A/N: Just wanted to inform everyone that my story is already complete. I will be updating once a week. The days will vary. Thank you in advance for taking a look.

Disclaimer: The characters and some situations belong to JK Rowling. At some times I will be using direct quotations from the books but they will all be properly cited. I am not making any profit in any way from the publication of this story. It is completely for my enjoyment and hopefully yours.

Warnings: This story is rated mature for sexual situations, language, adult content etc. I will do my best to give warning when explicit sexual content will be in chapters. Otherwise, you need to self manage. I do not wish to receive angry reviews regarding the content. This is an adult story so if you are uncomfortable with the content please STOP reading. I will not be offended. It is your job to ensure you are comfortable with what you are reading.


Chapter 1

Albus Dumbledore looked over his tea cup as he watched a young man sitting at Gryffindor table push his food around. Harry Potter had become a recluse, never speaking to anyone, barely even raising his eyes to meet those addressing him. Albus felt a great deal of remorse over the outcome of the Harry's life.

The war had been won, but at such a great cost that many didn't feel it to be a victory.

Harry should have been flanked by his two best friends, however, both had become victims of the war.

Hermione Granger had been captured during a summer raid prior to the beginning of their 6th year. Her parents murdered before her eyes and her home burned to the ground.

She had then been tortured for information before subsequently being put to death.

Her mangled body had been found in front of the old Potter home in Godrick's Hollow.

Voldemort had sent her body with a message: "Remind you of anything?"

Harry had been so distraught he had needed to be sedated.

Unfortunately, the worst had been yet to come. Following Hermione's death, came the deaths of: Remus Lupin, Nymphadora Tonks, Molly Weasley, Arthur Weasley, Frederick Weasley, Percy Weasley - there had been a raid on the Burrow - Minerva McGonagoll, Rubeus Hagrid, Neville Longbottom and Luna Lovegood.

The most heinous act, however, was the capture and torture of Ronald Weasley. Ronald had returned to the Burrow for closure and to gather a few things. The Death Eaters had been waiting.

Ronald's torture had lasted two weeks before he was found wandering Diagon Alley. He had suffered the Cruciatus curse so many times that he now had severe brain damage and was now along side poor Alice and Frank Longbottom in St Mungo's.

Harry had broken after that loss.

Two weeks after finding Ronald, Harry faced Voldemort and vanquished him.

The battle had been rather anti-climatic. Harry being so over run with emotion had let his magic explode, incinerating Voldemort and anyone within a 5 meter radius.

At the end of it all Harry had let out a heart wrenching scream and fallen to the ground, so anguished that even when Draco Malfoy had come up to him he had not moved.

Draco had pointed his wand at Potter with still no reaction. Seeing the broken boy Draco had found he could not kill his nemesis after all they had gone though. Draco fell to his knees and reached out to Harry. Thus, beginning their friendship.

Draco Malfoy had stayed with Harry throughout everything and was in fact entering the hall now. Having spotted his friend, he made his way over to the table and took a seat beside him.

Now, one year later Harry had yet to improve. He was in fact regressing. Albus had the boy on suicide watch for fear of the young hero's escalating depression.

Albus decided it was time to take action, no longer could the boy he loved like a grandson live like this.

Albus finally took his eyes off Harry and moved to his left. His eyes, making their way down the staff table came to rest upon Severus Snape.

Severus had suffered greatly. His spy status had been revealed at one of the meetings and he had paid a heavy price for it. If not for the arrival of Voldemort's right hand man Lucius Malfoy, Severus would not be sitting at the Head table.

Lucius had been running an errand for the Dark Lord and had arrived at the meeting later than all the other followers. He was hit by the sight of his oldest friend and brother being raped by Antonin Dolohov.

At that moment Lucius had realized what a horrible mistake he had made by getting involved with the madman known as Voldemort.

For so long he had believed that the cause was worthy and seeing as no one he cared about was being harmed he could over look certain...indiscretions. The rape and torture of a nameless muggle family was not his concern as they were obviously lesser beings. The torture of Maria Nott the wife of Theodore Nott Sr. was justified as Nott had displeased the Dark Lord. Lucius never believed anything would ever happen to him.

Lucius quickly disillusioned himself and when Dolohov removed himself from Severus, Lucius used an emergency portkey and took Severus away from all the madness. It paid to be one of the Dark Lord's most trusted as he was equipped with special permissions to portkey in and out of the Dark Lord's lair.

That had been the turning point for Lucius.

Severus was branded a traitor. Lucius had come forth to Albus and declared he would take Severus' place, feeding the Order of the Phoenix information.

He had given the coordinates for which the final battle took place. Albus now realized that he would need to help not one grandson but two.

Severus still bore scars from that fateful night, being forced to walk with a limp and had lost the vision in his left eye.

Albus stood up from his place and determinedly walked out of the hall. Upon arriving in his office he quickly sent off messages to Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy via Fawkes and awaited their arrival.

The turning of the spiral staircase indicated the arrival of the young men.

Looking them over Harry looked gaunt and drawn, his eyes never lifting from his feet as Draco directed him to a seat in front of the Headmaster.

Draco, while looking better than Harry, was exhausted.

"Good day gentlemen, how are you both?"

"Good day Headmaster, we're fine. You asked to see us, Sir?" Draco asked while glancing every so often back to his companion, who had not lifted his head once or said a greeting.

"Yes, Mr. Malfoy but first would you like a lemon drop?" Albus asked, seeing Draco decline the offer he continued with the conversation.

"I have made many mistakes in my time on this Earth. It is now time to set some of them right." Harry finally looked up at the Headmaster his eyes suspicious.

"So many lives lost, while others have been broken beyond repair. I wish you both good luck in your journey. Let us hope you are successful, only time will tell."

Draco looked at the Headmaster in alarm. "What do you mean journey?"

"This journey," before the two could blink the Headmaster was on his feet with his wand in hand. Draco moved forward to cover Harry with his body in an attempt to offer protection. The Headmaster's eyes twinkled as he shouted the spell that would change everyone's lives forever.

The wind in the office picked up and a cloud formed around the pair. Faster and faster it spun until as quickly as the wind had begun it stopped.

The two were gone and the office was once again silent.

The Headmaster sat back down offering a silent prayer for the two he had just sent away.

Popping a lemon drop into his mouth he smiled to himself; he returned to his pensive removing the memories he would no longer need.

A/N: Expect an update in a week. Please let me know what you think. As I said the story is already complete but I'm always willing to hear your thoughts.