i couldn't help myself okay. AU where there's no game and they go to the same school i guess? idk.

"Hi Dave! Can you buzz me in?" Jade's sweet-as-sugar voice came through the speaker on the door opening letting in thing. Dave could never remember what it was called.

"Sure thing, kid." he said and pressed the button before hearing a satisfied buzz through the speaker, letting him know that she was in the building.

She had to come over because they had a school project due on Monday and hadn't started. Well, it was Saturday and if they didn't finish it, they could both kiss their science grades goodbye. Lucky for Dave, Bro was out for the next few days at some weird puppet convention or something, so him and Jade could work in peace.

Soon, she arrived outside the door of the apartment. He knew this because he heard her knock. Just one, single knock. She said she thought it was rude to knock more than once unless they don't hear it the first time. He's always found it weird, in a cute way. Like most of the little quirks she has.

The blond opened the door and said, "Sup."

She smiled broadly and said, "Hey cool kid!" before hugging him. He hugged back briefly, smiling a little too.

"Damn, Jade. You seem even more cheery than usual." he commented. It was true. She was always happy, but that day something seemed... different.

She paused and looked away, still a faint smile on her face. "I know! I had a really great dream last night..." Her cheeks tinted pink. "Maybe that's it!" She walked past him and sat on the couch, putting her schoolbag down beside her feet.

He closed the door and sat next to his companion. "Wanna tell me what it was about?"

She laughed bashfully, looking away again. "Of course not! You would probably laugh at me anyway." She blushed again. "It's so embarrassing that it took me some convincing before I even told Rose."

So Rose knows, huh? Must be girl stuff then. Either way, he felt determined to find out what it was about, for some reason. A reason he couldn't pinpoint.

It took him a second before he understood why she was blushing so much.

"Was it dirty?"

She looked at him and said, "No!" before hitting his arm playfully and grinning. He raised an eyebrow at her. That's a yes. Her giggles died down and she said, "Maybe a little..."

He smirked. "And here I was thinking little Jadey was innocent." he said, leaning back on the couch.

"I am! For the most part." She smiled. "But I am a teenage girl, okay? It's not just boys who have these thoughts sometimes."

He shrugged and nodded in agreement, but he still didn't have all the information he wanted. "Who was it about?"

Her muscles tensed and her green eyes widened behind her... Where were her glasses? Dave was pretty sure she needed those. Like, all the time. She was probably wearing contacts, he figured.

"No one." she said, higher pitched that usual.

He scoffed and crossed his arms. "No one. Likely story." Sitting up again, he tilted his head at her. "I'm guessing it's someone I know."

She shrugged and kept her eyes focused on, well, anything but him. "Yeah."

He decided to take a guess. "Is it Karkat?"

She paused and then laughed. "God no!"

He smiled at that. Her and Karkat had a thing a while back, but that ended when Dave and Terezi broke up, which made him feel pretty bad for his best friend. Pretty mad at Karkat too for using her like that, but they seemed to be friends afterwards, so he shrugged it off and pretended not to care.

"Alright... John?" She half-lidded her eyes and looked at him like he was the biggest idiot in the world, which he might as well be if he was serious about that guess. "Okay, not John. Tavros?"

Jade sighed. "You'll never get it, Dave. And even if you do I'm not telling you!" She smiled delicately and crossed her arms.


She rolled her eyes and ignored that one.

"Fine, fine." He paused and decided to take a chance. What's the harm? "Was it about me?"

She freezes.


He smirked and said, "It's cool, Harley. No judgments. Everyone wants a piece of the Strider sooner or later."

She stuttered, "I-I do not want a 'piece' of the Strider!" She was blushing harder than she had that entire day and she seemed a lot more nervous than she was a few seconds ago.

He chuckled. She looked cute when she was blushing. "Anyway, since I was in this dream of yours, I think it's only fair if you tell me what we did."

She looked baffled, clearly unprepared for the question. He didn't mind if she didn't want to answer it. He wouldn't want to make her uncomfortable, but it sure was fun to tease her like that. He was actually quite surprized when she answered him at all.

"We were at the beach."

His expression changed from a small smirk to interest. She was looking straight forward and seemingly trying to concentrate, probably on not blushing.

"It's the cliché thing, I needed some sun-screen on my back and you helped." she continued. He raised both eyebrows calmly as the rest of his face remained the same. "And..." Her face reddened, getting a small smile out of him. This must be the interesting part. She said her next sentence quickly while fiddling with her fingers. "Long story short you used this," she gestures to your hands, "And this," she gestures to your mouth, "And it was really nice, okay?"

She was getting a bit flustered, but she didn't seem uncomfortable. Just a little awkward. And could he blame her?

He puffed out his cheeks and exhaled, eyes wide. "That sounds like quite the dream, Harley."

She smiled awkwardly and nodded, still not looking at him. "It was."

He laughed quietly and decided to be bold. She obviously had a thing for him, or she wouldn't have had those dreams, right? At this point there's no denying that he returned the feelings unless someone asked him. They were both seventeen years old and not kids anymore. Maybe it was time they both owned up – or maybe he was delusional. But for now, he continued to have his fun, enjoying the moment.

He rested his left hand on her thigh and said, "Any other dreams like that, Jade?" She gasped lightly and looked at it. He tilted his head very slightly, almost not at all, and put his other hand behind her to keep himself supported.

"I- uh... maybe one or two." she stuttered, removing her eyes from his hand quickly.

"One or two, huh?" He moved it closer to the hem of her skirt - which is short thanks to the weather - moving the fabric up subtly. She nodded at his question. "So tell me... what happened in these 'dreams' of yours?"

She took a deep, almost shaky breath. "We were at Vriska's party." He smirked at that. Vriska's party hadn't even happened yet, and she was already coming up with fantasies? Maybe he would just have to make them come true, if she let him. He ignored his thoughts and let her continue. "We went upstairs to the bathroom and you kissed me. It was nice, until you shoved me against a wall and picked me up." She blushes. "It got... intense."

He leaned in closer and murmured, "How intense?" in her ear, hot breath on her neck while sliding her skirt higher. His hand was touching the delicate lace of her underwear and her breathing had gotten heavier.

"R-really intense." she said.

He kept wondering if he was taking things too far. Jade was his best friend, but they were in an empty house and it's not like he had never imagined or wanted it. Which he did. Badly. And from the looks of it, she did too.

He decided to go for it. Jade was putty in his hands at that point, so why not? She didn't seem to be having much fun yet, and he was going to change that. So he did; he moved his hand in between her thighs and gently rubbed against her underwear, getting a quiet and high-pitched moan from her. He could feel her getting wetter through the fabric already.

"Then what happened?" he asked in a breathy voice, watching her.

She glanced at him briefly. "Your pants were down and my dress was up." She rushed through her sentence, clearly almost unable to get through it. Almost being the key word. He rubbed a harder and a little faster, causing her breath to quicken. "Then you- nnng-" She was about to finish her sentence when he swiftly slipped his finger into her, past the unnecessary fabric which he really hated at that moment.

He slowly moved it in and out a few times as she spread her legs wider, leaning back slightly.

"I don't think the story was over, Jade." he said, slipping another digit in.

She was flustered again and panting lightly, but she managed to say, "Then it happened."

He laughed, usual smirk still plastered on his face. "We're not kids, Jade. You can-" He thrust his fingers in harder, getting a loud gasp and moan from her. "-say it."

The black-haired girl bit her lip, trying to regain a regular breathing pattern. "Then we did it!" she almost shouted. "Hard a-and fast!" She was acting oddly out of character, but he supposed it was normal under the circumstances.

He kind of... loved it. Not only was it amusing to see her whimper under his touch so easily, but he loved how into it she seems to be as well. He had done this kind of thing with Terezi, but with Jade it was different. He didn't just want it to be consensual, he actually wanted her to feel good, which to be honest was more than he could say for his past girlfriends. Not that they didn't matter to him, but they always just seemed like... placeholders. And he felt like one too.

He smirked once again and whispered, "There you go, Harley." in her ear, making her shiver. He pulled out slowly and leaned back on the couch.

She looked at him, breathlessly saying, "Why did you stop?"

He raised his eyebrows and laughed a little. "We have a science project to do."

She frowned for a moment, and then grabbed his hand, pulling him up from his sitting position. "Fuck science."

His eyebrows went up once again. "Never thought I'd hear you say that." he muttered, and then happily went where she took him. They ended up in his bedroom. Of course.

She closed the door behind her and pushed him onto his bed. He was still pretty awestruck that it was all actually happening, and her taking initiative and being the dominant one was just more of a bonus. He had always secretly been into that. He watched her as she climbed on top of him and kissed him fiercely, slipping her tongue passed his lips and battling his. She tasted like cherries, he noted.

Maybe that was her plan, he thought. He had never known her to be crafty or scheming, but with all that was going on she seemed to be getting what she wanted. That wasn't a complaint, of course. He was getting what he wanted too.


She was hungry for it, and probably wouldn't deny it if he asked. Of course, that would ruin the moment.

He sat up against the headboard as she straddled him, ripping her shirt off and discarding the useless fabric onto the floor in the process. The bra was in the way, but not for long. He noticed how nice it was, and it matched her underwear too. He remembered that she wasn't wearing her glasses either. One time he told her that she looked pretty without them (but he obviously loved her with them; they're like a part of her)... yeah, she definitely planned this. Either that, or she just likes to be prepared. Fair enough. You never know when you might end up fucking your best friend instead of gluing a bunch of atoms together or something.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and planted a long, soft kiss on his lips, unlike the previous ones that were rather rough and sexual. Not that he didn't enjoy them or anything, because he did, but they were pretty unexpected coming from the sweet little Jade he thought she was.

She pulled away a little and pressed her forehead to his, eyes closed, catching her breath. His were wide open behind his shades, mostly out of concern for her. Were they really about to do this? Doesn't it hurt for girls during their first time? Well, considering this even is her first time. She's seemingly experienced so far. Maybe she just wanted it that bad. The thought gives you a bit of an ego boost, as if you needed one.

Her eyes opened and he was pretty sure they had never been as bright as they were at that moment.

"You're beautiful." you say breathlessly. You don't even care how sappy or cheesy it makes you seem. It had to be said. Maybe in the heat of the moment you'll let yourself be a corny romantic for once. Just for her.

She smiled and looked down briefly, before her eyes flickered back to his. "Are you gonna take your pants off now?"

He laughed and kissed her again, pulling her closer, and in those few minutes with her in his bedroom, he completely forgot about science projects and weird brothers and sex puppet conventions, because none of that mattered. All that mattered was her.

ahh wow it got really corny at the end there

well i hope you liked it! i might continue this if you'd like me to? leave a review or a pm for me if you do! thanks friends!

- lily