AN: Hi guys, sorry its been a while! I'm taking a really full load at university so I've been too busy to write. Also I got several people asking me to change Ari's story. I love all your comments and I also think Ari is a really interesting character. However, I've already planned to have his story stay relatively cannon, but I may write another one where he has a change of heart... so watch out for that. Love you guys, comments always appreciated!

May 25 2005

Ari climbed the stairs of the abandoned building taking them two at a time as his rifle bounced against his side. He reached the top, and walked to the edge of the building. After positioning the sniper rifle, he watched patiently though his scope as Gibbs, Kate Todd, and another man weaved across the building. He watched them, shoot the controller and come to a stop. Seizing the opportunity he made his mark, lining up the cross hairs along Gibbs' forehead. Suddenly, he watched Gibbs turn and saw Kate jump in front of him as a bullet hit her squarely in the chest. He had always been impressed with her, but this was something else, to actually take a bullet for Gibbs... Then he saw it, of course, she had been wearing a vest, Gibbs and another agent helped her to her feet, and patted her on the back. This he knew was his last chance, he again lined up the cross hairs on Gibbs' forehead, but hesitated remembering what Kelly had said " Gibbs is incredibly protective of his team, they are more like his children than me." He then knew then what would hurt Gibbs so much more than a bullet, and pulled the trigger. "Sorry Caitlyn" He said as he watched her already lifeless body fall to the ground.

Kelly unzipped her leather backpack and begin filling it with papers, bright pens, a marked up MCAT preparatory book, and an emerald sweatshirt. She went to her dresser and pulled out a silver elephant necklace, she put it around her neck and clasped it shut, before admiring it in the mirror. She sighed "I need the luck" "Kelly, don't be ridiculous, you've been studying for months, luck has nothing to do with it." Melanie Geer said as she walked into her daughters dorm room. Kelly spun around and gave her mom a hug "Mom! What are you doing here I wasn't expecting you until tomorrow?" Melanie took a seat on the couch "Just wanted to wish you luck and spend some time with you." Kelly shook her head and smiled "You should have called, I would have picked up dinner if I was expecting company , not that I'm not happy to see you of course." She hastily added. Kelly considered her mom, she was of course happy to see her, but things had been awkward for a while, well for years really. Melanie and Kelly had been as close as mother and daughter could be for most her life, but after discovering Melanie's colossal lie, they were still working on rebuilding the shattered relationship. There had been awkward conversations and apologies, but things weren't back to normal, as if they ever would be Kelly thought somewhat bitterly. Kelly was snapped out of her musings, as Melanie handed her a wrapped package and asked " How are you feeling?" Kelly took the gift and began to unwrap it " Well, mom it's a 6 hour test, you could say I'm a little nervous." She said with a laugh. " You'll be fine" Melanie said as she gestured to the package "Besides I got you a gift for luck." Kelly held up a silver engraved elephant necklace. Melanie beamed " I know how much you like elephants..." but she trailed off as she noticed the nearly identical necklace hanging from Kelly's neck. She blushed "Gibbs, um I mean Dad, got it for me a couple years ago, but it okay Mom, really, I love it, thank you." Melanie sighed, "I just wanted you to have something special from your mom." "But you're not my mom" Kelly snapped back before she knew what she was saying, she covered her mouth and started to apologize, but Melanie's stare had turned to ice "Fine Kelly, if that's how you want it, get your own ride to the test tomorrow." She said coolly and walked out of the dorm. Kelly sighed and smacked her head on to the table, she tried calling her moms cell, but no answer, she left a message apologizing, but knew she'd still have to get another ride. She called Tony and Gibbs several times, but after no response she dialed another number.

Early the next morning Kelly rolled out of bad grabbed her backpack and walked to the library where she patiently waited. A dark green sedan pulled into the fire lane, and an attractive man excited while talking on the phone. He waved and approached smiling saying "Hello Kelly" as he hung up his phone."Kelly nodded to the phone in his hand, "hope that wasn't important." Ari smiled and shook his head "Just speaking with an old friend." He opened the passenger door and motioned for her to get in, before walking around to the driver's side starting the car, and pulling onto the dark nearly empty road.