forehead.

"What was that for?" John asked, blushing.

Several moments passed before Sherlock answered. John continued to watch Sherlock intently; his eyes never left Sherlock's face.

"That was my way of saying 'thank you', John. Thank you for being here for me."

John smiled.

"Am I better than the skull?"

Sherlock chuckled.

"Yes, John, you are. Much, much, better."

Author's Note: So, that is the ending! I really hope that you enjoyed this story. Please feel free to leave any comments with praises or criticisms. I will read through every single comment (and I may even respond to some), so please leave a comment if you wish!

Again, thank you so much for your support. If it weren't for you, the readers, I would have never finished this fanfiction. Your support helped me continue to write this story.

Also, this is not the end for Sherlock and John! That is correct; their story will continue. So please, look out for the next story! Once I post the first chapter, I will place a link to it here.

Again, thank you so much for reading this story. I cannot express how much your support has meant to me.

Update: The next story is up! Here's the link: