Ok so this is the final chapter! *hears crying in the distance* But I am going to write more about Clarion and Milori! I have so many ideas about them! *hears cheering in the distance* But anyway, I want to thank all of you who have followed me from the beginning and anyone new to my story! You've made my first story an amazing thing! Thanks! Well here's chapter 15. Hope y'all like it! See you in the next story!

Chapter 15

Clarion was already blinking back tears of joy. "I will not cry. I will not cry." She thought to herself. Tinkerbell and Periwinkle began to walk down the aisle. They flew a few feet in front of Clarion dropping Calla Lilies and Roses; it was a big honor for them to be the flower girls. Then Clarion began to float down the aisle. Everyone gasped, but the only person Clarion cared about was Milori. Fawn, Slivermist, and Rosetta all carried Clarion long train behind her. And finally Mary and Vidia flew behind them all, holding a small bouquet of flowers each. Milori stood at the other end smiling; he couldn't believe this was happening. He turned to look at his groomsmen standing next to him. Sled, Slush, and Terrance all gave him a thumbs up. He turned back to see Clarion standing in front of him. The crowd cheered as the music finished.

"You look so beautiful, Clarion." Milori whispered and took her hands in his.

"Thank you. I love you Milori." She whispered back. It took all their will power to not kiss; they knew this had to be perfect.

"Quite down!" Dewey yelled at the very noisy group. "Settle down!" When they finally did, he began. "We have gathered here today to unite…um…Queen Clarion and Lord Milori…in um marriage." Clarion suppressed a small giggle. Dewey began to go on about the importance of marriage and other things, when Peri noticed a small rabbit jumping around the food and drinks.

"Tink, tink look!" She whispered to her sister.

"Oh no! It's going to mess up the punch maker!" Tinkerbell was about to fly off when Vidia grabbed her arm.

"No. You stay here. If you leave it will mess up everything for Ree."

"But-" Tink cut herself off when she saw the look on Vidia's face. She could only hope that the rabbit wouldn't touch the punch maker.

"Do you um Lord Milori…have anything to say to um….Queen Clarion?" Dewey asked the lord nodding his head in Clarion's direction. This time she let a quite laugh out at Dewey's antics. Milori nodded and began.

"Clarion, words couldn't describe the amount of love I have for you. Every morning I wake up and see you and I know I want to be with you forever. The time we spent apart only made me want you more. I never stopped thinking about you. I never want to live another day without you. I love you." He finished and wiped a tear gently off Clarion's cheek. He was blinking back his own tears.

"Do you Queen Clarion have any….um…words?" Dewey asked, even though he knew he didn't have too. Clarion eagerly shook her head.

"Milori, I love you with all of my heart. Years ago I thought the best thing for us was to be apart. But now it's clear to me that the best thing for us is to be in each other's arms forever." As she talked she looked into her lover's eyes. "I wouldn't be able to live another day if you were to leave. I want to stay by your side for the rest of my life, and I want you by mine-" She was suddenly cut off by a yell. They looked over to see a rabbit touching the punch maker, and berry juice flying left and right. Milori was hit in the side of the head with a strawberry. Clarion laughed as she wiped it away. Tinkerbell flew off to try and fix it, but fairies and sparrow men everywhere were being hit. Then Clarion was splattered with blueberry all over her dress. Milori cracked a smile and the two laughed. "I love you Milori." She finally finished her vows and looked to Dewey to finish the ceremony. He himself was covered in berry juice. He looked around; every fairy was panicking except for the bridesmaids and groomsmen. He took one more look and the couple; they were waiting patiently. He took a deep breath.

"By the power invested in me by you two." He raised an eyebrow at Clarion and Milori, "I now pronounce you Lady of Winter and King of Pixie Hollow. You may now kiss the bride." Clarion pulled Milori in and they kissed. The crowd stopped their panicking long enough to cheer. As they kissed the bottom of Clarion dress began to shine a bright gold. The gold pixie dust shimmered up her dress into beautiful swirls, which made the berry covered dress all the more pretty. Some fairies had to look away and they were soon back to running around. They pulled back and Clarion put her head on his shoulder. "Magical." She thought as they were hit with another berry. She looked around, the groomsmen and bridesmaid had run to stop the machine and the sight was quite funny. She heard Milori laugh and she looked into her lover-no, husband's eyes.

"I love you Milori. Forever and Always."