Here is the epilogue you've been waiting like maybe 5 seconds for since I'm posting it immediately after chapter 2. Think of it as my "I'm Sorry" gift for taking so long to post chapter 2. Anyways. Enjoy.


Months had passed since Zuko was stabbed with that dagger. Katara was rushing through the hallways of the house. She was looking for her necklace but no matter how hard she looked it seemed no where to be found. She had checked under the beds, in closets, under chairs, behind the bookcases. She had even asked a couple of maids to stay on the lookout for it. Nothing. It was no where to be found. She sighed in exasperation. Her husband's first present to her and she lost it.

"Good job Katara." She muttered.

"Good job what?"

She jumped at the sound of her husbands voice. "Nothing."

He smirked and walked over to her. "It doesn't seem like nothing."

She bit her lip and reached for her mother's necklace. An uncanny habit that she blames on him. "Well it is."

"That's not what the guards and maids around the palace say."

"They sold me out!"

"Its hard to say no to the Fire Lord when he asks you something."

"Yes, Fire Lord Zuko. Although you don't see me obeying you anytime soon."

"You do in bed. Especially when I take your hips and-"

"I'm sorry!" She quickly said before he could go on any further.

He sighed and grabbed her nose. "The first present I give you and you've managed to lose it. What an irresponsible wife."

"I'll find it."

He pulled his hand back down. "That's what you say…"

"I will find it." Her voice echoed the clear determination she had to find her necklace.

"Don't want my help?"

"I don't need your help." She began to walk off.

"Then I guess you don't want this then." She turned to see him holding up her necklace. The golden chain holding the heart shaped ruby inlaid on a decorative gold piece dangled from his fingertips.

Her eyes widened. "My necklace!"

He held it up high where she couldn't reach when she tried to grab it. "No. You didn't need my help remember?"

She stopped her futile efforts to retrieve the necklace and gave him a sad face. Why was he so tall anyways? "Please?"

"Oh no. That look. I won't fall for it. Not this time." he started backing away from her.

"Pretty please, Zuko." She fluttered her eyelashes for added affect.

He faltered in his step and closed his eyes. "Nope. If my eyes are closed I won't see it."

"Wait, Zuko!"

"I will not. You're just trying to trick me again."

"But there's a-" She cringed when she heard the splash of him falling into the turtle duck pond.

"What the-" She saw him open his eyes and let out a agitated growl.

"I tried warning you." She laughed.

He got up and walked to her. Carrying her princess style to the pond, he promptly dropped her into it. "Now who's warning who?"

She huffed in agitation. "You just love getting back at others don't you."


"Well no more mister, you have to think of our baby."

He sat down in the pond next to her. "Have you thought of any names?"

"Well I like the name Nyla if they're a girl."

"What about Kaja? Kaja's really pretty."

"Maybe. Although I still like Nyla more."

"What about if it's a boy?"

"How do you like Shu?"

"Like a shoe? No way!" He creased his eyebrows together in distaste.

"Then what do you have genius?"

"How about Shoji? It means 'proper peace'."

"Shoji…hmm. I like it."

"Do you?" He leaned towards her belly. "Here that little guy. Your name is Shoji."

She slapped the back of his head. "It could be a girl."

He cupped her face into his hands. "Does it matter either way?"

"No. Not really. Although you never explained about the night you got stabbed."

"Explained what?"

"Well the fact that you followed me for one."

He groaned. "I thought I explained that."

"Nope. You figured a four letter word would do the trick."

"And it did do the trick didn't it?" She only glared at him. "Okay. I said I swear I won't look for your brother. I never said I wouldn't follow you."

"You went around your swear!"

"And aren't you glad I did? I would've went insane without you here."

She smiled. "Okay what about my brother and his crew of men. How did they get there in just the nick of time?"

"He didn't tell you?"

A head shake. "Too many things were going on, the marriage, your uncle stepping down from the throne, it skipped all our minds."

"Well, I sent a letter beforehand. Your brother had actually found the scroll for me and told me they were probably coming for me. I told them to get over here and get you so that you wouldn't get hurt. And you saw how well that worked out for us."

"Wait, were you and him in on this together?"

"No. Not at the beginning. It was just a day or two before. He's better at tracking than he first lets on. Impressions are deceiving."

"Okay last question. What did you do for the avatar so that he came and saved your life when I couldn't save you?"

"I saved his life too. My sister is crazy remember? She really wanted to get rid of him and almost did once. I brought him to a talented healer and in the end that saved his life."

"Crazy. I still can't believe they found a poison to block my healing. I wonder how they found out about me."

"That's a question I can't answer. Although my sister was the one behind it all so maybe that should explain everything. I'm sure she's got men everywhere."

"Absolutely. That's a given."

He raised an eyebrow. "Are you done interrogating me."


He groaned. "What else could there be? Are you going to ask what type of armor the guards were wearing now?"

"I wonder…" She raised her hand to her chin.

"Come on Katara. We're wet and you're pregnant. Noticeably pregnant. Don't make this longer than it has to be."

"How much do you love me?"

"Enough." His reply came quick, with no hesitation

She gasped. "Just enough?"

"Enough to give you everything, including my life. Enough to probably die of some terrible illness soon after you die."

"Extreme much?"

He gently stroked her cheek. "Its only the truth."

She closed her eyes. "Enough is good."

With a small peck on her lips he smiled. The smile the lit up his eyes. The smile the completely captured her heart. "Its better than good."

And that's the end. It was a nice (terrible, really) road. If you liked it don't forget to drop by and leave a comment. I really love seeing them in my mailbox. Also I'm sorry if the story seems jumpy or whatnot. I can only say forgive me for that.