Beca Mitchell had never imaged she'd be 'that girl'. The girl with the perfect life- a husband, kids, a dog, the white picket fenceā€¦ that wasn't her life.

But she wasn't Beca Mitchell, and hadn't been Beca Mitchell for a very long time.

Beca Swanson, on the other hand, had.

Although she had pushed Jesse away when they were at Barden, realisation had hit her like a tonne of bricks, and she had done something so un-Beca-like (such as dedicating the Bellas final set to him) that she had surprised herself. But the Bellas had won the ICCAs and Beca had won Jesse's heart.

(Chloe had thrown her what the redhead had called a 'realisation party' that night in New York, in amidst their celebrations, making Beca laugh and blush and bury her head in Jesse's shirt).

And, ten years on from that day at Lincoln Centre, Beca's life had completely turned around.

The pair had married when they were twenty two, and Beca had surprised Jesse on his twenty fourth birthday by producing a positive pregnancy test. The result had been Connor Benjamin Swanson. Two years later, Rose Elyse (known as Rosie) came along and almost two years after that, little Isaac Nathaniel (the tiniest little person Beca had ever seen in her entire life) screeched himself into the world.

Yep, Beca Swanson had the perfect life. a husband she adored (even if he insisted on continuing her stupid movication, ten years on- it had gotten to the point, and they both knew it, that she only pretended to whine and complain, secretly loving it), three gorgeous children (who were adored by their parents and spoilt absolutely rotten by their aca-aunts and uncles, who had adopted them as their own nephews and niece), and the white picket fence.

(The dog was something Jesse and Connor were campaigning for, and Beca had yet to relent. She knew what would happen- the dog would be a novelty for five minutes and she'd be the one to take care of it.)

But something so perfect could be altered in the blink of an eye.

Beca never thought it would happen to her, but it did.