As Nick woke up on that dark early morning he had no idea how the beginning of that new school year would change his life.



I slammed my hand down on the snooze button on my alarm clock. looking at the time I pulled the covers back over my head only to throw them to the end of the bed when I realized what day it was.

Inwardly groaning, I tumbled out of bed and into the bathroom that was joined between my brother's and my room.

Both doors on each side of the bathroom slammed open at the same time and I came face to face with my fraternal twin James.

"You got first shower yesterday. I get first today."

"Yeah, I got the shower first cause your nocturnal, and I'm not, nimsquat."


"We are going to have a problem aren't we?"


"Fine, you go first today but we'll switch every day."

"Yupp." James closed the door and I sighed.

I walked up to the highly unnecessary mirror that spanned the wall above the counter with two sinks in it. I picked up my tooth brush and watched in the mirror as it appeared to hover away from the counter and towards the white wife beater and black boxers that also seemed to be hovering there.

Being a vampire the mirror was unnecessary for me and it didn't help that my brother was a seer, like the blind ones who look into the future through eyes on their hands. Yeah, weird I know.

Any way, I, Nick Walker, live in a society unknown by the humans of super natural beings. there are a plethora of different 'magical' creatures that you have heard of but thought to be myths. we are all around you humans, we walk with you, talk to you, and go about daily life just like you.

Just to clear some things about vampires are nothing like the Twilight vampires. Stephanie Meyer just happened to stumble upon a half breed vampire named Edward Cullen, who just so happens to be extremely gay. Oh, the sparkling was the body spray he wears...

Any way we are more like Marceline from Adventure Time. after all the vampire she is based off married Pendleton Ward- the creator of Adventure Time- so he knows how they really act.

So yeah we we do hate the sun, garlic—in high quantities—and stakes, but we age the same way as humans do and we can 'fly.' Unfortunately we have to drink blood to survive, but it's ok. We take blood from animals and blood drives. For example the Red Cross gives half it's plunder to us vampires every year.

After getting out of the shower I brushed my teeth again after taking my shower because i had larger fangs than most of the other vampires i know. this just to happened to earn me the nick name Fang.

I walked into my room and heard the door on the other side of the bathroom open and close.

Opening my closet grabbed a black v-neck t-shirt with a Linkin Park logo on it, some black jeans and converse. I threw on my clothes and ran down stairs, gabbing my back pack and sweatshirt on the way.

Grabbing some blood bags out of the fridge I ran out to my beat up old black pick-up truck. On the way I pulled on my sweatshirt that looked like Connor's cloak from Assassin's creed three, but of course it was black and red. I pulled up the hood and threw my messenger bag over my shoulder. Sticking one blood bag in my mouth I hopped into my car and waited for my brother. At last minute I remembered to pull on a pair of gloves.

James jumped into the car and I glanced at him seeing that he was stashing a lighter and a book of matches in his book bag. He was an extreme pyromaniac so he had gained the nick name Iggy, like ignite.

When we finally reached school I pulled up my hood further over my head and held it there. i started for the building of my school, which just so happens to be a high school for the supernatural, but that didn't stop some humans from coming to see all the 'highly attractive people.'

"Fangy!" a high-pitched squeal call out from behind me.

I began to walk slightly faster but the clacking of heels caught up to me.

"Fangy!" the ear splitting screech came again, "Don't ignore me!"

"I swear you could be a siren and not know it." I muttered to my self.

"What was that?"

"Nothing Lissa! Leave me alone! I'm not your boyfriend and I honestly don't care about you. I have to get to class." Geez It's hard being one of the 'coolest guys in school.'

"But classes don't start for another fifteen minutes! A lot can happen in fifteen minutes you know."

I just rolled my eyes and entered the building. Most of the school was vampire safe so I pulled down my hood and walked to my first class.

I sat down at a seat in the back of the room in my art class, pulling out my graphics tablet and laptop.

Logging into the computer I disconnected from the wi-fi and opened up Photoshop. Beginning a new file I started on yet another page of my graphic novel.

By the time the bell rang I was putting the last touches on the first panel and had the basic shapes for the rest.

"Alright class," Mrs. Clark said from the front of the class room, speaking so that me and the kids around me could hear her.

"We have a new student who is coming in today, which usually isn't a big deal, but I am to announce that she-"

"Another girl? Alright!" Another vampire with blond curly hair and brown eyes said slapping fives with yet another vampire who had crew cut blond hair and blue eyes.

"Yes, Sam, she is a girl, and she also happens to be human."

Murmurers erupted thought out the room.

"Human? Is that allowed here?"

"Under what circumstances would a human be allowed into our ranks?"

"I wonder if she is hot."

Of course the last statement was made by the infamous Dylan.

"Now! we are going to have a free sketch period today since I forgot some of the supplies for your project at my house."

I sighed and went back to my work. Just as the door opened.

Heads snapped to see the new human coming in. Except me.

Next thing I knew was that there was a warm bodied presence by my right shoulder.

"Is this seat taken?" a very warm feminine voice asked next to me.


"Cool." her sketchbook hit the table next to mine. I more sensed than saw that she sat down next to me and began to draw.

Then it hit me. The smell of her blood. It was extremely sweet, almost intoxicating. It smelled better than the cherry blossoms that bloomed outside our house every year.

I finally gathered myself and looked at her.

She was looking at my screen with interest. Her brown eyes looked like melted chocolate and were portraying her interest in the comic page. Her dirty blond hair fell into two twin braids past her chest. Her skin was pale but dark enough to make her look like a doll. She was beautiful, and I wasn't the only one who thought so.

"You're a Mangaka?" she asked, slightly excited, pointing to my screen.

"Ah, haha, yeah. I didn't expect you to know that term though." I smiled down at her and ran a hand through my shaggy black hair.

"Course I do! I'm a huge animation person so of corse I read some manga. What's it called?"

"Ah... I don't have a title yet... I don't know what to call it yet."

"Oh... well my name is Maximum Ride. What's yours?"


"You're a man of many words..." she sighed and went back to sketching something.

"Sorry." I muttered. She didn't hear me. I looked back to my computer and continued to sketch, with some difficulty.


I headed to lunch after four more periods and immediately started heading for the table in the darkest corner of the lunch room. I grabbed two blood bags from my backpack and dug into one.

Slowly my friends all started filtering towards the table.

First came Angel, who, well... her name explains her beast... if you can say that. Her blond hair and big blue eyes helped her act like an angel too and she usually got whatever she wanted since she looked so trustworthy. We were her friends though because we could see right through it all.

Next came Iggy dragging along a new girl with black hair and, familiar, brown eyes. From the way she looked I guessed that she was a rakshasa. A lot of the fashion oriented kids were rakshasa.

Iggy introduced the girl as Ella Ride and sat down on my left side blocking some of the amounts of light coming towards me from a window on the further side of the wall behind me.

Next wandered in Gazzy his wind-swept blond hair was sticking up in more places than normal and his normal bright blue eyes were half closed and drowsy.

He sat down on my right and let his head hit the table. Hard.

"Rough night man?" I asked having a small idea of why he was so out of it.

"They just had to start school the day after the full moon didn't they?"

"Ouch." I gave him a sympathetic wince knowing that he was up all night.

Gazzy's beast—if you haven't figured out by now—was a werewolf. One of the scariest of us all. When he shifted he lost all control of his blood lust and a few of us had almost lost our lives trying to get through to him. So far we only had a few scars from him but that was it.

A small light landed on his shoulder introducing Nudge the Pixie's, and my adopted sister's, presence.

Nudge hovered to the chair on Gazzy's right and released the magic that held her small form. Her moka skin and big brown eyes came into full view as she laid a hand on Gazzy's shoulder.

We all began to eat lunch telling of how each of our days had gone so far. When there was finally a long silence I bit into my second blood bag and let the blood seep into my mouth. Ella made a face at me and I brushed it off.

That was also the time when she showed up again.

"Max! Where have you been?" Ella called to the warm blooded girl.

She walked over to your table and when she came close enough the smell of her blood hit me like a wall. I had to put my head on the table so that I could catch my breath.

"Everyone!" I heard Ella say, "This is my sister Max. I was wondering if she could sit with us today so that she could have some where to sit in general."

"Doesn't she have any other people she can relate to? She is rakshasa like you right?" Gazzy said from next to me, he was resting his head on his arms so only his eyes showed his voice was muffled by his arms.

Max spoke up.

"I'm Human."

It was a simple sentence, only four syllables, but everyone's head shot up to look at her. I could barely lift my head but my eyes were on her. My head fell to the table again and Nudge took notice.

While the others began babbling off questions for Max to answer Nudge came over and whispered in my ear.

"Fang? Are you okay?"


"Fang, tell me what's wrong. Now."


"Fang," her voice was almost in my ear, "is it the scent of her blood right? I can even smell it."

"Yeah." I mumbled, "It's so clean, so potent, almost intoxicating.

There was a short silence then Nudge spoke up again.

"If you can bear if for today I can take care of that by tomorrow, okay?"

I didn't answer but she knew I would be okay.

The rest of the conversation went on without me. It didn't bother me until it got hard to breath.

What the hell is wrong with me?

I tried taking a deep breath and started coughing I got up and went to buy a drink of water, yes I drink water. I helps with dry throat.

Please R&R I would love to hear what you guys have to say!
