"So when I was five I was raised in a temple by a bunch of crack head bastards," Hidan said as he shifted gears, "they worshiped Jashin-sama, and as I grew up they taught me the ways of Jashin." Hidan smiled a little before frowning quickly.

"The most sadistic bastard was Zetsumei, he was the one who killed my parents." I gasped as a look of worry crossed my face. Hidan didn't look the least bit sad, and yet I had so much sympathy for him. He laughed when he saw my expression, and told me to wipe that sad look off my face.

"It doesn't matter Saku! I was only five, I barely remember them. I haven't forgotten that night though." Hidan shifted gears once more and moved the tooth pick around in his mouth, his expression thoughtful, as if to bring forth the memory he had buried deep in the back of his mind.

"It had been raining awfully hard that night, it came out of nowhere though. My mother was cooking dinner and my father had just got home from work, I was at the table practicing my ABC's or some shit." He chuckled a bit, switching the tooth pick in his mouth from side to side once more.

"It was a normal night, besides the rain, we had dinner like always and then I was put to bed. My parents stayed up late and watched a movie or something, shit, I don't really remember, I just know that I couldn't fall asleep, so I just listened to the sounds of laughter coming from the TV. Then, out of nowhere these men in red robes broke into our house. They all had silver amulets and shiny, silver rods. They came in and attacked my father first, stabbing him once before drawing the symbol of Jashin on the ground in his blood and standing on it."

He held up his necklace to show me what said symbol looked like. It was a circle with a triangle in the middle. He looked at me to see if I saw it and then returned to telling the story. "It was Zetsumei that drew the circle since he was the most sadistic. He then licked the blood covered weapon and proceeded to stab himself, and when he did this my father felt the pain. See, Sakura, followers of Jashin can never die or be hurt if they do regular sacrifices to Jashin, but if Jashin is displeased with them he will find some way to horribly end their immortality."

Sakura nodded in understanding, although shuddering at the sacrifice part. She couldn't see how it was possible to do that to a human, but then she remembered that they were "immortal beings". She had never known about such a dark religion or if these things were even truly possible. Her mind couldn't wrap around the possibility of immortality, maybe Hidan's mind had become a bit twisted because of the trauma… who truly knows…

"If you gave your life over to Jashin, any pain you inflict on yourself will be inflicted on your enemy, well after you draw the circle of course. Zetsumei was the one to always draw the circle while the other just started to kill as they pleased. He was the one with the most bloodlust and therefore, was the leader of the group. He stabbed my father, left him alive long enough so he could watch them torture my mother, skinned her alive, and gutted her too. In the end they scalped my father and kept it as a souvenir. "

Hidan chuckled once more, "If you get to know them they really aren't that bad though, they're really lame guys." Sakura shuddered after hearing what happened to his parents. That was awful and here Hidan is trying to say that they really weren't that bad!

"It was pretty fucked up. I was sitting on the stairs the whole time just watching this shit go down. Listening as my mother called out to me, and how my father tried to protect my mother, but they were no match." Hidan sighed as he leaned back in his seat, we would be approaching the house soon, so I guess he was trying to wrap things up.

"The least sadistic one of the group was Toshihiro, he stopped Zetsumei from killing me. He convinced the others that they should take me in and teach me the ways of Jashin-sama. Here I am now, praising Jashin-sama like there's no fucking tomorrow, and I love it. No one can take Jashin-sama away from me, not even that bastard Pein," Hidan finished with a laugh.

I looked down as I nervously wrung my hands, "Um... H-hida-kun," I say quietly, looking up just in time to see him smirk at his nickname, "wha-what do you do about the s-sacrifices then?" Hidan blinked and then let out a boisterous laugh. I was over here wondering what the hell I said was funny.

"Sakura, I don't sacrifice humans, Pein would have my ass! I only sacrifice, like, woodland animals and shit." I sighed in relief and leaned back in my seat. I didn't want his crazy ass killing me in my sleep for "Jashin-sama".

As we drive up the street to the house I looked at all the fancy suburban homes that flew by my window. I close my eyes and think about how lucky I am to have escaped. I hope to leave my old life behind and create a new one. One where I am a stronger and more decisive version of myself; content and surrounded by those who love me.


This is just to tie you guys over. I literally have to reread my entire story to know where I left off haha. Bring on the cringe. JFC I can't believe it took me being in quarantine to take up an interest in FF again. I hope everyone is safe and healthy xo 3