The Vampire Diaries / The Originals

I do not own The Vampire Diaries or The Originals.

This takes place after season 4.

I had been in New Orleans for only a few hours when my phone rang. I looked at the caller ID and let out an involuntary sigh of impatience. I put the phone back in my pocket and ignored it. I knew that the person on the other end would be angry at me for screening his calls but I couldn't handle one of his temper tantrums right now and I would see him soon enough anyway. I continued walking down the busy street and couldn't help the small smile that danced on my lips when I noticed the men subtly watching me as I walked past. I looked up at the sigh to one of my favourite bars. I sighed because I knew that once I stepped inside there was no going back. I pushed open the door and sale in quietly, not wanting to alert the occupant that I had arrived. The bar was half full and I looked around for the person that had called me and asked for me to drop everything and come to New Orleans in the first place. I smiled when I saw a familiar head of curly, blonde hair talking to a man in the black of the bar. Making sure my footsteps were light, I crept forward. It was a game that we had played for centuries. We would try to sneak up on one another, but never really succeeded.

"I see you finally arrived." He said in his familiar British drawl without turning around. I sighed with a grin and walked up to him as he turned around to greet me. He smirked at me and held his arms open for me to run into. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he swung my around as I giggled.

"You shouldn't be rude to people who are helping you, Niklaus." I pointed out to him. He rolled his baby blue eyes at me and his dimples stood out as he smiled down at me.

"You're right..." He started.

"Usually am." I smirked as I interrupted him. He gave me a look that I read as 'don't interrupt me'.

"I need you to do something for me." He continued hesitantly. I raised a delicate eyebrow and sat down on the offered seat. Niklaus waved at a waitress to get me a drink.

"And what is it you need me to do...?" I asked, equally as hesitant. It wasn't usual for Niklaus to be hesitant when ordering people around. It was true that Niklaus was closer with me than with nearly anyone else but he still would normally just order me to do something.

"Ariana, I need you to go to Mystic Falls and keep an eye on Rebekah. The Five are back and one of them is a teenage boy in Mystic Falls. Please. Please, do this for me." He practically begged me. I looked at him sceptically. But I knew that he wouldn't ask something so mundane if he wasn't really worried. It wasn't like hanging out with Rebekah would be a challenge. She was my best friend after all. I slowly nodded my head as I realised that maybe settling in one place wouldn't be that horrible.

"I've been meaning to go back to high school." I smirked.