Cleaning duty by hanny-hasy

"Jaeger! Have you finished cleaning this room already?" The harsh voice belonged to Corporal Rivaille. Eren's task was to clean the entire hall because he started a big food battle at dinner. Now, food and drinks were spilled all over the room. Of course, Rivaille was not amused about this. After beating Eren up he commanded him to clean the mess he produced.

"Yes, Sir! Everything is clean."

"Is that so?" murmured Rivaille. With trained eye he inspected the eating hall but everything was spotless and tidy again.

"Fine. But I have another task for you. You clean my room, too."

That said Rivaille turned around and left the room at great pace. Eren was absorbed in his thought, so that he had to run to catch up. The boy couldn't believe that Rivaille praised his work. 'Fine.', he said. It took only one small world to make Eren smile like nuts. Even if he didn't want to admit it, he admired the corporal. Every time the black haired man was around, Eren couldn't take his eyes off him. And now he was allowed to visit the corporal's room! The room he lives in. The room where he sleeps! At the thought of Rivaille's bed Eren's face began to redden. He shouldn't think about such things now. He had to concentrate because there was a task to fulfil. If he did the job well, maybe he could gain praise again.

"We're there."

As expected, the room was already clean. How should Eren tidy up in an already clean room?

"Don't stay around like this. Just start at one corner. I'll tell you when to stop. In the meantime I'll do some paper work."

That said Rivaille sat down on his desk and soon was consumed by his work. Eren tried to focus on his task, but that was impossible. He used every possibility to catch a glimpse of Rivaille. Even when he was sitting on a chair doing boring paper work he had still an impressive appearance. Moreover, there was the bed in one corner of the room. Eren would have done everything to try the bed or to see how the corporal looks like when he sleeps. After some time Rivaille got up from his chair and walked to a high rack which was replete with files. He tried to reach one of the folders on the upper part of the shelf, but couldn't reach it.

"Uhm. Corporal, should I hand down one of the folder?" Eren asked.

"No!" Rivaille said harshly. "But I have an idea. Jaeger, get down on your knees. You will carry me."

So, Eren kneeled in front of Rivaille. With one quick movement the corporal seated himself on Eren's shoulders. Slowly Eren lifted Rivaille up. He could feel the warmth of the corporal thighs pressing against his neck and shoulders. The unusual closeness aroused Eren and his face had now a bright red shade. When Rivaille stretched a bit to reach the folder on the top of the rag, Eren could fell the corporal's dick through his pants. That was too much for Eren to handle. He slipped and they both fell on the ground – Rivaille on top of Eren, faces only centimetres apart.

"Um- I'm sorry. I guess I slipped. Are you all right?" Eren stuttered.

"Damn brat. Is there anything you can do properly?"

Rivaille was appreciable angry but then he noticed something hard rubbing against his butt.

"Jaeger, am I feeling what I think I am feeling?" Rivaille asked calmly.

"Eh…?" The face of the boy was now dark red. "No. I mean yes. I'm sorry. Please get off me."

"Can it be that you like me? At least your body tells me that you." Surprisingly there was a grin on Rivaille's face. And even more surprisingly was that the corporal pressed his butt tighter on Eren's lower region, which elicited the boy lustful moans. The embarrassment caused by the moans was written in Eren's face. He couldn't believe that this was really happening. Here he lied: on the floor of the corporal's room, the corporal on top of him and squeezing his butt on his dick.

"Yes. I like you."

"I thought so."

Rivaille moved his hips so that his backside massaged Eren's cock. It felt incredible for Eren. Even through the clothes they were wearing he could feel the hotness coming from the corporal. He would have done everything to take of his clothes and go all the way. But he knew that he shouldn't try this. He just enjoyed the moment which was granted now. Rivaille raised the speed of his movements and Eren felt like he was going to cum. After some hard thrust-like moves he ejaculated inside his pants. Rivaille got up and one moment later he looked annoyed as always. The grin on his face had disappeared.

"Jaeger, you're filthy. Go, clean yourself. You're dismissed!"

Thank you for reading! I hope my English was not that bad, but I'm still practicing! Maybe in the next story or chapter I will go more into the smut, but today I wasnt ready for that.

Please review

Bye bye Hanny