More fallout from Qui-Gon's death, Enjoy:

Obi-Wan POV:

I was jolted awake by a scream through the force. I looked around, but didn't see anything that could have caused this scream, so I settled back into the warm body of Duchess Satine wrapped around me.
We had gone to bed together, but just talked and then fallen asleep in each other's arms. Her head was pillowed on my chest and her arms were locked around my torso, one hand clasped in mine just above my heart. I took a moment to study her in her sleep; Gods she was gorgeous. I closed my eyes contentedly and settled down to go back to sleep. After a few minutes I felt a panicked feeling through the force, I opened one eye, this was soon followed by raw fear, so raw it made me feel I should be running round trying to save lives like I had done so many times in my life. I lay in bed with my heart beating wildly at these emotions, until they changed to despair and I heard a voice calling through the force. A little voice, a young voice calling for their master. I bolted upright, startling Satine awake.

I had forgotten about Anakin being a few doors along.

"Obi, what's wrong?"
I turned to Satine as she sat up and groggily rubbed her eyes.

"Something's wrong with Anakin. I need to go check on him."
She nodded and lay back down. I smiled at her and ran out of the room, only dressed in my sleep pants.

I ran through mine and Anakin's shared living room and burst into his room, only to find his bed empty but the sheets ruffled. I searched his room and came up empty. I searched the force for his signature, finding he was still in our quarters I crept quietly back into the living room. There was a lump on the sofa that was sobbing quietly. I sat down gingerly next to it and pulled the cushion off the top. I was met by Anakin's terrified blue eyes.

I ran my hand through his hair when he sobbed my name.

"I'm here Anakin. Did you have a dream?"
He nodded and I opened my arms to him. As soon as he crawled onto my lap I noticed he was wrapped in my over robe- so this is where I left it.

"Do you want to talk about it?"
I felt Anakin tense and nod before trying to quieten his sobs.

"It was about when Master Qui-Gon died,"
I tensed immediately at his quiet statement.

"The black and red guy stabbed him and you were trapped behind a shield-door yelling. But the shield went down and you ran out."
He took a deep shaky breath, and I wondered how he could know what happened as well as that.

"And you two fought, but he killed you. He kicked you down a big hole. I screamed and he heard me and started coming at me with master Qui-Gon's lightsaber. I was so scared and didn't know what to do. I didn't want to be all alone. He got to right in front of me and that's when I woke up. I went to your room to make sure it wasn't real and you were there. But you weren't and I thought that it had all been real and I didn't know where I was. I was really scared Obi-Wan."
His tears started again and I rocked him like a small child as his sobs subsided.

"Anakin, I promise that you will never be left alone. You're my brother now."
He pulled away and looked up at me with big tearful blue eyes.

I nodded and wiped his face with the sleeve of my robe.

"I promise, now, why does this look familiar?"
I indicated the robe and smirked. Anakin looked down slightly bashfully.

"It was there and it was kind of comforting."
I chuckled and drew him back into a hug, resting my chin on his head. I sensed another person in the room and looked up to the door I had left open in my hurry. Framed in the doorway and leaning against the jamb was Satine, smiling fondly with tears in her eyes. I smiled back at her and gestured for her to join us on the sofa.

Satine POV:

I lay in bed waiting for Obi to come back. He had been a while, maybe I should go and see if everything's alright. I slipped my robe on and padded quietly down the corridor. As I got nearer Obi-Wan and Anakin's rooms I heard voices;

"Anakin, I promise that you will never be left alone. You're my brother now."


I reached the door in time to see Obi-Wan nod and wipe Anakin's face with the sleeve of his robe, which Anakin was wearing for some reason.

"I promise, now, why does this look familiar?"
He indicated the robe and smirked. Anakin looked down slightly bashfully.

"It was there and it was kind of comforting."
Obi chuckled and drew him back into a hug, resting his chin on Anakin's head.
I leant against the door jamb and watched them. Anakin was adorable even if he is just a little old for this. I smiled as I saw Obi-Wan looking at me. He would make a great father. Stupid stupid STUPID Jedi code!.
This wasn't the first time I had cursed it, but it was the first time I had cursed it for this reason and it shocked me, why had I just thought that?
Obi-Wan gestured for me to join them on the sofa.

I sat down next to them and ran a hand through Anakin's soft blonde hair. He opened his eyes and smiled sleepily at me before snuggling back down into Obi-Wan's chest again. I smiled and looked at Obi-Wan, he was looking at me carefully.

"How much did you hear?"
He whispered to me. I told him all I had heard and he nodded.

Obi-Wan's eyes seemed to turn sad and confused for a moment before he answered haltingly.

"He dreamed about when Qui-Gon and I fought the Sith on Naboo. He knew exactly what happened. But in his dream, I died and the last thing he saw was Maul coming at him. He was so scared."
My eyes widened and I ran my hand through Anakin's hair again, he was asleep now and didn't stir.
Obi-Wan turned his attention back to Anakin and stood up. He carried him gently into His bedroom, not Anakin's. He came back and saw my confused face.

"In case he wakes up again, all my things are in there, a sort of comfort source."
I nodded, stood and held my hand out to him. He took it and pulled me to him. I placed my hands on his bare chest and he kissed my fore head.

He looked down at me, smiling gently.

"I love you."
He smiled and leaned closer to my mouth.

"I love you too Satine."
He pecked my lips quickly before I pulled away hurriedly, worried that Anakin might come in. Obi looked at me questioningly and I grabbed his hand and pulled him back up the corridor to my room.
We were both tired and he was still upset, rest was the best thing at the minute, and not just my slightly selfish want to have him all to myself right now before two days spent with Anakin- which wasn't something I was complaining about- but it was such a short time to have and not have much alone time.
It had taken him so long to admit his actual feelings a little over a year ago, but the fact that master Qui-Gon had a 'slight' attachment to his friend Tahl gave him a helping 'boot up the backside'.

He smiled at me unsurely once we were alone again.

"What's wrong?"
I asked and sat on the bed.

"How did he know?"
He whispered and plopped down next to me and sprawled along the full length of my bed.

"You are both Jedi, maybe it was just a… coincidence?"
I suggested lightly Obi snorted and raised an eyebrow at me.

"Satine, really?"
I nodded.

"Maybe, despite how stupid it sounds you did tell me what happened earlier today, well yesterday now, or perhaps you were subconsciously projecting in your sleep and it woke him up, or when you told me?"
He rolled his eyes and took hold of my hand.

"You need to think your little theory through some more."
He laughed. I pulled my hand out of his and stood up.

"Well if you're going to be cheeky you can go back to you own rooms."
He pouted and pulled me completely down next to him where I immediately curled up.

"I'm not going back, I'm staying here with you."
He muttered into my hair. If only that were true in other meanings as well…

"He'll be fine Obi."
I whispered Obi hummed.

"Yes but master Qui-Gon's death hit him hard, despite only knowing him for a short while."
I lifted my head when he started running a hand through my hair.

"And it hit you hard too are you sure you're alright?"
He nodded, I was not convinced.

"Satine don't look at me like that."
He moaned and I cracked a smile.

"Well tell me what's bothering you."
I giggled, he rolled his eyes.

He sighed.

"Qui-Gon was all set to pass me over for Anakin. The council didn't think I was ready for the trials and they didn't want him to become a Jedi. Qui-Gon was pushing almost obsessively for Anakin to be accepted and for me to be knighted sooner than I should have been just so he could be free to take another padawan. He believed Anakin was the chosen one, the one who will finally end all this. Qui-Gon wanted to be the one to train him. He wanted to be the one to make 'the chosen one' into the person who would bring peace. The only reason he wanted me to train him was so he could be sure some of his knowledge would be passed on."
I thought about his angst for his teacher in silence for a while.

"I'm sure not all of that's true."
I whispered finally.

"It feels that way right now."
He muttered.

"Because you're grieving and feeling slight remorse because everything happened so recently."
I whispered and kissed his forehead.

"Satine, you do know how much you try to make me believe otherwise you won't sway me."
I nodded, smiling slightly.

"I can at least try to. Now we're both tired and I for one don't want to waste our days."
He chuckled and pulled us both under the covers.

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