This is not an update but it is an edit. I fixed mistakes that I found rereading it but I'm hoping tomorrow the next chapter will be ready.

Merlin thought that this was a bad idea and he was right, it was a bad idea to just walk into the room of Morgana haters. As soon as the group saw Morgana all hell broke loose. Most of the Kinights of the Round Table drew their swords it was all except Arthur. Elyan stepped in front of Gwen as well as Lancelot to protect her. Arthur was in too much shock he saw Merlin drive a sword threw Morgana's stomach how could she be alive and how could Merlin be so calm about standing next to her?

"Okay before things go the wrong way I want to explain that Morgana will not harm any of us. She has had a change of heart from the time she spent in Avalon. I will explain all that's happened for that change if you out away your swords." The knights started to lower their swords and then placed them on the ground, "Now sit back down." Said Merlin.

Merlin told them all what Freya said to him and they all started to slowly accept her back. Gwen was the first wanting to her ex-best friend back not a crazy witch trying to kill her at every possible chance.

Then it was the knights they only knew Morgana from when she was the witch trying to take over Camelot not the nice princess that stood up for the innocent and could make a man tremble just by giving a glance. Arthur, Gwen, Leon and Merlin knew and finally Arthur thought it was time for all this bloodshed to be over and went over and hugged his sister.

"Now are we going to start watching some memories or what because I want to see what was happening in Camelot before I arrived?" Asked Gwaine.

"Yes Gwaine we can start now. Everybody ready?" Everyone nodded and Merlin then clicked the arrow on the box facing the wall and an image started to appear and they all sat back to watch.

Hello I'm back! I know short chapter but at least it's something so now it's up to watch the show fic hope your enjoying it so far and continue to.

Please follow and favourite my story it would mean so much to me and please review for faster updates no joke it would help me inspire myself to get up and write the next chapter.