Klaus stared at a slightly pale Henrik as his nurse checked him over one more time before she would give them the clear to leave for the day. Klaus for one was more then happy to be finished with yet another round of needles and medication and almost daily trips to the hospital. It wasn't that Klaus was so much happy for himself but he was hoping for some normalcy back into his little brother's routine and was sure that he too wouldn't miss the Hospital much either. It had been a rough few months to say the least.

"Okay bud, looks like you're all good to go." Klaus was pulled out of his thoughts as the nurse straightened up and turned to mark a few things on his brother's chart.

"Yes!" Henrik exclaimed jumping up too quickly from the bed.

Klaus rushed forward to grab him but nurse Lexi was on it right away.

"Whoa, slow down there champ, " she said turning and pushing him gently back onto the bed, much to Henrik's displeasure. Klaus breathe a sigh of relief. Henrik was too fragile to be jumping around so soon after treatment.

"Ugh, I hate slowing down! Everyone is always telling me to slow down." Klaus couldn't help but smile at his little brother. When Klaus had been growing up amongst his four other siblings he had always longed for a little more attention from his parents. All of them had, going out of their way to get their parents interest in whatever way they knew how.

Since his mother had passed away a little over a year ago, leaving a 9 year old and sick Henrik without a parent all the attention was on him. Klaus would admit he could really use a little less. Considering all his medical troubles his four older siblings had become slightly overbearing. It was rare they gave the kid a moment alone save for when he was asleep.

Lexi let out a chuckle. "Well if it makes you feel any better, this will probably be the last time you have to hear it from me."

"Well be back in two weeks. I'm sure you'll have plenty of time to say it then." Klaus replied for Henrik, starting to gather their things up.

"That chore will fall to someone else then. I'm switching departments. You'll have my replacement as the new person to boss you around."

Klaus' easy smile fell from his face instantly.

"Where are you going?" He asked gruffly, trying not to let a hint of anxiety seep into his tone. Klaus had been in enough hospitals with Henrik to know that a great nurse like Lexi was not as easy to find, as one would imagine.

There was always something. Either they didn't like children or they didn't communicate well with Klaus or his siblings or they were on a strange schedule, which left them too tired to do their job thoroughly. Klaus knew it didn't help that between the four siblings they didn't make the nurse's job any easier so it was a blessing when Stefan's girlfriend Lexi had become Henrik's nurse over the last year.

Klaus had Stefan pull a few strings so that it had worked out that way but had yet to regret it. She had been exactly who they needed. She knew them already so she knew the situation and the way they were from the get go, plus Henrik adored her.

Now she was just going to be one more person Henrik would have to see leave his life. His brother had had enough of that to last a lifetime. Could nothing go right?

"Just upstairs to work with the obstetricians," she replied nonchalantly.

"Why the change? Sick of us Mikaelson's already?" he asked winking at Henrik. That's right, keep calm, you can fix this.

Lexi snorted, "All except Henrik here." She replied smiling down at him. " No," she looked back at Klaus, "A nurse in the other department's schedule is conflicting too much with her personal life so she asked for a transfer. I owed her a favor and volunteered."

"And they can't get someone else to do it? Why should you have to mess up your routine," and mine he added silently, "so someone else can have nights off with their boyfriend?"

"Like I said, I owe her a favor and it's not like that Klaus." She said catching the look on his face. "Honestly, I wouldn't leave if I didn't think she would do a great job. Henrik is in good hands with her."

"Well with me as his doctor of course he is."

Klaus turned his head to see his friend Stefan walking through the door of their room straight towards Henrik.

"Stefan!" Henrik exclaimed excited, sitting up slower this time to slap hands.

"Hey, rock star what's going on?" Stefan high fived him while Klaus continued internally seething at this so-called replacement he was sure would mess up the little bit of security they had found through Lexi and Stefan.

"Stefan what do know about this new nurse?" Klaus snipped annoyed.

A knowing look passed between Stefan and Lexi before he turned back to Klaus, adopting a serious face.

"She's great; Very professional for her age and lots of energy to handle you Mikaelson's."

"So she's a toddler who needed to switch departments because she couldn't handle the demands of the job she was assigned, is what you're telling me?" Klaus asked unimpressed.

"I would hardly consider mid- twenties a toddler," Lexi interrupted, "Seriously be nice. She's a saint."

"Hmph, and does Mother Theresa have a name?"

"Yes. It's Caroline Forbes."

So what did you think?