The Runaway Case


Me: Hey everybody! This is my first fanfic so please bear with me. And if you love it please review and tell me what you think. If you hate it, I'm sorry, and please don't hate on me.
I'm gonna just work on one story at a time with maybe a few short stories written in between here and there because I read fanfiction and I know if I start writing multiple stories at once, they will become very confusing and I don't want to do that to you guys so let's...
BFF: Hey, what about me?
Me: Oh, yeah, guys this is my BFF, she is awesome and super into mushy gushy romantic stuff.
BFF: Hey everybody! *waves enthusiastically*
Me: BFF is based off of my actual BFF, she's not actually real
BFF: Excuse me?
Me: Nothing...
BFF: Did you just say I wasn't real?
Me: Well, you are a figment of my imagination. You're all in my head.
BFF: Just because something's in your head doesn't mean it isn't real.
Me: Did you just quote Albus Dumbledore?
BFF: Yes.
Me: My real BFF wouldn't do that, she doesn't read or watch Harry Potter.
World: *shocked silence*
Me: But I still love her anyway, but see what I mean? She'd never say that, therefore BFF must be a figment of my imagination and ergo, not real.
BFF: *death glare*
Me: Please, don't hurt me! *hides*
BFF: If I wasn't real you wouldn't be scared of me hurting you!
Me: *grumbles* Fine, u win.
BFF: Yay! I won the bet! I beat you in an argument! So do Max and Fang get to make out now?
Me: Yeah...
*Max and Fang make out*
BFF: *squeals happily*
Me: But can I still hit Dylan over the head with a baseball bat? *Bambi eyes*
BFF: Yes, of course! *smiles wickedly*
Dylan: No! Please-
Me: *Beat him over the head with a baseball bat happily*

BFF: Since she's busy right now, I'll say it for her. WanderingAngel97 does not own Maximum Ride or any of the characters in it, J.P. does.

Me: I wish I did! I'd fix it to where Fang never left!

Max: I'd like that.

Fang: Me too.

BFF: However, she does this plot line.
Me: And you too, BFF!

BFF: You don't own me.

Me: Yes I do! And there's nothing you can do about it!
Fang's POV

Fang couldn't help but smile as he walked to school. The thought of himself smiling almost made him laugh. This definitely belongs in Ripley's Believe It Or Not. Well, actually it wasn't too hard to believe that he was smiling; He had been with Max after school yesterday, walking home from school together like they always did. They had been holding hands, which wasn't really weird because they were dating, but for some reason everybody else thought it was. Imagining it now, he could almost feel her hand in his.

Everybody always stared at him when he was with Max. He was the emotionless brick wall, the silent emo kid, but when he was with Max, he was different. He felt more like himself, he wasn't afraid of what anyone might think, he wasn't concerned at all for his rep. What rep? Who cares what they think? When he was with Max, the world stopped. Time slowed down and fast-forwarded at the same time. Nothing could bring him down from the high he got from being with her. She was like sunshine, warm and radiant, light and beautiful. Sun-streaked hair, beautiful chocolate eyes, pale glowing skin, Max looked like an angel from heaven.

He remembered yesterday as if it had just happened. Fang led her down to the park, she was smiling at him. Max might seem all sweet and cuteness in this memory, but in reality she was one bada$$ split-fire. She was witty, smart, brave, and good in a fight. Good in a fight as in kick your butt to next Tuesday, good in a fight.

They sat down at a park bench, and Max sat in his lap. Normally she wouldn't do that, being fiercely independent and all so this surprised Fang, but pleasantly so. She then turned to him and kissed him. (A/N BFF: Awwwwww! Me: Way to completely ruin the moment. BFF: OMG! You liked that didn't you?! Me: *mumbles* No I didn't. BFF: You sooooo did! Me: Did not! BFF: Did too! Me: Back to the story!) Fang kissed her back and she moaned softly, this only encouraged him more and he deepened the kiss. He remembered hearing a few kids scream out "ewwwwww!" from the playground. Then they broke the kiss, but their faces stayed close to one another's. He'd forgotten the playground was there. Oops. He smiled. A few years from now they won't think so. Max stared into his eyes, his black eyes, and he stared back into hers. "I love you Maximum Ride." He found himself whispering to her, using her full name, because he loved all of her. Her eyes widened, and then she smiled leaning in and kissing him. This earned a few more ewwwww's from the kids. Max deepened the kiss. He moaned and held her closer to him, shutting his eyes. She broke away for a second. "I love you too Fang." she smiled.

Now Fang felt as light as an air balloon thinking about it. Max had said she loved him. She loved him. If they weren't so young he would have gotten down on one knee right there and asked her to marry him. But they were still in high school. He sighed, this was one of those times where time seemed to slow to a crawl. I swear the moment we graduate I'm gonna ask her to marry me. He thought to himself. It's only a year and a half.


Me: So what'd ya think?
BFF: I thought it was awesome! Lots of kissing!
*Dylan wails in background*
Me: Oh dear, he woke up.
BFF: Can I do the honors?
Me: Of course!
*hands BFF baseball bat to BFF*
Dylan: Oh, please, not again!
*BFF hits him with baseball bat*
BFF: FAX—*hits* FOR— *hits* EVER!*hits*
Dylan: Umm...ouch?
Me: *facepalm* I really need to teach you how to hit.
BFF: I know how to hit!
Me: You hit him three times with a baseball bat and didn't put a scratch on him.
BFF: But your still scared of me
Me: No I'm not
BFF: *growls*
Me: yikes! *runs away*
BFF: Oops, I better go get her
Dylan: Ya think?
BFF: *death glare*
Dylan: *cowers*
Me: Please review! *whispers from nearby bush*