Only You Can Take Care Of Her!

It was a beautiful summer day in Feudal Japan, and the gang was walking down the way. Of course, Inuyasha was in front, leading the gang. Kagome was riding her bike slowly. Shippo was in her basket and Miroku was on her left side, while Sango on her right.

"So, do you think we'll make it to a village soon? I'd love to sleep in a real bed." Kagome hummed.

"Yeah. I see one a few minutes." Inuyasha yawned.

"Hey, Inuyasha, can I ask you something?" Shippo asked

"What? It better not be anything stupid." Inuyasha yawned again.

"Can we call you Inu for short?" Shippo giggled.

Inuyasha growled as he hit Shippo roughly on the head.

"CALL ME THAT AGAIN, AND I'LL KILL YOU!" Inuyasha roared at Shippo.

"Well, you're name is so long, I just though"

"WELL, YOU THOUGHT WRONG!" Inuyasha growled loudly as he continued to walk.

"Inuyasha, calm down. It was just a question." Kagome said.

"It was stupid." Inuyasha replied.

"I don't care, be nice to him." Kagome pouted slightly.

"Keh." Inuyasha huffed.

"H-help!" A villager shouted in the distance.

Inuyasha heard the cry for help and he ran to the village. When he got there, a woman was on the ground, crying her eyes out. Kagome and the others soon followed after. Kagome hopped off her bike and helped the woman onto her feet.

"What happened?" Kagome asked as she wiped the tears and dirt off the woman.

"M-my husband was taken away!" She sobbed.

"By a demon?" Miroku asked.

"Y-yes!" She answered.

"Don't worry, we will return your husband to you." Miroku smiled.

"Hold on! What about Naraku?! We have our own problems!" Inuyasha shouted.

"But this woman needs our help." Kagome added.

"It's not just me. It our entire village. All of our men were taken away by this monster! Our men aren't fighters, so they can't save themselves. Please, help our village!" The woman sobbed.

"Inuyasha, this village needs our help!" Kagome shouted.

"Every village we come by needs help in some way! I'm tired of helping humans." Inuyasha huffed.

"I'll give you the rest of the ramen in my bag." Kagome sighed.

"And the rest of the chips. Then I'll help." Inuyasha blushed slightly as the food was mentioned.

"Deal." Kagome smiled.

"Alright. Where's this bastard?" Inuyasha asked.

"We think the lair is in those mountains over there." The woman pointed north towards the dark mountains in the distance.

"Ok, let's go before night falls." Sango said as she was already changed into her demon slayer outfit and Kilala was already transformed into her bigger form.

"It amazes me how quickly you change, Sango. Miroku said.

"Let's go." Inuyasha said as he picked up Kagome and they started towards the mountains.

It was around dusk when they finally found the demon's lair. Inuyasha looked around the entrance. He nodded, signaling that it was safe to enter, for now. Kagome and the others followed Inuyasha into the small cave in the side of the mountains. They walked deeper and deeper into the cave, and they came across a large field at the end of the end of the cave. They saw many children and teenagers, but no men.

"What the hell? Where are the men?" Miroku asked.

"Heheheh, so, you have found my paradise!" A voice giggled.

"Who's there?!" Inuyasha growled as he pulled out his sword.

"I am the ruler of memories of humans, but you may call me Kyo." A demon smirked as he appeared in front of the group.

The demon was handsome and well fed, from the looks of him. His hair was long and blood red, along with his eyes. His skin was pale and on his belt, held many pouches. Kagome drew her bow.

"Where are the men?!" Kagome shouted.

"They're right here." He smirked as he pointed that the children.

"W-what?" They asked.

"Yes, my powder allows me to transform the human into their weakness from. Meaning the time of their life where they had most of their hardships. Most of them are just plain and pathetic…" He sighed. "Barely a meal."

"You monster! Messing with people's life spans for your own gain!" Kagome shouted.

"Oh, but you seem interesting. May I have a look?!" The demon lunged himself at Kagome and pinned her down onto the ground and looked deep into her eyes.

"KAGOME?!" Inuyasha shouted as he ripped Kyo off of Kagome and held Kagome close.

"W-wow! What a story you have to tell!" He laughed. "What sorrow! What drama! What tragedy!" He shivered in pleasure.

"You creep! Stay away from Kagome!" Inuyasha growled.

"Please, woman! Allow me to devour you at your peak!" He laughed as he threw a fistful of white powder at Kagome.

"Kagome?!" Inuyasha shouted as Kagome passed out in his arms.

"Before the night is out, she will be at her peak of favor!" He laughed.

"You bastard!" Inuyasha shouted as he threw blade of blood at him.

"Fool! Your claws will have no affect on me!" He laughed again as he flew into the air.

"Hiraikotsu!" Sano shouted as he threw her weapon into the air, cutting the demon in half.

"Wind Tunnel!" Miroku shouted as he removed the prayer beads off his cursed arm and released the powerful wind and sucked in the demon.

"FOOLS! NOW THE WOMAN WILL NEVER RETURN TO NORMAL!" He laughed loudly as his face disappeared into Miroku's hand.

"Kagome?!" Inuyasha shouted as he shook her body.

"Let's get everyone back to the village and then will wake her up." Sango said.

After all the victims of the demon were returned home, the gang was offered a room in the inn. Inuyasha tucked Kagome in a bed and sighed.

"Dammit…How come the men were returned to normal, but Kagome is still probably under his spell?!" He shouted.

"Maybe it's a time affect spell. The spell will probably go away on its own." Miroku said.

"So, we have to wait for Kagome to get better?!" Inuyasha shouted.

"Yes. So, we'd better take this time to rest and prepare for our journey." Sango replied.

"Man..." Inuyasha sighed as he lay beside Kagome.

"Well, it's been a long day. Let's go to sleep." Shippo yawned.

"Goodnight!" They said as they blew the candle out for the night.

It was morning before they knew it. Shippo was the last one awake, besides Kagome. No one had bothered to check on Kagome. Shippo smiled as he pulled back the covers off of Kagome's face.

"Kagome? Are you awake?" He grinned, but then his face lost all of its color.

"Shippo? Are you ok? Is Kagome ok?" Sango asked.

"S-S-S-SHE'S…." Shippo stuttered.

"She's what?" Inuyasha growled as he looked at Kagome.

"H-hm? M-mommy?" Kagome yawned loudly and sat up, with very baggy clothes on.

The room was silent as Kagome, the teenager they all knew and loved, was now a small and cute five year old sat up from the bed. Inuyasha stared at the small female child, rubbing her eyes. Kagome looked around after she finally stopped rubbing her eyes.

"N-no! I've been kidnappeddd!" Kagome sobbed loudly.