"What the fuck are you doing here Damon?" I said, anger in my voice.

"Cant I visit my little brother from time to time," he replied with a small smirk on his face.

"It's never just a visit with you Damon," I snapped.

We went back to the house and Damon sat at the kitchen table. I poured a drink and sat down across from him. Taking a sip of the whisky, I asked Damon to tell me what he was doing here. That's when I heard the one thing that I was worried about.

"There is a new kid at your college isn't there?" he asked.

"Yeah, I take it there is a problem with her" I couldn't hide the worry in my voice. All he did was smirk.

"Yeah you could say that, little brother" My response was to finish my drink, before getting myself a new one, along with one for him. We sat at the table and talked for hours and that's when he told me that she was a newborn that had been sent to keep an eye on me by the council.

Before we knew what time it was, my alarm was going off for college. I got up from the table whilst Damon just sat there with the bottle of whisky which we've been drinking all night. I had been rattled a bit by what Damon had said, so even though my one and only lecture was at three, I headed to college early. When I got to college, the bike wasn't there. I didn't know if it was my mind playing tricks on me but I was sure I could smell the scent again, strong this time, like I had just missed her. I looked around but couldn't see anyone.

I went to the canteen and sat at a table where I could see who was coming and going. I sat there for about an hour but no one came in with the scent I was looking for. I got up and when outside for a smoke but just as I lit it I saw a glimpse of that black ninja pulling in to the car park. I ran across but when I got there the bike was already parked and no one was around but there was another fucking note on my bike.

"I see your brothers in town and at a guess he told you who and what I am. Well, I guess the game is set. See you around Salvatore'.

I screwed up the note and threw it to the ground. This girl was starting to get under my skin but I wouldn't let her make me lose my temper... because it's never a good thing when that happens. I finished up my day and rode home but all I can think of was this newborn in a town full of easy prey. I got home and Damon was just sitting on the sofa watching TV. As I threw my bag down Damon turned around.

"How was your day little brother? Anything good happen" I just looked at him.

"She knows you're here, smart ass". He jumped over the back of the sofa and stood in front of me with a smart ass smirk on his face.

"Oh good, maybe this visit will be fun after all". I just looked at him and went to the drinks cabinet and got a glass of rum and sat on the sofa.

"Is that all you're going to do little brother? Just sit there. I remember when you would have gone out and found this newborn and ripped her head off just for fun".

"Yes Damon. I'm sitting here and thinking of what to do about her". I must have sat there for about two hours while Damon got drunk, yet I never touched my drink. "Right tomorrow, if the bikes there then I know she's there and I will find her and find out what she wants". By the time I headed to bed, it was half two.

My alarm went off at eight thirty and I went through the same shitty routine. I got down stairs but Damon wasn't there. I had more important thing on my mind. I got my bag off the table and put my jacket on then I got the keys to my bike and left for college. I got to the car park and smiled when i saw that the bike was there. I parked my bike in a different spot. I had just got off my bike when I heard a voice from behind me. Just as I'm about to swing around with my fist clenched I recognised it to be my history tutor. He asked me if I could ask my granddad if he could come in so he could talk to him about the war. I said he didnt live close but I could get him to send over some more information for him if it would help and he said that would be fine but he would have liked to get the informatiin from him in person. I told my teacher that I would have the information to him asap. I went back to the canteen and sat down at a table near the coffee bar. I just got my coffee and sat back at my table when I smelt her and I looked up and there she was stood infront on me.

She pulled out the chair across the table from me.

"You mind" she said with a smirk on her face.

"I guess not, but what do you want" I asked.

"How do you stand it being around all these humans without being tempted," she asked me looking at all the students in the canteen.

"Don't even think about it or we will have a problem and I don't think you want that, do you?" I said getting ready to jump the table if she went for any one around us.

"Dont worry Stafan, I wont hurt anyone. Well, not yet," she said with a smile on her face.

She got up and and started to walk towards the door but I grabbed her arm.

"Well, you know that I'm faster and stronger than a normal vampire"

"Well you know that I'm not a normal vampire and that you wont stand a chance." She pulled her arm away and turned so she was facing me

"I may not stand a chance with you or your brother but these poor defenceless humans wouldnt be a problem," she said with a evil smirk on her face. She turned around and headed for the door again. This time I didn't stop her, I just collected my coffee and bag from the table and followed her out.
