Naive, little Rikuo •

"Mom!" Rikuo in his high-pitched childish voice yelled, his stomps resonated throughout the hallway, breaking the peaceful afternoon in the Nura mansion.

"Mom! Dad!" He tried once again as he peered to every ajar door he passed; his brown irises darting everywhere to search for the familiar faces of his beloved parents. He caught plenty of attentions and earned strange looks from the other tenants for disrupting their peaceful afternoons but he paid no heed as he continued his frantic search, as if the thing he's about to do was more important than their afternoon. (Which was true for him)

At his fifth time of running around the whole mansion with negative results (where in the heavens could his parents gone to?), he almost gave up and decided it's a trivial thing anyway so he'd just continue his plan for his new prank, but not before resting for a short while. Running was tiring even for the hyperactive Rikuo!

He was slouched on a nearby wall, trying to calm himself, when a very familiar voice suddenly spoke, catching his attention.


The seven years old looked up and a small, crooked smile lit his face when he saw his approaching mother with his father in tow. A gentle smile painted on his mother's and a smug look on his father's face.

Nothing unusual there.

"Rikuo, dear, what is it?" Wakana asked, crouching and leaning to her slouched son by the wall. She heard from the little youkais that the third heir was spotted panting and slouching by the wall near the kitchen after running in circles for five times straight, apparently looking for them. She noticed Rikuo's ceaseless pants and soaked furoside and was about to scold him when he suddenly opened his mouth.

"Mom, when I watched the television I saw two people pressing their lips together," Rikuo said, curiosity apparent in his voice, which earned a tilt of head from his mother at the out of the blue statement. She urged him to continue.

"Eh, I recall them exchanging liquids through mouth. They were also biting and kissing each others neck. Why are they doing that? Are they vampires? That's so disgusting.." He continued as he slowly shook his head and stuck his tongue out for effect, to emphasize how disgusted he was.

After hearing the questions, Rihan almost lost it but bit his tongue to supress his laughter. Who would have thought that the third heir ran around the whole mansion to look for them just for these ridiculous questions. Wakana on the other hand wasn't amused. What in the heavens was he watching anyway? She decided she would consult the others about this matter for later.

Rihan decided to butt in after being silent the whole time. He knelt across the child and stared directly at his arresting brown irises. He placed his hand on his son's small shoulder as his lips tilted up to his signature smirk. With a sly tone he said, "Son, it's not called pressing their lips together and not exchanging salivas through mouth."

Wakana raised an eyebrow, curious at to what his husband was going to say. "It's also not that disgusting. Ya' should even like it, especially you're male."

Rikuo looked at his father incredulously, as if he just grew another head. How could he possibly like that indecent, disgusting acts? Was his father insane? Rihan didn't miss the disbelief in his son's face and he stifled a laugh.

"Then what do you call it? Why is it not disgusting and why should I like it?" Rikuo bombarded, as if to challenge his father. "I don't see why exchanging of salivas is not disgusting. No matter how I look at it, it's disgusting! I'd never like it!"

"It's called kissing, Rikuo. You should get used to it, too, since you'll eventually have to do it," He answered with ease but it only made poor Rikuo more perplexed.

"And why would I do it?" He stuck his tongue out once more. "Eurgh. I'll never do it!"

"Because you'll have to sooner or later. You're gonna do it with the woman you love. It might sound or look disgusting, but, son, I promise you, you'll definitely enjoy it. Specially if ya' do it in bed," At that the raven-haired smirked at his son, giving him suggestive looks. Wakana noticed this though and wasn't pleased at her husband's way of explaining. She folded her arms across her chest and scowled as she glared daggers at her husband's back. Rihan sweated slightly when he felt the dark aura his wife emitted behind. He knew what's better for him so he scurried behind Rikuo in an attempt to spare his life.

Wakana inwardly smiled at that, but her orbs were in slits, glaring angrily at Rihan. He gulped knowing he won't be able to escape for later.

"Mom?" At the sound of her precious son's voice, Wakana turned to him and smiled. Wakana gently scurried closer to Rikuo, her hands on her knees. She decided she'd take over her husband's now.

"Dear, like what your father said, you'll have to kiss the woman you love in the future," Wakana explained. "Kissing is just another way of showing your deep affection to someone."

Wakana smiled when Rikuo pouted, deep in thought. "Eh, mom?"


"Does that mean you and dad did it as well?"

Almost instantly Wakana flushed. She didn't expect the topic to turn here!

"Oh~ You bet! We did it plenty of times, son. Outside, parlor, kitchen, bedroo—" Rihan piped up but a loud smack cut him off. He pouted and rubbed his head whilst the flustered Wakana glared at him.

Rikuo nodded at his father and looked down, contemplating once again.

After several minutes, he brightened and looked up, looking innocent as ever as an idea rose within him.

"Hmmm," He dragged. "Then mom kiss me!"





"Hahahahahahahaha! Are you serious?!" Rihan laughed the daylights out of him as he slapped the wooden floor with his palm multiple times for effect. On the other hand, Wakana only stared at his son in disbelief, looking still as a rock.

"W-what's so funny, dad? Why is mom not moving?" Rikuo panicked. Did he say something wrong?

"Hahahaha! No, no, no—" He wiped an imaginary tear, "—No you'll not and I won't let you!" His father who was still recovering from his outburst said. A small smirk gracing his face as Rikuo glared at him for rejecting his proposal.

"And why is that? Why won't you let me? I love mom and she loves me back. What's wrong with that?"

"Everything." Rihan folded his arms, the smirk never leaving his handsome face.

"First of all she's my wife and she's your mother. Second, even though it's a way of showing affection to someone, it doesn't mean you're gonna' kiss anyone you feel like. You're only gonna kiss the woman you fancy not someone you love in a family way," Then his smirk widen. "Unless you don't swing that way and into incest or prefers men."

"Ehh..." He nodded as it dawned upon him, a blush crept to his round face not too long.

Rihan noticed this then broke to another round of laughter, thus, making Rikuo's blush increase tenfold. Gee, thanks dad.

"D-Dad.. You... Agh... Meaanieee!" Rikuo stuttered the only thing he could think of then quickly fled from the scene to avoid Rihan's laughter—which irked him to death—and his poor mother who turned to a stone.

When he had run a good metres away he let out a relieved sigh. Well, at least he knew now what were those two person doing. It wasn't called pressing their lips together nor exchanging of salivas, rather, it's kissing.

He pondered for a bit. I wonder who's gonna be my first kiss though. A girl whom I love and loves me back in a romantic sense?

Eh? Does he even have someone like that? His forehead creased, looking troubled. He disliked the idea of kissing at first but there's something deep within him that told him to do it. He exhaled through his nose, this is troublesome.

I want to do it, he settled in his mind. But how and with who? Why do I even want to do it?

Then, as if fate was answering his thoughts, a beautiful maiden with long bluish raven hair, amber orbs, and snow-like skin popped in his thoughts. A smile graced the angelic person's face as she repeatedly say his name like a sacred prayer (he's being delusional. let him be) and it sounded like bells to his ears, it's as if she was beckoning him to come to her.

Then he realized...

Y-Yuki Onna?!

He didn't know where that weird thought came from nor how did the snow youkai appeared angelic to him, but he liked it and he suddenly had the urge to meet yuki onna. As shameless as it sounded, (he didn't even care anymore, he had been ashamed a lot of times today to even care) he had this sudden strong urge to, uh, kiss her.

Kiss her—kiss yuki onna, his somewhat of a babysitter and somewhat of a sister yuki onna.

He blushed realizing his thoughts about the girl.

"Ugh... Whatever!" He yelled as a sheepish grin graced his face.

Then the seven years old boy skipped joyfully towards the garden.

... Only to slowly retreat back as a blush covered his whole face. He ran towards the other direction—towards the actual way to the garden—attempting and failing not to trip.

Tsurara hummed her melodious made up tune, all the while smiling at the little demons that passed her.

"Yuki Onna, let's play!" Natto Kozo invited gleefully.

"I'm sorry, Natto," Tsurara said and smiled apologetically. "Maybe, next time?" She suggested, the words slipping out easily of her. Natto Kozo nodded in response, as if expecting the answer already, and left, not wanting to bother the lass any further.

Tsurara sighed as she stared at the puffy, cumulus cloud, her grip on the broom loosening. It had always been like this, after all. Being one of the most reliable youkai around (with house hold course), Yuki Onna had her hands filled these days. Albeit she's more than happy to help around, she's somewhat tired and sad with the chores weighing her on. It had been preventing her on hanging around with her youkai friends and had been preventing her from taking care of the third, after all.

She sometimes wondered if the third had been doing good without her by his side. She missed him big time already... And the last time she had seen him was probably like 15 minutes ago or so, when he was having a rampage around the mansion apparently searching for his parents. She sighed for the second time when she realized she's growing really attached to him.

"Yuki Onna!"

As if on cue, Tsurara heard the very familiar voice of her little master.

She spunned around only to see a breathless Rikuo crouched with his tiny hands on his knees for support.

Tsurara gasped and widened her eyes. R-rikuo-sama!? She immediately ran to his side to aid him.

"W-what happened, waka!?"

"Yuki... Onna." He said between huffs, looking up at the older woman exhaustedly. Tsurara looked back worriedly, patting his back repeatedly.

He tried again. "Yuki onna."

And before she knew it, he had leapt and had tackled the maiden to the ground, their bodies landing with a soft thud.



She shut up.

Rikuo stared at her for what felt like eternity. His eyes were the same shade of brown, but it felt different somehow. It's as if a different entity was staring at her, it's as if it's Rikuo yet wasn't him at the same time. It felt strangely overwhelming... In a good way. She couldn't tell what he was thinking but it's making her heart go on a rampage. Oh no.

Then before she could register what was going on, Rikuo had cupped her face and had leaned closer to her. Close enough that she could feel his breath on her face.

"Tsurara, you're really cute."

Then she was kissed.

On the cheek.

Then her forehead. Cheek. Forehead again. Nose.



And finally, cheek.


"R-Rikuo-sama?! W-what are you d-doing?" Tsurara, who was startled and dazed the whole assault, stuttered out. Her face was burning and she's scared her face might melt. It wasn't normal for snow maidens to feel their face burning after all!

"Huh? Wasn't it obvious?" Rikuo raised an eyebrow. "Kissing you, duh." He continued as if it was the most normal thing to do that it made her feel stupid.

"B-but Rikuo-sama—"

"Hush!" Rikuo silenced her by placing his tiny index finger on her lips, suddenly noticing how soft it was.

"Tsurara, you love me right?" He blurted out all of a sudden, startling not only Tsurara but him as well.

"E-err... O-of course, Rikuo-sama! You're my master after all." She answered, looking anywhere but him. She couldn't look at him in the eyes, she felt weird!

"No, no, not that way," He shook his head with his eyes closed. "I meant in a romantic sense."

"R-rikuo-sama!?" Tsurara cried. What happened to him while she was gone?! She suddenly feel like hating the situation. Make it stop.

Rikuo giggled at the sight. He couldn't believe he just noticed this but yuki onna was really adorable when flustered.

Meanwhile in Tsurara's head. . .And here you are, acting all cute and stuff; I swear to God, you little Nurarihyo—demon! Stop making things more awkward.

"Ok, then," He giggled a bit more. "If you don't want to answer I'll just kiss you!"



And before Tsurara could even finish her protest, she was kissed by the seven years old Rikuo on her lips.

It's just a peck though, much to her utter, dismay. Oi.

Tsurara was left sitting on the floor with her eyes bulged, her face red as a tomato, and her fingers twitching as the third laughed heartily at the sight.

"Yuki onna you're so funny!—" a laugh,"—I might not kiss you again if I always get a twitching Tsurara as a response. You should be kissing me back, you know!" According to the show I watched anyway.

Then he gave her a boyish grin—which made her heart skip a beat. Hold your horses Tsurara. What's the meaning of this you can't possibly be liking the third—holy crap—"See you later, Tsurara!" And then he left.


She slowly brought her hand to her lips, touching the wet spot. "Y-you idiot..." She muttered as she felt steam coming out of her head and, holy hell, did she feel hot.

Did my little Rikuo just turn manly?

"WAAAAHH!" Natto Kozo cried, "BIG NEWS ! BIG NEWS!"

Youkais suddenly swarmed (some peeked through some hole) around him as he franticaly flailed his hands.

"YUKI ONNA WAS KISSED BY THE YOUNG MASTER!" He yelled on the top of his lungs, running in circles.

A unison of gasps of disbelief followed.

"Wha—Natto Kozo, you idiooooot!"


Disclaimer: I own nothing except for the plot.