A/N: Hello, thanks for reading I hope you enjoy.

Disclaimer: I do not own Glee, nor the characters. I also do not own any of the Justin Bieber lyrics used.

"Come on, the guy talks like a mouse."

"Sam." She warns him, he continues on anyway.

"And how could you do that to Tina? How do you think she feels?" He says accusingly walking closer towards her.

Her entire demeanor changes, she's rapidly losing her cool. She can't believe that's what he decided to focus on in regards to her new relationship. Her arms fold unconsciously as she speaks. "Well, if I didn't already know that she's ok with it," Pausing she gives him a pointed look before she continues, "I would think she felt the same way Santana felt when she found out you married Brittany."

"I keep telling everyone, it wasn't even real." He exasperates.

An eyebrow arches as she inquires, "Did you know that at the time?"

Fingers run through his hair in frustration, feeling backed into a corner, a breath is huffed out. "Does it matter?"

Thinking for a second she decides, "You know what no, it doesn't. Nope, not at all. Not to me anymore. Because the truth of the matter is that I'm with Mike now and that's it Sam. Plan and simple. Point blank period. Ok?"

His arms start to cross on their own now too, responding with a question of his own he's not 100% sure he actually wants to know. "Do you love him?"

"No...not yet. It's only been a couple of months Sam." She sounds annoyed, but only slightly she's always found his overdramticness adorable.

"Then be with me." He's pleading, his eyes full of hope. "Be with me. Just think about it. You and me. Me and You. Us." His pleading eyes light up as he begans to rap. "Trust. That's a couple things I can't spell without 'u'."

That's when he does that smiling thing. She wants to laugh, smile, maybe even kiss those kissable lips, but no. "This isn't a musical Sam."

To her slight dismay, he is already ahead of her. Guitar in hand, he's strumming away. Singing an array of "Aye's", as her heart thunders. He knows exactly what he is doing. His favorite song. His favorite song because it always reminded him of her. That's what he's always told her.

"When I met you girl my heart went knock, knock"

"Stop Sam." Oh no, he's really singing she thinks.

"Them butterflies in my stomach won't stop, stop"

"Sam." She feels a smile coming on.

"Even though its a struggle love is all we got"

"Where did you even get a guitar from?" Ok there's totally a smile on her face now.

"So we gone keep, keep climbing to the mountain top"

She knows though, that bridge, oh that Bieberlicious bridge always gets the best of her.

Always makes her cave. That's why the smile there a minute ago is gone and her hands still the strings, to afraid to see what might actually happen if she touched his hand.

"Sam. Stop. I'm serious. I'm with Mike now and that's final. Not even Bieber can stop me."

Not another word is uttered as she hightails out of there quickly, she's determined to get as far away from him as possible. Between those eyes, that smile, that voice, that boy, her heart stood no chance.

"How was it?" Mike ask lightly. He does talk like a mouse she thinks. Shaking her head trying to rid her thoughts of the boy with that smile.

"Ok...I don't really want to talk about it. Not now at least." Sitting down next to him she rubs her hands together.

"Alright. So," He drags out, grabbing her hand. "What do you wanna do?"

Her eyes find the ceiling, head tilting, and she bites her bottom lip pondering her options. "I don't know what do you wanna do?"

He smiles at her, knowing the game well. "I don't know what do you wanna do?"

"I don't know...what do you wanna do?"

Leaning into her, he ask, "How about we go see a movie?"

"Hm, no. That seems to be the thing to do when everybody always comes back to town."

Shaking his head in agreement, his feet find the floor. One finger pointed into the air he exclaims he has an idea.

"And what may that be?" She says with a smile.

Body bowing, majestically as if he's some Prince Charming he holds out his hand to her. "You'll just have to wait and see, m'lady. It's a surprise."

Her heart skips a beat at the wink he sends as she takes his hand.

All thoughts of the boy with the smile are now gone.