OK, so this starts in the episode where we meet Miranda! Yeah, so this uses and OC, and is a weird story to say the least. Hopefully you'll enjoy it, but this is mostly written just to get it out of my head; it's something that a I thought of in a fangirl moment, so beware! :) This will develop into a multi-chaptered story so don't expect a full plot in this chapter...:P dialogue, story line and a whole bunch of crap might be tweaked or cut to suit my evil purposes. mwahaha. (this story is totally a what-if, i'm aware that it's going to not fir perfectly with Kanda's backstory, but hey, whatever.)

I feel my brow furrow and eyes narrow at the two exorcist wandering around the town, they must have be sent from the Order. My fists sub-consciously clench at the thought. The Order obligated my only surviving parent into leaving me alone as soon as I could fend for myself. I can't really blame him all that much, though; attempting to handle me would be rough for a single parent. Being a parasite type with not a whole lot of control isn't exactly ideal for anyone, but I managed to be trained as an exorcist.

My dad wouldn't let me join the Order until I knew what being an exorcist was like, until I could decide free of influence. So now I'm basically a freelance exorcist. Pretty weird job choice. My arms from fingertips to elbow morph on my command...and sometimes on my emotions. I stare at the two exorcist curious and appalled simultaneously. I jump down from my vantage point on the roof and take a closer look, the boy with white hair looks like a kid that Dad described in one of his letters. Parasitic type, like me. I can't remember his name for the life of me, though, nor the nickname I remember smirking at while reading the letter.

The other one is Lenalee, I've met her once before, when she came to fine Dad. I still don't know if she knows that I'm an exorcist. I huff and pull a hood over my jet-black hair and all-too-noticeable electric blue eyes. It of course has nothing to do with the three scars that trace over my face like I was clawed at, from my first encounter with a knife-happy Level-Two Akuma when I had just started my training. I shake off the memory before it gets too bad and starts affecting my arms. I inhale deeply and hold it for a few seconds longer than normal before exhaling, and pull my gloves up a little bit, not wanting anyone to see the terrible murky gray that the anti-akuma weapon turns my skin when it's not activated. The Innocence itself is embedded in the center of my back, two gray lines sprout from it and lead to my arms up until my elbows, where it becomes fully gray.

I watch the town for a while, wandering a little bit, listening in on any gossip and rumors about this town. Part of me judges this drab town by its appearance. It's nothing special at all; gray cobblestone streets made even more sad by the overcast sky and the weathered buildings. The whole place has an eerie feeling of being too normal, everything feels washed out, as though every day this day repeats the town looses more and more of it's personality and color. I sigh, but keep my ears open even as my thoughts do cartwheels and acrobatics in my head.

Suddenly, I hear something pretty peculiar; a lady actually realizes that the day has been repeating.

"It's not so hard to dodge when I've had thirty-one days to practice!" She cries, her face screwing up a little. She's wearing a plain dress and red shawl, she's got slightly dishevelled black hair which she's tied in a bun and her facial expressions remind me of a scared kids had been taunting her, or something like that. The lady scurries off to look for a a job (If what the kids said was true) and I think again that she really does look like a mouse who knows the cat's near but every time she thinks she sees it, it disappears; scared and desperate, even a little wild. What she said earlier makes me think that she might know what's going on, or at least that something is; as far as I can tell no one else has shown signs of distress or confusion. No one else realizes that it's the same day. But, for whatever reason, Mouse-lady does.

Hm. I narrow my eyes at the mouse-like lady and decide to check up on her later, but I move on anyway. I slip through the town, keeping myself inconsipicuous and unnoticeable.

Or, I thought I was.

"Hi! I was wondering if you'd noticed anything weird happening around your town lately?" The white haired boy says directly to me, a smile so big it looks painful. He's got a funny thing over his eye, a tattoo or scar I can't tell. It's got a pentacle in it, which sends alarm bells off in my head before I check them; he's got a parasite type anti-akuma weapon, so the poison wouldn't affect him anyway, I finally figure out, forcing myself to calm down.

His brow furrows; my face must have shown my inner freak-out.

"Sorry! I didn't mean to bother you!" He says, apologizing rapidly. I feel a bit bad for him and so I grab his arm and point at mouse lady, "Might want to ask her."

His face shows his shock but he nods and walks in her direction. I release a breath I didn't realize I was holding and shake my head. Almost as soon as they disappear from my vision, a scream pierces the street noise, and I instinctively break into a run in that direction, the same one the exorcist and mouse-lady went.

Mouse-lady's met her first akuma and it's an ugly level two. The exorcist boy says, "I'd put her down if I were you." And his arm transforms into a wicked looking gun, but he keeps a laser in it as like a sword. I climb onto the roof quickly, and transform my arms into blades, ready to intervene if it gets too out of hand-but a part of me wants to see if this guy's any good. The boy and the akuma fight for a bit, and mouse-lady screams about living tomorrow gleefully and runs away not noticing that the akuma just landed a few hits. I jump down, about to strike, but the boy beats me to it, slicing the akuma in half. I smirk.

He turns around after the akuma explodes, facing the direction that mouse-lady ran off to, it takes him a few seconds to register the presence behind him, then, he whirls around to face me.

"Wait, didn't I talk to you earlier?!"

I shrug, "Yeah." I shift my arms back into arms and slide the glove back over them.

"You're an exorcist...why didn't you say so?"

"Because you work for the Order." I say curtly.

"Uh, and you...don't?"


"Why not?" He asks with questions written all over his face.

"Never liked them much. I prefer to stay away from them and their exorcist, except select few. Seeing as you aren't one, I'll be leaving now." I say, then whirl around and start walking away.

"Wait! Just gimme a second, OK?" He says, grabbing a hold of my arm.

A raise an eyebrow at this but don't move away.

"Why do you hate the order so much? I mean, if you've had a run-in with Kanda I can see why you wouldn't like us much."

I stiffen at that name and glare at him, and it annoys me that he cares so much of what I think of the Order. Anyways, for whatever reason, he wants me to meet up with Lenalee with him, and see if I can help them at all.

He's too smiley and polite, and it unsettles me; people just don't act that way around me. I guess something about the overly stern demeanor I wear around might have something to do with it, but this guy seems mostly at ease. Stupid kid (See? I call him a kid even though I'm fairly sure we'rethe same age!) He says his name is Allen Walker and the nickname Dad made up for him pops into my head; Short Stack, and I can't help the smirk from appearing on my face. He gives me a look that's a little amused but slightly weary, making me wonder if maybe he's not so naive and childish as I thought just a few moments ago; those eyes belong to an old soul.

Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed it! This is my first story for this fandom so I'd love some feedback (positive or negative)! Btw, I know I may have put in a HUGE hint as to who her dad is but by having the audience know is part of my maniacal plan. :)

Thanks a ton,
