
Thus far all chapters of WYMTM will be in Rydel's POV until I say other wise.

Just wanted to inform ya, now here's the new chapter, woooo!


We gather to the front of the stage, taking a look over the crowd.

'I love you's' and plain-ole screams could be heard as we smile and wave at the


All of us link arms before bowing, ending tonight's show.

The crowd was amazing tonight.

This is what let me sink in the fact that I actually want to do this for the

rest of my life.

I smile, waving one last time, and scream an 'i love you guys' to the crowd

before leaving the stage behind the boys.

We walk backstage to hear loud cheers and claps coming from, what I know are,

our biggest fans. Our family and friends.

I smile and we all join in a group hug.

"You guys did great."Ryland compliments, patting Riker on the back.

"I'm so proud of you."Our NaNa says, a big smile spread across her face.

"So are we."My dad adds, hugging Stormie from the side.

"We love you guys."Ross tells them.

"So I was thinking, we all get a family dinner, now that the show is over?"Mark


We all agree and nod our heads.

"Well, I'm gonna get going but uh, can I steal Rydel for a bit?"Mike speaks up.

"Sure, but don't do anything in any sort of inappropriateness."Rocky eyes us.

I laugh at his response."Whatever."

I walk down the hall to a more quieter place to talk with Mike.

"What's up?"I ask him, once we were in the middle of the hallway.

"So I have this question and I'm really nervous to say it and I'm not sure how

to, so I don't know where to start but-"He babbles on.

"Just spit it out already."I chuckle.

"Rydel uh."He looks down playing with his fingers, getting really shy which is

weird because he had this sort of confident personality.

"Listen I-I really like you- like a lot. And I know you probably may not feel

the same, but I do feel this way, and I was thinking if maybe you wanted to give

this-us."His fingers gestures to the both of us. "A chance?"

I was taken back a bit by this all. I mean we only just met a few weeks ago, and

yeah I guess I kinda like him, but?- I don't know, I'm confused.

"Mike-"I start, but he interrupts.

"I already know what you're gonna say. We just met, but that does change the

fact that I actually really like you, and I know you feel something to."He

admits. "Just give it a chance?"

His eyes pleading for an answer.

I couldn't find the words to say, which probably worried him. "I-I just?"

I take a breath trying to think this over. "It's not that I don't want to, I'm

just?- Can I think about it?"

Mike sighs, but then nods. "Yeah."

There was a moment of silence before Mile spoke up again. "I'm gonna get going,

I have things to take care of, but uh call me tomorrow okay?"

"Yep, and I should probably get back anyway."

We say our goodbyes before parting ways, leaving me a lot to think about.


It was after the dinner. Ell, the other boys and I decide to watch a movie at

home. We were currently in the middle of The Hunger Games, my choice.

Well during the first bit I fell asleep, my head laying on Ell's shoulder, due

to the fact that I was tired after today's busy day.

Well, I woke up about a minute ago, but I still had my eyes shut, since I didn't

actually want to move my head from the comfortable spot it was in.

As I was laying I could hear the boys' conversation with Ell.

I wasn't exactly eavesdropping, I was just secretly listening to things that

weren't meant for my ears.

"So what's really up with you and Kelly?"I could tell the voice out from anyone,

it was Rocky's.

"Yea, spill the beans."I hear Riker encouraged on.

"haha, you said spill the beans."Ross' childish laughter filled the room.

"I don't know anymore, I mean yeah I love her, I always will, but lately things

have been going really bad. But I don't want to give up just yet, y'know."The

words spill from Ratliff's mouth.

"What if she does?- Breakup with you, I mean. What are you gonna do?"Ross


"Fight for her? That's all I can, if that doesn't work, then I guess it's

over."He slightly shrugs.

"What if you dated Rydel."Ryland jokes, but I'm guessing that Ell didn't get

that it was joke, judging by his response.

"That'd be weird. Like I love her, but only as a friend, I don't think there'd

ever be anything there. I just can't picture myself feeling that way about her,

y'know."The boys nod.

"Yeah, that's like Laura and I dating."Ross interludes.

"But you actually like her."Riker buts in.

"Do not."Ross says in a rather childish tone and I can hear a pillow hit Riker's

head as a "Oof." leaves his mouth.

But I wasn't really worrying about the fact that he got hit by a pillow, it

happens literally everyday, I was just replaying the words Ell said.

'I don't think there'd ever be anything there.'

'I just can't picture myself feeling that ways about her.'

Those words broke me. Almost as much as the last time I heard him say something

like this, but even more.

I don't even know why I thought that I'd have a chance.

I mean c'mon, I'm a fool to even think of it.

I just always get my hopes up to get disappointed in the end.

A tear slips from my eye and I pray that Ell doesn't see it or even looks at me

because I'm sure I'll break.

I pretend to wake up and the Riker says "oh hey sleepy head!"I give him a fake

smile, that I've come to master, before making my way upstairs to my bathroom,


It seems like I've been through this too many times. Crying over Ell, someone

who doesn't even feel the same about me.

I know that I can't fully get over him, but I can try.

I wipe a few tears away and try to make my voice as normal as possible before

picking up my phone and dialing the all too familiar number.


A/N:Yay an update, I hope ya liked it! Soooo the next chapter actually gets the

story into going to the path where the story is actually gonna be about. I can't

wait for you to read it.

The future chapters are actually gonna be my favorite, I've literally had it

planned out in my head since last year lmao.

Also, i've had these chapter written for a while now and i updated this story but the updates always go on Wattpad bc i forget to update on this haha.