Chapter Ten

A/N:Inevitably, I bring you the final chapter of Breaking Point. I would like to thank my readers and reviewers who have stuck with me since I posted my first story and then continued on this journey right beside me. You all mean the world to me and I appreciate you all so much! It's with my warmest wishes that you enjoy chapter ten. Expect a sequel very soon!

Horatio quickly ended his conversation as Calleigh entered their hotel room, hiding the haste he put into hitting the 'end call' button on his cell phone. He stood from his seat at the table and hugged his loving Southern Belle.

"How was the gym, sweetheart?" He asked softly.

"It was great, handsome! How's your morning going?"

"It's going very well, thank you."

He held her closely while expressing his appreciation through a delicate and attentive kiss. Ever since waking up extra early, they both chose to divide and conquer and one thing was for sure.

They'd missed each other.

The redheaded Lieutenant sat on the phone for the third time that morning, a lined pad of paper laid out in front of him on the cool granite counter top. He glanced at the door of their hotel room repeatedly, anxiously awaiting the return of his dear Bullet Girl.

He would have loved to join her in exploring the stores and having a decent shopping spree, but his own busy schedule wouldn't allow it. He was certain that while she wouldn't exactly enjoy his absence, Calleigh would however enjoy some time to herself to take in the surroundings of the Queens shopping scene.

At the end of his conversation, he promptly thanked the gentleman on the other line and hurried to his suitcase. Satisfied with his choice of clothing, he made his way to the bathroom and started a hot shower.

Two hours out of her morning had been spent in and out of various clothing stores, admiring a newer variety of beautiful clothing. She'd even made a few purchases. Calleigh prepared to rap up her shopping and stepped out of the last store when she felt somebody wrap their arms around her. Before she had the chance to be shocked, she felt the familiar softness of a certain redhead's lips enclose her own.

Once he pulled away for air, her eyes caught sight of the Lieutenant's dashing choice of clothing. He wore his usual choice of onyx black slacks, partnered with his style of finely crafted Italian leather loafers. A crisp, black long sleeve dress shirt with thin gray stripes sat draped under a sleek leather jacket.

Cal recalled an old saying of hers years ago.

Be still, my heart.

Adding to her visual ecstasy was the allure of his cologne. Woodsy, with a delightful hint of citrus.

Calleigh fought the urge to kiss him senseless then and there and instead, she readily expressed her joy.

"My goodness, Handsome! Look at you! What's the occasion?"

"You are. Our flight leaves later this evening and I only want the best for you, sweetheart."

His voice was as smooth as prime-labeled Whiskey, and the redhead added to the tantalization by planting another sweet kiss on her lips.

"Horatio Caine, you are by far, the sweetest man on earth. I love you."

He chuckled appreciatively as the pair made their way to the hotel for lunch.

"I love you too, sweetheart."

Horatio Caine was man of many talents. He was a damn good shot with a gun, a superb investigator, a heartfelt romantic and, the equivalent to a master chef. The dining area was alight with natural sun as they sipped on iced tea and devoured Cuban sandwiches.

"These are divine, Horatio. You're a natural in the kitchen!" She complimented him in between bites.

"Thank you, Calleigh. Although, you should thank Eric. He taught me how to make a proper Cuban sandwich."

"I'll be sure to do that when we go home. So what's the plan for the day, Handsome?" He passed her a napkin as they took their last bites of the finely created food.

"How does a nice long walk sound?"

"I would love to go for a walk, as long as you keep that leather jacket on." She chided as she smiled sweetly. He returned the gesture, flashing a full grin in her direction as they both headed for the door.

A soft breeze greeted them once they stepped out, ruffling Horatio's auburn mane. They walked hand in hand past storefronts as the mass of native New Yorkers went about the work day.

After a slot of heart-felt idle conversation and a few good laughs, they came upon a busier stretch of buildings. Several NYPD police cruisers lined the block, tipping off anyone who came across the street that there was a police station nearby.

The redheaded Lieutenant willed himself to be calm, wondering exactly how things would work. They moved forward, only stopping when Calleigh felt Horatio stiffen.
As she took in the surroundings before them, she noted the sign above the worn double doors.

"5th Precinct. Isn't this your old department, Handsome?" Cal asked subtly. She didn't intend to dig up any more dark memories, but she found her curiosity surpass everything else.

"That it is, Calleigh. That it is."

He stood next to her for a long moment, a look of contemplation crossing his features. He sighed inwardly, then acknowledged the building before them.

"How about a visit? See where this old man got his start." Horatio half joked. Calleigh was reluctant, feeling a sense of satisfaction knowing that this part of her lover's past held no burden. They walked toward the faded doors, and as the hinges squeaked in protest, Calleigh found herself completely caught off guard.

A line of NYPD officers lined the lobby of the 5th Precinct, bordering the well-dressed Miami CSIs. Austin and Patty stood proudly by the elder of the Duquesnes and smiled onward. Every where she glanced, Calleigh could see fellow police officers and the ones she loved and cared for the most. But as she turned to search for the missing piece of the puzzle, she could not help the gasp that escaped from her throat.

"Calleigh Elizabeth Duquesne," he began as he knelt on one knee. "I brought you here today to show you where one of the most important parts of my life began. It is with all the love in my heart for you that I ask you to be another part of it. Will you marry me?"

It seemed as though she was dreaming as the Southern Belle let her tears fall freely. Her heart was alight with shock and happiness, and it only intensified with every extra second that she gazed into his icy blue irises. In one culminating moment, she replied from the bottom of her heart.

"Yes," she choked out. It was all she had to utter before the redhead threw his arms around her and enveloped her lips in a celebratory kiss. Shouts, hoots and whistles echoed throughout the lobby and bullpen while the newer portion of the precinct expressed their gratitude for the famed Miami Lieutenant and his fiance. The uniformed officers both rookies and the seasoned boys in blue that stood by Horatio from the start took their hats off in admiration and erupted in a healthy applause.

Last but far from least, the team of investigators partnered with the younger of the Duquesnes crowded around the newly announced Caine couple and greeted them with cheers of joy.

"Congrats Mr and Mrs. Caine, we're so happy for you!" Natalia beamed. It was smiles all around, and as Calleigh's parents came into view, it made everything that much better.

"Congratulations, lamb chop!" Kenwall and Marie Duquesne each took turns in hugging their daughter and new son-in-law. Austin and Patty left their grandparent's sides and leaped into their parents arms in pure excitement. As Horatio and Calleigh greeted them sweetly, Eric popped the cork on a bottle of fine champagne and caught the attention of everyone around.

"To Horatio and Calleigh! We all wish you guys nothing but the best! Here's to the newlyweds!"

Hoots and shouts radiated around the room and by the end of the hour, Horatio and Calleigh partnered with the team made their way back to the hotel in preparation for their flight home to Miami. Ever the gentleman, Delko escorted his brother-in-law and best friend to their room. Calleigh excused herself to the bathroom to fix her makeup and Eric turned to his brother, sincerity evident in his features.

"I'm really happy for you H. Calleigh's a lucky woman."

The Caine man openly smiled and welcomed the warmth in his heart.

"Thanks brother. I couldn't have done it without you." Horatio held his hand out, but the two men found the gesture to be incomplete. They proudly slapped each other on the backs as they embraced each other in a brotherly hug.

"Our flights leave in an hour, we better hustle H," Eric reminded the redhead as he glanced at his watch after they pulled apart. Cal opened the bathroom door and reached for her suitcase when Horatio interjected.

"Ah ah, allow me sweetheart." She smiled ear to ear at his kind proposition and together, they all headed toward the door, and that much closer to a new way of life.

"Flight 22 bound for Miami, Florida is now boarding. All passengers please make your way to the gate."

The group caught wind of the announcement and made the short walk toward the gate to board the plane. Horatio and Calleigh were undeniably eager to fly home, seeing as they were to be wed very soon. They couldn't have asked for better company on the way, either.

Austin and Patty seemed to share their parent's reluctance as they clung to the loving couple. For once in their young lives, they were apart of a real family.

Everyone found their seats and made sure to get comfortable before takeoff. As the click of his seat belt registered in his mind, Horatio found himself lost in his thoughts.

In just a couple hours, he would return home to Miami and work back into his duties. But this time, it would be different. Through the grace of second chances and forgiveness, the healing process started to move along. As it had been proven to him before, the demons of his past would always be lurking in the shadows. But never the less, his heart once burdened and broken was too, becoming whole again with the aid of the Bullet Girl's tender and sincere love.

The past would be everlasting, but then again,

So would their love.

The end