Grover was just beginning to calm himself, a few minutes after he was pulled inside Chiron's office.

"Now, Grover, tell us what you were going to say." Chiron says to him, though it sounded like more of a command to Grover. Grover looked around at them, obviously shaken from what he had seen. Grover then looked down, embarrassed,

"I-I-I can't say it, I h-have to show you." Grover muttered. Chiron, Annabeth, Percy, and Dionysus looked at each other, as if they were all thinking 'After years of witnessing and escaping monster attacks, what could be so horrible that Grover can't even say it?' They nodded one at a time and all stood, with Grover, and had him lead them to what he had to show them. While they walked, Percy and Annabeth tried their best to calm him down, and let him know it couldn't be that horrible, Once they reached their destination, their attitudes swiftly changed.

Grover led them into the woods, and pointed, mortified, up into a tree. There, hanging off one of the branches was the corpse of Connor Stoll. Annabeth quickly looked away and hugged Percy tightly, after years of monster attacks between both her time with Luke and Thalia, and her time At Camp Half Blood, she still found this to gruesome to manage a look at. Percy couldn't look away though, he was still in shock. Connor was impaled, through his chest, on one of the uppermost branches, He had a shocked look on his face and his eyes were still wide open, looking at the ground, seemingly right at the group.

Chiron and Dionysus muttered back and forth as they walked back, Percy said nothing but comforted Annabeth, which she and he both found strangely nice. Grover merely looked down in silence and walked back with them, as Chiron and Dionysus instructed, since obviously he knew now that something was going on. Once they reached Chiron's office again Percy and Annabeth both sat in silence, Dionysus was the next to walk in and sit, watching both Chiron and Grover. Then Chiron walked in and pulled Grover in roughly, he then reared back on his foremost legs and kicked Grover in the Chest, sending him backwards into the nearest wall.

Grover, Annabeth, and Percy all looked at Chiron is shock as to the rash action, but Dionysus then made vines grow around Grover, holding him to the wall.

"What are you two doing to Grover?!" Percy yelled, as Annabeth still had not found her voice. Dionysus held a hand out to Percy to hold him at bay,

"Jackson calm yourself. Don't you find it odd the dryads never informed us about Connor? Otherwise we would have already known. That Connor wasn't real, it was merely an illusion, another reason it was so high up, because if it was lower we might have walked through it and ruined Circe's plot." Dionysus yelled back. Grover smirked at them, sending a wave of dread over Percy as he took hold of his seeing-glass necklace, and looked through. Once he looked through it, instead of seeing Grover tied up, he saw Circe, clearly older than she had appeared back on her island/resort, though living as a Pirate's slave will do that. Once he put his necklace back down he snarled as Circe changed to her original form, laughing.

"I guess there's no need to masquerade as that stupid Satyr any longer, now that my cover is blown anyway." She smiles

"What have you done to Grover?!" Annabeth yells at her, finally finding her voice. Circe smirks at her and Chiron sighs, explaining for her.

"When Satyr's die, they don't leave bodies, they reincarnate into flowers, or another member of nature, which would be almost impossible to spot in the forest. Her plan is to get close enough to destroy the two of you and who could have done that better than Grover." Chiron said, angrily. Circe laughs again,

"I don't want to destroy the two of you, no. I want to slowly, and painfully torture the two of you, as I had been tortured back on that God's forsaken ship. I want to make both of you wish you were dead and then pit you against each other for a chance at freedom, and that's all I can tell you two now, I don't want to ruin our fun later." Circe smiles. She then stiffens and disappears, making Percy and Annabeth look at Chiron and Dionysus in shock.

"Where did she go?!" Percy asks them, Chiron sighs.

"She must have used her powers to send herself somewhere, anywhere really. Likely she is still in or around Camp, though, it wouldn't be wise of her to have gone too far away." Dionysus answers for him. They all look at each other, hoping for someone to break the silence.

"It has definitely begun, the war between Camp Half-Blood and Circe." Chiron says

"War?" Percy asks him, Dionysus nods.

"That witch'll probably gather monsters, telling them where to attack, and with her magic, the borders won't last long against them." They all look at each other, wondering what to do. Except Percy and Annabeth, they both already had an idea.

End of Chapter 3